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The last few times I checked on my IPad, I would find the battery indicator showing about 60%. I would charge it back to 100% and put it away. Some time later (without being turned on), it would be back down to 60% or so. Anyone else have this happening?


I have had this issue on my 3rd generation iPad but on my 2nd generation iPad I've had no issues. I'll leave the 2nd gen one in the hangar and come back two weeks later and still have considerable amounts of battery but even a day in the hot car my 3rd gen one has had this issue. Are you using a 3rd gen one? 


I've got bluetooth turned off on both ipads FYI. 


Make sure you have nothing running in the background.  Double click the home button and shut off the icons in the bottom row by holding your finger on one until minus signs appear.  Then simple touch each minus sign.


I've found the battery life in the New iPad (aka iPad 3) to be very sporadic. With my original iPad, I could leave ForeFlight on in map mode for the better part of a day...it made the two-leg, 8 flight hour trip to Denver last summer with no problems. The New iPad seems to use 15% battery per hour, and up to 20% when it gets hot. And I have seen some of those same issues where the battery is seemingly lower after no use. I even had it swapped out recently to see if that would help, but the new one is the same. That retina display really sucks the power when it's on.

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