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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. No matter what plane you get, you need to have a minimum of $10k in cash reserves for maintenance issues. Owners tend to postpone maintenance when they aren't flying. Don't spend all, save some, or save even more for upgrades to bring the plane up to your standards.
  2. Follow up questions: did STEC mention what format (3" hole or standard avionics stack)? did you talk to Avidyne about adding mooneys to DFC90 ? Did Aspen mention a new upgraded 1000 (better display) and they had a special expire 4/1, any new specials,rebates? did Garmin mention the future of the 88 now that they have all in one transponders? TIA
  3. If 12v, I think the R15300 Zeftronics is what you are looking for. BTW, where is the VR installed, service manual doesn't say, if I follow the wires correctly I think it's behind the firewall?
  4. There is a lot of it depends: how long is the trip? Assuming less than 2 hours flight time, only 1 is a no go, I can always turn around. Can also check radar and if current conditions match forecast, and have confidence in forecast. 5, depends on alternatives in area. i avoid turbulence (no flying in clouds except on the way up or down). So tops are crucial, no TS so isolated or scattered ok, no fronts, and I don't do icing, you mention ground temperatures, not air.
  5. In my case, it's free wheeling, the starter spins very fast, no prop movement, I bump-push the starter key and I can get it to engage, so far it's been on hot starts,
  6. Yea, it's the bendix, I gather the Skytech 149-NL is the cats meow for the 360 Lycoming.
  7. My starter is failing to engage, so I spray it with carb cleaner a couple of times and followed up with dry silicon spray. Seems better but just did it again...is this a starter that is failing or should I hit it some more?
  8. That I've found after fueling, I'm more careful of cleaning the water lying in the groove of the fuel cap.
  9. That should never happen if you drain your tanks religiously, have you ever found water? I just dump it and make sure the fuel stops when I release it.
  10. Mike Busch is an advocate for going past TBO...I would send him an email with your location asking for any references to IAs who don't care about TBO, but actually inspect the plane.
  11. Slight thread shift, is it safe to tied down outside during summer months? Do they get large hail, etc?
  12. Did you have any noticeable problems, any engine monitor indications? Consider just replacing the dead cylinders instead of a overhaul? I've got 1800+ hours on mine, so I might be in the same boat some day in the near future.
  13. I love the expression on the owl's face: "I can't believe I did that". i thought owls had excellent vision, including night vision?
  14. The problem isn't fitting into it, getting out may be awkward especially after a long flight when you're a little stiff. But there is a 95 year old guy in another thread that can do it, you should not have a problem.
  15. Busch talks about not overhauling engines simple based on time, anybody know what he says about props?
  16. Total flap area is 17.98 sq ft, in the full down position let's say they provide the equivalent to a 6 sq ft flat plate...compare that to the entire M20J has the equivalent flat plate area of 2.81. Food for thought for those who don't use full flaps.
  17. But induced drag is not usually as big as factor as parasitic drag, with the flaps in full down position, that seems like that would create a lot of drag.
  18. Because the extra speed gives a little more control? i think the flare is a little flatter, maybe a more comfortable sight picture?
  19. I thought 15 degree flaps add lift without much drag, and vice versa for full flaps? i drop to 2500 rpm for noise abatement...
  20. I use 2, but hard to get in south Florida without thunderstorms, occasionally we get mist,fog in the winter. Nothing beats the real thing.
  21. I'd get confused, the left wing too low looks like right wing too low...this would not be good for me.
  22. Does the actuator require any service at annual? Lube? What about flaps actuator?
  23. i use the EGT to lean on a climb, I know my plane, I know what the EGT at peak is, so on climb after I've settle in (after flaps retracted, landing light off, handoff to ATC if IFR) I use the absolute value of EGT to lean to 150 degrees ROP, gives me plenty of margin, but improves engine power and fuel consumption...this is how I lean for high altitude airports as well. Not sure how others handle high altitude takeoffs but my method seems to work well.
  24. This reinforces what Robert said, 2000 probably a good max, I would use 1000 if the plane is subject to pattern work.
  25. During combustion, it's like 3000, but as the gases expand, they cool rapidly, as the gases are expelled the probe is heated, when exhaust valve closes, heating stops, they cool....you are just getting and average of all these fluctuations. CHT doesn't fluctuate, the cylinder has thermal mass, so it's a real temperature. thats the short version...
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