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Worst Landing Stories


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I want to hear about your worst landing stories to learn more about what the gear can (or cannot) take. I remember once landing wayyyyy too sideways in a cross wind and feeling as though the nose wheel was going to just shear off but it was fine. That's a relief and I always strive to do better.

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Last year I flew into I19, Green County Ohio, in the early morning. Just as I past the fence and my main wheels touched down, I saw 2 deer running toward the runway in front of me. I overbraked and my right foot must weight more than my left. I slid down the runway sideways as I watched the deer come closer and closer. I am very grateful that I did not make any venison sausage that day. The flat spotted main tires were a good sacrifice!

Maybe you want to rename this thread "Worst Sideways landings"??

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Several years ago my wife and I were arriving at KGKT after the FBO had closed...not yet dark, but definitely dusk. We announced to all Sevierville traffic who we were, where we were, what our intentions were and asked which runway was active. No response. I made this call three times on the way in, entered the pattern on a diagonal, called the downwind, base and final legs. As I approached the numbers, a helicopter lifted off the grass and positioned itself over the runway near the approach end. I was about 50' above the surface when the rotor wash lifted us up and to the left. I regained control of the plane (sort of) and crossed over the runway to the right, receiving another violent lift and turn from the rotor wash. I was able to regain control and go around on the upwind leg as my wife asked what the h***I that helicopter was doing. I was wondering the same thing. When I turned crosswind, a voice with a foreign accent came on the unicom and said "Sorry, I was on the wrong frequency." The helicopter pilot wisely did not land his aircraft as we landed without incident, because my normally sweet, demure wife was eying the towbar as a means of educating the helicopter pilot and stating that she was willing to spend a night in jail if she could just meet with the man for a few minutes. He flew around the airport a few times, then left before we picked up our rental car. I was unable to get his N number.

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The landing that gave me the sickest feeling in my stomach happened 4 months after I got my J. I was doing an Angel Flight with a nice elderly gentleman in the passenger seat. A quick hop down to Macon from Atlanta, but I was still pretty new the plane and a bit nervous. The flight was fine, but on landing I really can't tell you exactly what happened. I think I was trying to hold it off, the nose got to high, and maybe a bit of a tailwind kicked in at the wrong moment. All I remember is that the nose dropped out of the sky and PLUNKED onto the pavement so hard I was sure I had bent metal somewhere. Luckily I didn't porpoise and I didn't even think about a go around. Once we taxied in and I sent my thankful passenger on his way (he sent me a thank you note later...maybe thankful he was still alive!) I did a thorough exam of all the nose gear parts and nothing looked out of place, so I flew it home. It has since passed three annual inspections so I know I didn't do any harm, but that one still rings out as my worst landing in the J.

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My worst landing was a long time ago , I was practicing landings , and was set up for an easy landing , just as I was ready to flare , I hit with a huge gust and almost drug a wingtip.......I was very rattled , and proceded to do a go around , as I started my flare , it was perfect , I mean just perfect.....but for some reason the flare took what seemed forever..... Then it happened , I heard a horrible noise , and a sinking feeling , I went into auto mode , pulled back and firewalled the throttle , the plane started climbing out , and I thought maybe nothing happened.... No vibration , prop worked ok .....Came around and did an uneventful landing , taxied out to the ramp , and pulled the mixture......as the prop stopped the tips were both bent back about 1 inch each.....I was very lucky ...... The problem was I got rattled and fell from the checklist....

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Newly minted pilot. Joined a flying club. Landing a Censsna 172 at "home airport" with wife and two kids. Flared to high dropped it in from...lets just say an impressive elevation...three point landing. A Com radio let out the loudest noise through the overhead speaker and headsets...continuous blare...so I shut off the radio's. I believe it was the gear screaming in pain and yelling at me to get my $#@% together! Thankfully, I did. :angry:

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Newly minted pilot. Joined a flying club. Landing a Censsna 172 at "home airport" with wife and two kids. Flared to high dropped it in from...lets just say an impressive elevation...three point landing. A Com radio let out the loudest noise through the overhead speaker and headsets...continuous blare...so I shut off the radio's. I believe it was the gear screaming in pain and yelling at me to get my $#@% together! Thankfully, I did. :angry:


Every so often I'd like a do over for both ;-)

Id practice go arounds like in training if my wife would allow it! I dont know if I could punch off 12 landings an hour though...anymore. :)

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My worst landing was at the end of a very turbulent flight back from Denver a few years ago. The winds at my home airport, Rogers, Ar (ROG) were 27g40 at a 60 degree crosswind. I came in fast, bounced hard twice and finally got it under control. I did not want to get back up in the bumps and was SO happy to be on the ground that day. We had seen consistent 1200fpm up and down on the VSI for the last hour of the trip.

