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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. Maybe it's because you're out of fuel.
  2. Did you do a mag check while this was happening?
  3. A non-instrument rated pilot might want to use SVFR. You can also use SVFR for departures.
  4. Take a look at FAR 61.87. There is actually a long list of instruction that is required in addition to a presolo written test. Perhaps not everyone follows this but it is in the regs. Also, you can't legally make that first solo without an endorsement on your student pilot certificate. That endorsement is good for 90 days. So, once endorsed for that first solo a student pilot can legally go on other flights without express permission from their instructor.
  5. Have you looked at the airspace around KPAO? It is under KSFO Bravo and immediately adjacent to KSJC Charlie. There are about 8 towered airports within 15 nm. It is a very complicated operating environment. I understand why they need to make sure students are prepared before turning them loose.
  6. Exactly why I suggested bringing this up during transition training. I never suggested deviating from the POH, just that it would be a good opportunity for a discussion. The CFIs and DPEs that I've flown with have always seemed to appreciate questions that go beyond the rote memorization. I was thinking something along the lines of "The POH says X, which is how I plan to operate, but I've heard some other pilots say they do Y. Do you have any thoughts about that?"
  7. The OP said he is doing 5 hours of transition training with a CFI, some of which will result in a complex endorsement. So, rather than asking operational questions your advice is to blindly quote the POH until you can get the signature and then decide how to operate based upon the collective wisdom of the Internet? Is that what you would want your students doing?
  8. I'm pretty sure the split seats came in 1982.
  9. If you are drilling holes and mounting this on your aircraft I believe the FAA would call that a minor modification which would require an A&P sign off.
  10. Why does UPS have target radar and IFF?
  11. I once had a tower ask me, "Do you want to request anything special?"
  12. This came up on another thread with a claim that it was ok on older planes. The only provision I could find was for antique planes for exhibition purposes. I understand that the smaller numbers are fine until you repaint but could someone point to the reg that allows smaller numbers after repainting?
  13. Getting your complex endorsement isn't a checkride, it's a learning opportunity. You've read the POH and you know what it says. You are also aware that others use a different technique. Why not just ask your CFI about this? Asking the question shows you have a deeper understanding of engine management than just memorizing what's in the POH.
  14. The right side of your plane sure looks a lot nicer than the left side.
  15. Did any M20Js have generators?
  16. That's great! I had been wondering what became of this one.
  17. Did you buy it at auction. Or did someone else repair it after the prop strike?
  18. The type certificate lists a McCauley fixed pitch propeller as an option for the M20D. I think it was intended for the fixed gear configuration with an upgrade to the constant speed propeller when converting to retractable gear.
  19. You failed to mention that you sold your Mooney to buy the vette.
  20. It is much more soluble in acetone. If your main concern is removing all traces of the dichloromethane then rinsing with acetone would probably be effective. The problem with any solvent rinse is the volume of resulting waste. I hope you have a plan for disposing of whatever organic waste you generate.
  21. Methylene chloride is only partially soluble in water. I'm not sure a water rinse will be the most effective way to remove it.
  22. Why do you have a preference for MEK? Acetone and MEK are chemically very similar and should perform similarly as solvents.
  23. Are you sure you left? It sounds the same as here. Too bad you aren't in Ohio anymore. Just last weekend @steingar and I held the inaugural meeting of the Central Ohio Mooney Group.
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