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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. For the same reason there are IT help desks. It is easy to ask someone that it is to read the manual. Hence the phrase RTFM.
  2. Oh and the $2.00 oil bottle shut off valves with a tube will keep you from spilling when adding oil. Well mostly. cutting the tube down 2/3s will help some
  3. car wise the internet forums are almost better than a manual. So when the power steering cooler starts leaking in a Ford truck, do you replace the $200.00 integrated unit that also has the A/C cooler? Or do you get the idea to buy a $40.00 external one from amazon and hang it in front of the old one? Which of course means you don't have to crack open the A/C.
  4. There is always one screw.... Moved on to the 1974 brake line with a bit of chafing that needed replacement.. Hopefully get to it tomorrow.
  5. Because while it can tell you that there is a roll pin the handle that reclines the rear seat, it does not tell you how to remove it. I almost wonder if they did not put the interior in and then put the exterior skin.
  6. It looks like your screws and clips are still on the hinge.... Which would mean you have a little sheet aluminum work to do. been through any grassy fields?
  7. Yep. Wanting to help out for the when my time comes. mechanical things like to go south. This is not covered in my manuals..... guess that means our "mechanics" can not work on them :-)
  8. I wrote the first description poorly with wrong terminology. My bad. Starting an annual next week so I will have everything open. Things you don't think of when lying upside down across the seats. I should probably do a continuity check across the left and right sides of the switch. If I was troubleshooting the switch would already have been pulled out and tested. I can also put together a webex if need be.
  9. First picture is from copilots side. Second is from pilots side. Let's label the TERMINALS on the switch 123. with 1 being the most forward. flap Up Position terminal 1 - 12V both sides contiious flap TO Only sees momentary voltage on terminal 2 never continuous flap Down Position terminal 3 12V both sides continuous
  10. For lower cowl installation on a F, used a bottle jack with 2x6 with a hole the size of the top of the jack drilled in it. Put some cushioning on it. then just jack up to position.
  11. Sound like the upper limit is being hit which would be a loose wire or a short
  12. is the epoxy stiff or flexible. If stiff you can roll the leather and it should pop loose. On most glue/errant Paint I have found that fingernails and rubbing with fingers and thumbs works. A little leather balm and you should be good.
  13. Same model year. Same quadrant. Yes the switch is connected to the lever in the throttle quadrant with a rod and pins. I looked up the switch number on digikey and got no hits. Maybe mcmaster car would be the next place to look. Maybe the switch connects left to right side letting current flow. Which would make it not a double pole.
  14. This should get the EE heads spinning. Let's label the positions 123. It is a double pole three position on switch. Basically I think it reverses the voltages to the relays hence the crossing part of the diagram. Up Position 1.12V both sides TO Only sees momentary voltage never continuous Down Position 3 12V both sides continuous View from copilots side View from pilots
  15. The lever on the quadrant is connected to a switch via rods and cotter pins that you can see from the when rolling around on the copilot floor. That is when I saw it last
  16. I am back in the same town with the plane. Hopefully tomorrow I can get over to the hanger and get you a real life diagram of the flap switch and how it works
  17. The type data sheet says a 4 ply nose and 6 ply nose both weigh 7 lbs
  18. Tires is one of the things listed in the Type Data Sheet 6.00-6 Type III 6 ply in the mains 5.00-5 Type III 4 ply in the nose http://www.67m20e.com/Mooney TCDS 2A3 Rev 52 dtd 9DEC10.pdf Looks like an F model uses a 6 ply in the nose.
  19. This was the same thing you used to do to fix IBM Mainframes. The tech would come in and reseat all the cards. Usually fixed it. In a less gracious manner I put myself through college doing two way radio work during the summer. For some radios that were in mixer trucks they would get coated with cement dust and it was a high humidity environment (inside the cab, no air conditioning). The edge connectors would lose contact. A wack with a hard hat would reestablish the board edge connectors. Re seating cards is pretty much SOP for lots of things.
  20. Another way would be to put it into fault condition then use test lead to complete the circuit with a test lead or wire across the limit switchs. When it moves you found the offending limit switch. It would be possible the switch attached to the flap lever could be going bad. Check that first. Probably 12v to the center.
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