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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. Haven't we been through this before?
  2. And check that your new eyeballs aren't too tight. They should be able to rotate easily in their sockets. The factory used a bunch of small #6 washers as shims between the metal socket pieces to allow the plastic ball halves to move.
  3. IIRC, Mouse Milk is required to be applied to slip joints of PowerFlow exhaust systems. Hopefully an owner can chime in here.
  4. Seems like a lot of work. Most people just wait for Chris to fix it for them.
  5. I’m in the same position as you- I don’t own either unit yet. A year or two ago there were a number of GTN issues with squelch, connectivity, and software updates talking to other products. They were all resolved. The Avidyne issues in the past have also been resolved. I’m betting these WiFi/BT issues will also get resolved. Garmin certainly offers a whole suite of products. For me- who will never progress beyond dual G5’s and a navigator (GPS)- I’m leaning toward the Avidyne IFD-440 as the better option for me.
  6. Before you jump to that conclusion, make sure you read all the problems that folks here have had with the GTN series from Garmin. But most people do what they want in the end.
  7. This has not been my experience in the slightest. Jim, you may need to get yourself to a different airline. IIRC, you recently changed. Hopefully the new one is better run? Or was it just one individual?
  8. I met one of these gentlemen at OSH 2017. We talked about Mooney installations and I tried to share what I knew as a Mooney owner, A&P, and IA. He was very pleasant in person, but somewhat dismissive via email later on. Its a shame, really. Between the TruTrak and the Trio I always thought the Trio was the better option, and the control head is far better than the TruTrak.
  9. +1 Short of repainting an entire panel on the airplane, this is the only method I've ever seen that works decently well. And it isn't perfect- after multiple daubs of paint, it can be wet sanded to look good from about 5 feet away, but still not perfect.
  10. It’s a circuit breaker switch, I think a 10 amp. The glide slope and marker beacon are (I think) 5 amp. They are marked on the end very small. Try changing to an LED landing light. If it still trips, you have a short.
  11. For someone so willing to post a video, you'd think he'd spend more time trying to actually land on the centerline.
  12. It wasn't just this one video, it was his entire body of work as an attention-seeker. Reminds me too much of people like the Kardashians/Jenners. But since I've offended, I'll delete my hurtful words.
  13. It's not. Nobody really cares unless there is something else going on with the plane or pilot. But what else do we have to talk about on a Thursday evening?
  14. That .08" measurement is the allowable vertical play per the service manual (for hinge play). If that was the linkage slop, every Mooney in the world- to include brand new ones from the factory- would be unairworthy. Your A&P should read the page more closely- there isn't a published number for linkage play. As with most airplane types, it's up to the individual A&P and what they think is appropriate (or not).
  15. Mine has a hole in the aluminum tube, just inside the cowling, above the cowl flap.
  16. I agree, that is better- is there any approval basis for this modification? It isn't included in the AD or SB M20-205B.
  17. Oops- sorry Ross- I must've meant that one- https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/mil6000.php
  18. What did he say? I was a MAPA member in the 1990s and again since 2011. I have never been able to crack the code on their antiquated mailing list.
  19. I used this: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/aq306.php
  20. I'm hopeful you have information or documentation to prove this, because it just doesn't seem correct to me. I don't think any of our engines, even on the M20TN, have enough horsepower to "breakaway" both wing tie downs. And if you're only talking about one tiedown, I'm hoping the pilot is smart enough to realize he's going around in circles as he realizes he forgot to untie one wing.
  21. I watched about half of it, it didn't really seem inappropriate for a new owner with an instrument rating transitioning into his new airplane. I didn't particularly like the comment, "we're still making voltage, I'll keep an eye on it." Like Jim, I didn't particularly like seeing them climb out at Vy or teaching the old wives tale of "oversquare", but those are techniques that the new owner will have to work out on his own, maybe by coming to MooneySpace. What did you see that you considered cringe worthy or egregious?
  22. Evidently these are the perils of flying behind 1940's technology in the modern, digital age...
  23. I'm currently on my 3rd large Jeppesen logbook. Most guys I fly with don't even keep a logbook anymore, the only reason I do is for my Mooney insurance renewal questionnaires (and I'm old school, and like you, it's like my "flight diary".) Never say never to an airline career. No where else will you have the quality of life, salary, and days off that you'll see at the airlines. And contrary to what Kevin said, above, King Air time IS turbine time, at least where it counts- at an interview for your next job. At the interview, you will have to differentiate between turbojet and turboprop time.
  24. These are photos that I took from the book Those Remarkable Mooneys for an idea about the colors.
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