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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. me too. They seem to be from the flared fitting. If it was from the threaded into the cylinder part of the elbow, I would probably try permetex #2
  2. do you want to suck dirt through your vacuum lines?
  3. Since it worked fine with the electric pump, I vote something in the mechanical pump is gone south.
  4. Are we sure they are just not an 010 oring?
  5. I have thought about it, but not done it. I would probably use a newer blinker module from a car as there are alternating circuits that blink. If you notice new cars the sides blink opposite the tail lights. Would need a SPDT switch to do all on or have the blinker in the circuit down stream of the on off breaker switch.
  6. Did they clean the screen on the fuel servo?
  7. Wheels are listed in the type data sheet. http://www.67m20e.com/Mooney%20TCDS%202A3%20Rev%2052%20dtd%209DEC10.pdf%C2'> The outer race against the nut holds the wheel tight.... snap ring just hold the seal in. I don't like the smell either.
  8. if you are android based. droidefb has a w&B app. When renting it is nice because you can load lots of planes in it. at the fuel pump you can play how much fuel should I load or unload. You could add that to your excel sheet.
  9. most of the wheel chairs use motors like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/221491958887?ul_noapp=true&chn=ps&lpid=82 I have a couple of these. The come in right and left models.
  10. A couple things I found in his image UK keyboard was used so pipe and other characters you may need are not mapped His code is in Go really not sure why because you could just unix script everything. last time I used unix was 1990. I kind of remember DOS unix is starting to come back. I reloaded an image from scratch. Need to start learning how to bring the other stuff in. This may help you start going. http://dovesnestfarm.com/wordpress/diy-ads-b-reciever/ have not added this site http://sonicgoose.com/blog/
  11. PHT does not have the data for the inside the cabin hoses or so they said at the beginning of the year. $1100 for all the hoses with the fancy brown silicone (like $100 more) which I have been told are good for life of the plane. Father Yetti had the mandrels... but I saved money in buying band aids. Easier to drop the exhaust and with the mags off.
  12. Interesting.... Where? along the cabin or the tail?
  13. So when I pulled the GE PAR 46 it was mounted upside down and a fair amount of screws in the front bezel were not installed. Being a good person all the screws where replaced. For the PAR46 LED it seems to be aimed a bit high. There are screws on the back side that don't seem to do much. Do you mount the ;ight upside down to change the aim, or the screws on the back supposed to aim housing?
  14. depends on what you are talking about the tube structure got epoxy some time between the 60s and 1975
  15. Would it be that hard to get 4 cones and swing the compass
  16. Solo in a plane that is not yours, then pick it up from there
  17. I like to refer to them as skipped landings.... I always wonder if I get to count them twice in the log book.
  18. Several more good reads http://www.secure4host.net/upload/files/LycomingValveBillScottDiscussion2013-08.pdf Starting at page 55 http://www.joespiper.com/Lycoming.pdf
  19. Noticing the Meguiars products have quite a line with some more cutting and some more polishing. Click on the professional products and compounds and cleaners. Surprisingly fast to get a pretty good shine. http://www.meguiars.com/en/professional/products/ First time user but pretty pleased with the results.
  20. I used a wool pad. Move fast with light overlapping strokes. Plan your moves. Don't wack the trailing edges on a bad angle. it will bend stuff.
  21. It would seem that if you want more than 400 hours out of your Lycomig (based on SB 388) http://www.caa.si/fileadmin/user_upload/pageuploads/AD-NOTE/AD-2006/093_sb_SB388C.pdf%C2'> people will need to ream their valve guides out.
  22. Hmmm I did now. How does that design work? The pretty darn famous criminal defense attorney next door has the big one wheel engine driven tow for his C206. I am going for the Robotow design to make it kind of portable. YettiTow is the working name
  23. Someone gave me a nose dragger with a broken engine. $90 engine from Harbor Freight and it works good. There is about a 2% grade going uphill to the hanger. Now I am wondering since the wife is away at a class this weekend the plane is in the other town. What could I make with these things? And I would get to use the knurling tool on the lathe
  24. Very nice
  25. Seems that we need to be running more zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) http://www.motorweek.org/features/goss_garage/too_much_zinc_in_your_oil And then blackstone did some tests http://www.blackstone-labs.com/Newsletters/Gas-Diesel/November-1-2010.php So maybe it is lack of lubrication around the valve guide. Can the Mooney TLS kit be fit to other engines?
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