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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. A dealer and a maintenance shop and they didn't know the registration was expired?
  2. Is it this one? http://m.ebay.com/itm/232047806378?_trkparms=pageci:8ba50366-6258-11e6-adfb-74dbd180c7e4|parentrq:8a9c44071560a2a316e3b909fff17071|iid:3&_mwBanner=1
  3. The folks in Tennessee are also selling the propeller off that Mooney. It has "slight nicks in the very tips of the blades." http://m.ebay.com/itm/Mccauley-prop-removed-from-IO-360-Mooney-m20J-/232049516889?hash=item36073aa159%3Ag%3AkUkAAOSw6n5Xseh2&_trkparms=pageci%3A4ad78133-631c-11e6-a8fa-005056a06bb4%7Cparentrq%3A8f9f1cc81560a6a5ed06ddaffff045e5%7Ciid%3A13
  4. Maybe I'm missing something about that Falcon jet. Is it for sale from the same people? The link I shared was for the plane that started this thread.
  5. Someone fixed this plane and is selling it on eBay. http://m.ebay.com/itm/232047806378?_trkparms=pageci:8ba50366-6258-11e6-adfb-74dbd180c7e4|parentrq:8a9c44071560a2a316e3b909fff17071|iid:3&_mwBanner=1
  6. I assume you mean the parts catalog rather than the type certificate. It don't recall seeing part numbers for gauges in the type certificate.
  7. When you fly this plane what pressure do you see from the mechanical pump? I can't imagine it's anywhere near the green arc on the gauge.
  8. Sounds like you have this gauge which is for a FI Mooney: Rather than this gauge which is what you should have for an M20C:
  9. Hank's numbers sound about right. The POH would be a good place to look for the normal range.
  10. I'd rather see someone plan a fuel stop if they can't put in enough fuel and keep it below gross.
  11. I'm not saying you shouldn't run a tank low and keep your reserves in the other tank. Splitting your reserves is a bad idea. With modern fuel flow measurement technology and good preflight planning I just don't see the value in actually letting one run completely dry.
  12. By knowing how much fuel I started with and monitoring my fuel burn with my engine monitor and fuel gauges. The M20J also has low fuel warning lights for each tank. I actually try to leave a few gallons in the tank in case I need to switch back to it in an emergency. I just flight plan with a little more reserve and then I never have to run one dry. If you aren't sure when you are down around a gallon left then how sure are you that you have 10 remaining in the other tank?
  13. How about switching tanks with ~1 gallon left? Then you would have 10 gallons in one tank and 1 gallon in the other. How much would that impact your range?
  14. The POH for my M20D said the same thing. I'm pretty sure it was the same for the M20E so I don't think carb vs fuel injection had anything to do with it. As I recall the POH also told me that the normal operating range for CHT was 300-450 deg F. Your mileage may vary. It is interesting that the POHs for newer Mooneys don't contain a recommendation to run a tank dry. In the POH for my M20J the in-flight engine restart procedure is in the Emergency Procedures section. One strategy I use as part of my risk evaluation is to ask myself what it would feel like to have to explain what I was doing to an FAA inspector following an incident. I don't think I would want to explain why I intentionally put my plane in a fuel starvation scenario while planning to rely on an emergency procedure for the safe conclusion of my flight. Each of us should do what we are comfortable with based upon our own risk assessments and POH guidance. If the OP isn't comfortable with running a tank dry in flight then he shouldn't do it.
  15. Running your plane on the ground at low power for 15 minutes (half of which is taxiing back to your hangar) is hardly going to be detrimental to your engine. Do what you are comfortable with in your plane but I don't personally feel like it's a good idea to encourage another pilot to take a risk that makes them uncomfortable. Especially when there are other options available.
  16. If you just want to run it dry for capacity measurements you could run in very low in the air and then finish it off on the ground. That way you could avoid the stress related to doing it in the air.
  17. The direction of the polarization will make a difference. If the lenses are polarized in the same plane as the display then it won't be noticeable. If the polarization of the lenses and display are perpendicular then the screen will turn black. Next time you have your polarized lenses and an LCD screen look through one of the lenses at the the screen and then rotate the lense. The effect should be easy to see.
  18. I've been following most of your threads and I don't recall seeing anyone beating you up for asking questions. I saw several people trying to look out for you when they thought you might be skipping a PPI. I inquired on this thread because I was paying close enough attention to know you were opening panels on a G and then suddenly you were asking questions about J engines and props. I've been reading your posts for over a year and I was curious what direction your search was headed. Nobody is going to try to keep you here but this is the Internet and people are going to comment on your posts.
  19. Fair enough. And I'm sure your good looks will serve you well.
  20. I thought you were pulling inspection panels on M20G's and asking about PC systems. Have you changed your search to include M20J's?
  21. http://m.ebay.com/itm/311669834612 $575 for a pair. Not new but they look like they're in better condition than yours and a lot cheaper than new.
  22. I think I saw a couple on eBay recently. You might also want to check with Alan.
  23. My 1963 M20D also did not have a hat rack.
  24. What is "tach total flight time"?
  25. At what temperature and pressure? Immediately after combustion the exhaust gases will be at a high temperature and pressure inside a closed vessel. Once the exhaust valve opens the gases will expand due to unrestricted space and relatively lower air pressure in the exhaust system. The expansion will cause cooling as will removal from the hot engine environment.
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