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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. That's the nice thing about the M20C's carbureted engine. The fuel injected IO-360 A1A on the M20E is a very different animal, though.
  2. +1. Great advice.
  3. I think it's a great idea, if nothing else it will archive the data for years to come. And I look forward to reading comments from modern Mooney owners telling Mite pilots that they've been flying their airplanes wrong all these years. (Sorry that I couldn't stop myself from the snarky comment.)
  4. I'd get a loaded and perfect M20C for $55K, with manual gear, since you said "very rarely" for the 3rd passenger. 3 people in a C is very do-able for 2-3 hours. This, to me, is the best combination of efficiency ($$$), but you can't go wrong with a good E or F, you'll just pay more for a little more speed. On a 2 hour flight, the C will be less than 10 minutes slower than the E, and about 5 minutes slower than the F, for a lot less money to acquire and maintain.
  5. You're a lucky man! Mine works in the industry and is still a little reluctant to go flying with me.
  6. David- if your phone number hasn't changed in the past few years, I'll text you with details when I get more information in the next few days. I think they'll be glad to just give it away, with or without cylinders attached.
  7. I think I'm still waiting for my best landing...
  8. I might know of one, David. It may have O-320 cylinders attached, but IIRC the case is the same. I will need a few days to get back to you- the owners were thinking about just throwing it away!
  9. Also, per Service Bulletin (M20-188, I believe), -53S is the one just like Clarence said. Don't we go through this exact same discussion every couple of years, in between WD-40 discussions?
  10. Piper Aztec with de-ice boots. About $100k for a VERY nice one, comparable speeds to a 201, if you want more speed get a Turbo. All Pipers of that vintage came from the factory practically dipped in zinc chromate. If you want a back door, get a B58 Baron with boots.
  11. Brice- a couple years ago, someone posted here about a similar problem as yours. The ELT antenna was setting up a weird harmonic that was throwing off the GPS reception- even without the ELT transmitting. A notch filter fixed his problem.
  12. The best way to fly into LaGuardia is to Uber from White Plains (KHPN).
  13. Cliffy's an A&P/IA, so whenever he gets around to it, really!
  14. So he may actuallly be talking about the top of his airplane, from our perspective. Now I'm getting confused...
  15. I would love to know where you're getting your numbers from. I learned to fly in the late '80s at a Cessna Pilot Center using C-152s. Cost was closer to $4,000. Bought a modest car brand new 2 years later for about $10,500. A comparable car today would be about $20,000. PPL today I've seen is closer to $8,000. All of that seems to jibe with inflation. Becoming a pilot was always expensive. What it takes is a commitment to aviation and putting some other things on the back burner- which nobody seems to want to do anymore. They want everything faster, better, easier, and cheaper. You're probably too young to remember how folks made popcorn in the past: 1.) put a small layer of oil in a pan, then put it on the stove 2.)heat the oil, when it starts to get hot put in one kernel. Wait. 3.)when that one kernel pops, add the rest of the popcorn 4.) keep moving the pan around on the heat so the popcorn doesn't burn. After about 10 minutes (not including clean up), you had popcorn. Today? Throw a bag in the microwave and push the button that says "Popcorn". You should tell your cadets to work hard, allocate all their free money and time to aviation, and in the end it will be worth the struggle. And I'll bet that the things you value most in your life weren't easy, but difficult. Tell your cadets that, too. Respectfully, A former CAP cadet
  16. Rob- I looked on your website but couldn't find it, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough or I was in the wrong place. Could you provide a link to it? Price seems very reasonable, BTW. I wish I'd known about it 6 months ago when I started planning my new interior.
  17. Mackinac Island. Nice airport (KMCD), horse drawn carriage into town. No cars on the island. Absolutely beautiful in September/October. https://www.grandhotel.com/
  18. I'm glad to hear the United States doesn't have a monopoly on ignorance and gullibility, although we do seem to have at least our fair share right now.
  19. I can't find the words to say how sorry I am for your loss.
  20. If you all keep talking about those ugly shoes I may have to dig out the picture of José's ugly foot to put in them.
  21. -Good paint to seal out moisture and contaminants -CorrosionX or ACF-50 on bare aluminum interior structure -prayer (oftentimes intergranular corrosion is begun with the extrusion process itself, or over stress like Yetti said, above.)
  22. I had to listen to it twice- she actually says capacitator instead of capacitor. She can't even be stupid correctly.
  23. Run, don't walk, from this airplane. Unfortunately, this is one of the classic spots where you'll find corrosion that completely disqualifies a Mooney from having a long life.
  24. Don's wife Jan has a presence here and will occasionally post, usually in conjunction with an event like Mooney Ambassadors or the MAPA homecoming. But yes, they are much more visible on MAPA.
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