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Hello MooneySpace-

I flew up to Martha's Vineyard to stay the weekend with a buddy who has a place here, and found out about the Presidential TFR. We landed about 1 PM and the TFR goes into effect at 3:00 PM for about a week. To arrive you have to land at a Gateway airport, get inspected, and the you're cleared to fly MVY.

I'm leaving Monday morning - evidently they are going to tow my airplane to the staging area where they search me and the bags, and then give me the okay. I'm supposed to call 24 hours in advance (the FBO gave me the phone number to call). Has anyone gone through this process before? How long do you think it will take? I want to depart at 10:00 AM. I was originally planning to arrive at 9:15, should I plan for 8:15? 8:00?




I just know they are going to search my plane prior to me starting the engine and taking off. Who has been searched for a Presidential or VIP TFR before?

Just curious what to expect.



Yeah - once in the air it's like being inside the SFRA - positive radio contact at all times for 30 miles - ill be going IFR so that portion will be transparent


The Constitution is not being protected by those in power just the opposite they are trampling on it. The protections in it are being eroded away at every turn. The idea that it is a "living" document subject to "modern" interpetations is crazy. It means what is meant from the beginning. The changes, the hair splitting, the manipulations should be put to a vote through the amendment process. To have a few "men in black" redefine the word is over and over again is unacceptable. Define "shall not be infringed"


I just know they are going to search my plane prior to me starting the engine and taking off. Who has been searched for a Presidential or VIP TFR before?

Just curious what to expect.



I have been extensively searched by border patrol when crossing from Canada back to USA at Massena.  It was pretty annoying.


What could you possibly have in your bag on your own plane that is a threat to the president on the ground? They'll let you fly but they'll search your bag? What kind of morons run this thing?

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They want to make sure that when I depart the Island I don't have explosives on my airplane where I can simply turn, find his compound, and plow in. I actually understand the precaution since he's here - it's kind of like the SFRA but moved to his location (and maybe this is what they should do with DCA).

Hopefully it won't be as bad of an inspection as your Erik.



To follow up, with DCA, you have to land at a gateway airport to arrive and lock in an arrival slot. However, you also have to have on board a TSA officer for the leg into DCA.

If that could be eliminated and jt was just an inspection, then I'd be more okay with the extra precautions - being vetted and inspected for DCA and being vetted for the other DC3.

If anyone else has been searched for a TFR, in order to arrive at a gateway or depart, please do share your story.


They want to make sure that when I depart the Island I don't have explosives on my airplane where I can simply turn, find his compound, and plow in. I actually understand the precaution since he's here - it's kind of like the SFRA but moved to his location (and maybe this is what they should do with DCA).

Hopefully it won't be as bad of an inspection as your Erik.


I doubt a 4 seat GA airplane full of em or not would make any difference... Even stacked to the ceiling... not talking about "in your bag." Just another example of the govt wasting everyone's time and money for only a false sense of security.

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I doubt a 4 seat GA airplane full of em or not would make any difference... Even stacked to the ceiling... not talking about "in your bag." Just another example of the govt wasting everyone's time and money for only a false sense of security.


Not to fuel the fire, but there are nasty things besides standard explosives - nuclear or biological.  


When I cross the border from Canada, they definitely are looking for nuclear since they use a geiger counter, but then mostly it seems a drug search since dogs are also used.


To follow up, with DCA, you have to land at a gateway airport to arrive and lock in an arrival slot. However, you also have to have on board a TSA officer for the leg into DCA.

If that could be eliminated and jt was just an inspection, then I'd be more okay with the extra precautions - being vetted and inspected for DCA and being vetted for the other DC3.

If anyone else has been searched for a TFR, in order to arrive at a gateway or depart, please do share your story.


I would love to hear your experience in the end vetting for the DC3...as I have said, I have colleagues at U of MD I have visited, and also it is very close to my family.  Plus best price fuel in the area!



Spend the time and get vetted. The drive between locations is the hard part. I started by getting the paperwork signed at the Baltimore FSDO. Once that starts, there's a clock that starts ticking (something like 60 days). A few days later, I went at 7:00 or 7:30 AM - whenever they opened to get my fingerprints completed at DCA - they even stamped my parking so parking in the deck was complimentary. Last I dropped off the paperwork at CGS. I neglected to call the number to officially have them send in my fingerprints. When I checked about six weeks later, I found out that the process was being held up because of that. I called into the special number, officially had them submit the prints from six weeks prior, and boom - two weeks later I have my super secret probation code. Haven't had a chance to use it yet but will soon!


