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Engine Monitor | GI275 vs JPI EDM 900>>

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Currently looking to install a new engine monitor. Trying to decide whether to go with GI275 or JPI EDM 900. I want the gi275 as Ive currently got dual gi275s already and love that they sit behind/within the panel as opposed to on top. The only thing Ive heard for a negative pertaining to the gi275 is that the info isnt as easily accessible as it is on the EDM 900. Supposedly you have to scroll through some pages to get to certain info. The static images on Garmin look like the display is pretty complete but maybe thats just some photoshop trickery on G's part.


Any insight or user experience/feedback on either model would be greatly appreciated.




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The images you see on Garmin's page are accurate. Just make sure you have the latest version of the software in the GI 275.

I have a GI 275 and I'm very happy with it, although I can't compare with the JDI, as I haven't used one.

The GI 275 has a summary page that has most of the information you want and the other page I use is the one that has more detailed CHT/EGT data. What's is nice is that as it is touch, you can "touch" different parts of the main screen and navigate to the detailed pages.

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4 minutes ago, redbaron1982 said:

The images you see on Garmin's page are accurate. Just make sure you have the latest version of the software in the GI 275.

I have a GI 275 and I'm very happy with it, although I can't compare with the JDI, as I haven't used one.

The GI 275 has a summary page that has most of the information you want and the other page I use is the one that has more detailed CHT/EGT data. What's is nice is that as it is touch, you can "touch" different parts of the main screen and navigate to the detailed pages.

Thanks! I was actually just reading your thread a moment ago. Sounds like G has worked out most of the user interface issues that plagued the original instance of the GI275 EIS. Currently leaning towards this option as I do like the idea of having all 3 GI275s in the panel. Aesthetically they are very nice units. New tech + capabilities with an older look and feel. 

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I went from a JPI EDM 800 to a GI 275.  I know the EDM 900 is primary and more complete than the EDM 800 but I find the GI 275 much more capable than the EDM 800 and comparable to the EDM 900 in functionality.  The only drawback I'm aware of is the GI275 doesn't show all CHTs/EGTs on the main page, you need to tap on the CHT/EGT display to get the detailed page with individual numbers.  I don't find this a problem at all.  Additionally, I love the fact that all the engine data can be displayed in Garmin Pilot (where you can get all the details at once) and automatically uploads to flygarmin.com so I have a great repository of all of my flight data.  I can also easily correlate the engine data with the flight profile.  Overall, I'm very pleased with the GI 275 as I'm sure the EDM 900 owners are with theirs.

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I'm a very satisfied EDM-900 user.  I think it is the perfect form-factor for any Mooney, and can (and should) be placed on the pilot side of the panel.  Everything is readily visible on the single screen except for tach/hobbs/time, which is never critical anyway.  I use the normalize mode for runup and in cruise flight, and don't know how the Garmin system compares.  I know I would not like having to page through to see all the EGT/CHT values (not just bars!) along with everything else worth watching.  Using the normalize mode allows near-instant recognition of weak spark plugs, failing ignition leads, or other mag trouble before you can feel it in my experience.

The GI 275 was not available when I purchased in 2015, so if I were doing it again today I'd give it a good look, but from my casual observation thus far I'd still choose the EDM 900.  If you can "screen share" with an ipad and see all of the same parameters and normalized mode like the EDM 900, then perhaps I would change my mind.

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I've listed an EI CGR-30P in the avionics section.  I've flown with both the EI and JPI.   I like the JPI EDM900 because it is primary and shows everything on one screen.   For engine management the EI is fine.  It's not doing me any good sitting in a box, and I'm eager to sell it.

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The Garmin EIS has some great integration aspects; especially with Garmin Pilot. But Garmin still lacks some basic and important functionality, most notably the Normalize mode mentioned above.
That said i recently heard Garmin is about to add it to the experimental version so hopefully we’ll see it in the certified version before too long.
But otherwise i still prefer my EDM-900, as Scott said it’s got the perfect form factor for the Mooney panel to enable keeping right in the pilots scan and everything is there all the time along with customized user alerts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yes, it has normalize mode:

Normalization Mode

In NRM Mode, the CHT/EGT Page displays the Cylinder Head Temperatures, Exhaust Gas Temperatures, and any TIT or Primary EGT temperatures relative to a normalized value. The bars of the graph and the digital values display the temperature difference from the normalized value

Normalized values can be activated by selecting the page NRM Mode.