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My worst landing was a long time ago , I was practicing landings , and was set up for an easy landing , just as I was ready to flare , I hit with a huge gust and almost drug a wingtip.......I was very rattled , and proceded to do a go around , as I started my flare , it was perfect , I mean just perfect.....but for some reason the flare took what seemed forever..... Then it happened , I heard a horrible noise , and a sinking feeling , I went into auto mode , pulled back and firewalled the throttle , the plane started climbing out , and I thought maybe nothing happened.... No vibration , prop worked ok .....Came around and did an uneventful landing , taxied out to the ramp , and pulled the mixture......as the prop stopped the tips were both bent back about 1 inch each.....I was very lucky ...... The problem was I got rattled and fell from the checklist....

Wow what a lucky catch....you didnt get the gear horn??

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My worst landing was a long time ago , I was practicing landings , and was set up for an easy landing , just as I was ready to flare , I hit with a huge gust and almost drug a wingtip.......I was very rattled , and proceded to do a go around , as I started my flare , it was perfect , I mean just perfect.....but for some reason the flare took what seemed forever..... Then it happened , I heard a horrible noise , and a sinking feeling , I went into auto mode , pulled back and firewalled the throttle , the plane started climbing out , and I thought maybe nothing happened.... No vibration , prop worked ok .....Came around and did an uneventful landing , taxied out to the ramp , and pulled the mixture......as the prop stopped the tips were both bent back about 1 inch each.....I was very lucky ...... The problem was I got rattled and fell from the checklist....

That is amazing. Was there any body damage or did you really pull back just as the prop touched.

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I knocked off the whip on a com antenna , and very lightly scraped about a 32nd of an inch off the left inboard flap hinge fairing...

I'm surmising that this was a gear up near landing, right? Based on your description of the propellor tips you still had to do an engine tear down did you not? Any impact to the propellor in motion requires this, unless I'm mistaken.

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years ago when I was first learning to fly taildraggers I was coming in for a landing at a very small airport in a J3. Just as I the mains touched down for a nice 3 point landing the plane all of a sudden turned left 90 degrees and took off across the airport property and by the time I got the plan under control, we were a good 100 feet off the runway and came to rest on this berm looking down into a creek. Well, I made the crucial mistake of not briefing my passenger to stay off of the heel brakes!

We got out of the Cub, got the plane turned around and started back up. I took it around the pattern a couple more times before putting it back in it's open hangar. When I went back into the FBO that I rented it from the only thing that was said was by one of the old airport bums... "you gotta watch it... those taildraggers will bite ya!"

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Worst landing was in am182RG with an instructor on board. Returning from a business trip at night. Was my first flight in a 182RG and was not used to the heavier controls. Hit flat and bounced.........hit a little nose down and bounced.......headed for a prop strike when the instructor grabbed the controls and landed the airplane. I still remember that sick feeling after the second bounce that the third was going to be worse. Would have been a mess had I been alone because my brain was so overloaded that going around never even crept into my thought process.

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Maybe seven years ago I took a local pilot up for a short hop with two Mooney pilots in the back seats.

Good WX, everyone talking like crazy, and I was given a downwind/base when I usually get a straight in. Not paying attention I got too slow, tried to recover, floated, bounced, poured on the power and went around. Embarrassed me but shut them up.

To this day, it's the only Mooney balked landing I've ever had. No matter who's flying with me now it's a sterile cockpit on takeoff and landing.

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My worst landing was just a couple of months after I finished my dual, and had just over 100 hours. We had been visiting the inlaws for Thanksgiving, and came home late. Flight time was ~3 hours, sunset about midway home. Tuned in ATIS, oops, a TFR for a Sunday night college game. ATC vectored me around it and brought me over the center of our non-towered field and I circled back for a downwind entry. Nice, smooth pattern, don't remember any weather issues, flared, bonk, bounce, bonk, bounce higher, oh my God where are the trees? Full power, no third bounce, cleared the trees. All I could think was 'never mind what happened, figure it out later. Fly a regular pattern, land the plane, figure it out later. Fly a regular pattern, land the plane, figure it out later. Fly a regular pattern . . . '

Landed uneventfully, pushed her in the hangar, unloaded a week's luggage and drove home. Figured out I had been porpoising because it felt so good to get home that I quit flying the plane in the flare. Did I say that was my longest XC at the time, 338 nm? PPL in May, bought Mooney in June, annual in July, finished dual September, MAPA PPP October, took long trip at Thanksgiving.

No serious issues since, other than some wind issues on final. Gusts coming through the gap on short final have stood me almost on the left wingtip, just go around and try again.

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I'm surmising that this was a gear up near landing, right? Based on your description of the propellor tips you still had to do an engine tear down did you not? Any impact to the propellor in motion requires this, unless I'm mistaken.

You are Mistaken , as per lycoming AD the accesory gears have to be checked for damage , the crankshaft rear bolt and locking plate have replaced , and the crankshaft must dial out w/less than .006 runout......
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