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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. If Dawn is causing a problem with aluminum I would guess it's the presence of the sodium salts rather than the absolute pH. The protective layer of aluminum oxide on the surface is likely being converted to sodium aluminate and leaving unprotected aluminum metal exposed.
  2. That's the pH for the concentrated soap. pH is concentration dependent. It is also a logarithmic scale so pH 9 is about 10 times more alkaline than pH 8 and 1,000 times less alkaline than pH 12.
  3. Dawn dish soap has a pH around 7-8 which is only slightly basic.
  4. Based on those maps I'm guessing smuggler.
  5. I assume this is the same plane: If it hit a snowbank hard enough to bend internal steering components I could imagine it had a prop strike as well.
  6. It still has the shimmy damper on the nose gear. You don't see many of those anymore.
  7. Not sure if you were also asking about the type designator. For all normally aspirated Mooneys* it is "M20P". *edit: except Mites and Cadets
  8. The software you need is available on the Insight Tech Support page: http://www.insightavionics.com/support.htm About 3/4 of the way down the page on the far left is a section labeled "Old GEM Series." There is a link to download a ZIP file that contains the GEMCOM.EXE file.
  9. I've done 700+ nm in my J several times without a fuel stop. Usually my passengers want a break.
  10. My guess was so close. Which language is yours? You are based in the UK now, right?
  11. I landed with the gear up once because I had to. I can tell you that once you get low and slow it doesn't feel much different without the gear. And that loud gear horn just becomes background noise pretty quickly.
  12. Well, in England "FC" means Football Club so I'm guessing that Bump is the newest team in the Premiere League. I thought the cards were yellow, red, and black so I have no idea what the blue and green are about.
  13. I assume you are referring to a specific case. Was this your own engine problems? I seem to recall you had an issue with a new engine but I don't remember the details Do you feel that humidity and/or inactivity played a major role over such a short timeframe?
  14. Have you been to the Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH? It's a fantastic collection and admission is free. Their brand new fourth building opens in a couple weeks.
  15. The U.S. was working on it too. http://naca.central.cranfield.ac.uk/reports/1945/naca-wr-e-199.pdf
  16. My KLN-89B was approach certified. Is it your installation that didn't get certified?
  17. The Sky-Tec STS-A12 looks like it would work but I don't see the M20C on the PMA eligibility list.
  18. I think this is how @Marauder plans to beat @201er in the F vs J race.
  19. I was able to find a policy without aviation exclusion through a local agent. YMMV. AOPA offers a term life plan for pilots. Just go to the insurance link on their homepage.
  20. That's correct. The third (smallest) pin energizes the relay. In practice the plug that you insert usually has the the the two positive sockets connected inside the adaptor. When power is supplied it energizes the relay and charges the battery. If you remove power but leave the plug connected it allows power from the battery to flow back through the plug and keep the relay energized.
  21. If ATC doesn't respond after three attempts, your radio volume might be turned down.
  22. When the other pilots on the ramp are waving at you with both arms you might be taxiing with your towbar still attached.
  23. The relay on my M20J does the same thing. It's related to the jumper cable connector. The main power and relay power are connected inside the external plug. Once the relay is activated, power from the battery will keep it active by feeding power back through the external plug.
  24. I had exactly the same problem. Dawley Aviation repaired mine quickly and affordably. http://www.dawleyaviation.com
  25. Maybe it's because you're out of fuel.
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