Not to fuel the fire, but there are nasty things besides standard explosives - nuclear or biological.  


When I cross the border from Canada, they definitely are looking for nuclear since they use a geiger counter, but then mostly it seems a drug search since dogs are also used.


When I come back from Ontario, I've always cleared US Customs in Dayton, OH. Never had an issue with them - the CBP officers there have always been very polite, professional and laid back. They use a geiger counter, but so far they've never used dogs and never checked baggage. One time, I had to ask if they wanted to see our passports. :)




I called in and scheduled my departure for tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM. The person on the phone asked for my information, tail number. aircraft type, animals on boards, passengers on board, etc. From what they said on the phone, all my passengers need to do is have a Government photo ID. I asked what aircraft documents will be needed, and she said they were just going to check us. So, I'll report what happens but my guess is they are going to check IDs, size us up, maybe check a bad or two, ask to look in/around the plane with sniffing dogs, and then let us depart.

I'll summarize after I go through the process. Evidently a few years ago a similar vacation occurred and though AV Fuel sales plummeted, the governed gave a substantial check to the airport for loss of business (PM me I'll tell you the amount). Despite that probably coming this season, from the lack of fuel sales over the next week, the airport manager is likely going to have to layoff one or two people.

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It was an easy experience.  Mondy morning is rush for them, so I called in 24 hours in advance to the number the FBO gave me.  This was the TSA line and they schedule my departure for 10:00 AM.  I was given a confrimation code that I was told to have ready.  Also I was told to have a photo ID for me and any passengers.  They asked if I had any animals on board and I specifically asked if that included my fiance, which gave them a laugh, and then said, no, she's a passenger.


I arrived at the airport about 9:00 AM.  The TSA had set up a temprary screening area.  I entered, filled out some paperwork, and then headed out for the screening.  Two TSA agents looked through our bags and wanded the two of us.  We were then cleared to head to the airplane.  I at that point realized I had not yet checked in with the FBO and hadn't paid my fuel.  I asked if I could head back into the FBO to settle up and also to use the restrooms, and the TSA agent realized this must have been overlooked, and said of course.  I ran in, paid the fuel, we both used the restrooms, and then headed on a golf cart out to the plane with the lead TSA agent for us (there were three there so they can handle three aircraft at once).


I got to the plane, opened both the baggage door and my door.  The TSA agent did not examine the aircraft (though I'm sure he looked it over, but asked me to inspect it and look inside to see if it had been tampered with or if anything looked out of place.  I chcked, and it was as I left it, so I said it was good to go.  He made the phone call, and I was authorized to take off.  I then loaded the plane, performed my pre-flight check, contacted ground/clearance for my routing, and was on my way.  It added maybe 10-15 mintues to the trip.  All in all, a good experience.


Frankly, if the TSA basically moves the SFRA and causes gate entry airports when the President flies to other locations (30 mile ring in contact with ATC), why can't we have these same proceedures be in effect to get into DCA?  Extend the Vetting process a step further.  and make it so that if you are traveling to DCA, you have to land at a gateway airport (as you do now) but you don't need an officer on board (as you do now).  When you go to leave, you have to be searched just as we were.  To fly into DCA is great, and I realize there is more there to damage than MVY, but if it's a similar process, it should convince the pulbic that we are safe to fly, and fly into DCA.


If more than three planes were ready to go, there may have been a delay, but it was really a non issue for the trip. 


The big things to remember are to 1.  Call in advance and get your departure slot/confirmation number.  2.  Get there in advance if you have a timing issue.


PM me or write here and I'll give even more detailed information and can answer any questions - really a fine experience.




They asked if I had any animals on board and I specifically asked if that included my fiance, which gave them a laugh, and then said, no, she's a passenger.

Guess the joke was on them when you walked in with your fiance on a leash :lol:


I just know they are going to search my plane prior to me starting the engine and taking off. Who has been searched for a Presidential or VIP TFR before?

Just curious what to expect.






I had a hangar at KGED and whenever Joe Bo-Bo came to Rehoboth, they searched our hangars and the TFR's remained in effect for his entire stay.



On an unrelated note, our Commander and Chief needs to either work on his putting stroke or take up golf right handed. :):)



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