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5 hours ago, ArtVandelay said:

Yes it will, if you use :


But it limits past flights to last 24 hours, unlike flightaware.

Even Musk can’t prevent people from tracking his plane.

Best option is to use netjets.

Yes, that site works if you enter the HEX. If you want anonymity in private jet flying I suppose chartering is a good way. 

Anyhow, landing anonymously to escape fees in a biz jet is next to impossible lol.

19 hours ago, Bolter said:

My former SoCal pilot experience is that one day a year (or probably a time window) , the airport manager surveys and reports all aircraft on the airport.  This will include hangared and tie down spots.  Even if you did not have a hangar or tiedown lease, but parked in transient parking, you would get tracked and billed by the county for the property tax.  If you were truly a transient pilot, you could challenge the tax bill, which I did when I moved from LA to Orange county (both wanted to tax me the year I moved airports), and later when I left California entirely.  

I always wondered if you had your own runway, would you then never be counted?  Now, probably get caught by ADS-B!


Interesting, I actually haven't thought this process through before.  I have two hangars, one I lease from the county where I get my tax bill from and one I own in another county that never sends me a tax bill for the airplane (I get one for the hangar).  I wonder how that works out?  The county where I get my tax bill has higher taxes that the other one.  Since my plane spends its time half at each, I wonder if I can change it somehow.

1 hour ago, 201Mooniac said:

Interesting, I actually haven't thought this process through before.  I have two hangars, one I lease from the county where I get my tax bill from and one I own in another county that never sends me a tax bill for the airplane (I get one for the hangar).  I wonder how that works out?  The county where I get my tax bill has higher taxes that the other one.  Since my plane spends its time half at each, I wonder if I can change it somehow.

I would hope they would be reasonable about it, not require tracking the precise number of days in each hangar, but it seems you should be able to declare the aircraft primary location as either location.  The other county will probably be happy to tell you how to relocate on paper, so they get the tax money from you instead of the current county.

Additionally, I would think that OWNING one of the hangars would also help with defining your home base over the leased location, but I am no lawyer.  

Let us know how that goes.  

15 hours ago, Bolter said:

I would hope they would be reasonable about it, not require tracking the precise number of days in each hangar, but it seems you should be able to declare the aircraft primary location as either location.  The other county will probably be happy to tell you how to relocate on paper, so they get the tax money from you instead of the current county.

Additionally, I would think that OWNING one of the hangars would also help with defining your home base over the leased location, but I am no lawyer.  

Let us know how that goes.  

Dan, Thanks for making me think about this, I'll definitely look into it and see what I can work out.

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