Page 84 Garmin GI 275 Pilot's Guide 190-02246-01 Rev. L

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GI-275 EIS has a normalization function in the manual, is it not in the software? 

I thought every Garmin EIS was the same. But if documentation days so i would sure expect it does. But please try and report back if you can.
The G3X doesn’t have it yet.

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4 hours ago, KSMooniac said:

Everything is readily visible on the single screen except for tach/hobbs/time, which is never critical anyway.

I have an EDM900 with tach time visible in the upper lefthand corner of my screen, which is mounted vertically.

I agree that it would be nicer esthetically if the EDM900 were flush with the panel. I think I could have done that if I'd been willing to pay for a specially cut hole in the panel, but I never looked into that as it wasn't worth it to me.

The EDM900 displays a lot of info without me having to change the page to see it. I like not having to change the page. YMMV.

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If you have a Garmin stack, a reason to choose the Garmin EIS system is that you will get one integrated log that includes data from the entire system, including auto pilot, GPS,  air, data, computer, navigation, attitude, fuel flow and quantity, etc etc. as well as  engine  temperatures and pressures. 

This is what my log captured every second

Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Time (hh:mm:ss)

UTC Time (hh:mm:ss)

UTC Offset (hh:mm)

Latitude (deg)

Longitude (deg)

GPS Altitude (ft)

GPS Fix Status

GPS Time of Week (sec)

GPS Ground Speed (kt)

GPS Ground Track (deg)

GPS Velocity E (m/sec)

GPS Velocity N (m/sec)

GPS Velocity U (m/sec)

Magnetic Heading (deg)


GPS Sats

Pressure Altitude (ft)

Baro Altitude (ft)

Vertical Speed (ft/min)

Indicated Airspeed (kt)

True Airspeed (kt)

Pitch (deg)

Roll (deg)

Lateral Acceleration (G)

Normal Acceleration (G)



Selected Heading (deg)

Selected Altitude (ft)

Selected Vertical Speed (ft/min)

Selected Airspeed (kt)

Baro Setting (inch Hg)

NAV Frequency (MHz)

Active Nav Source

Nav Annunciation

Nav Identifier

Nav Distance (nm)

Nav Bearing (deg)

Nav Course (deg)

Nav Cross Track Distance (nm)

Horizontal CDI Deflection

Horizontal CDI Full Scale (ft)

Horizontal CDI Scale

Vertical CDI Deflection

Vertical CDI Full Scale (ft)

VNAV CDI Deflection

VNAV Altitude (ft)

Autopilot State

Yaw Damper State

FD Lateral Mode

FD Vertical Mode

FD Roll Command (deg)

FD Pitch Command (deg)

FD Altitude (ft)

AP Roll Command (deg)

AP Pitch Command (deg)

AP VS Command (ft/min)

AP Altitude Command (ft)

AP Roll Torque (%)

AP Pitch Torque (%)

AP Pitch Trim Torque (%)

YD Torque (%)

Magnetic Variation (deg)

Outside Air Temp (deg C)

Density Altitude (ft)

Height Above Ground (ft)

Wind Speed (kt)

Wind Direction (deg)

AHRS Status

AHRS Dev (%)

AFCS Attitude Status

Magnetometer Status

Network Status

Oil Temp (deg F)

TIT (deg F)

Main Fuel L Qty (gal)

Main Fuel R Qty (gal)

Fuel Press (PSI)

Oil Press (PSI)


Manifold Press (inch Hg)


Alt Amps

Fuel Flow (gal/hour)

CHT1 (deg F)

CHT2 (deg F)

CHT3 (deg F)

CHT4 (deg F)

CHT5 (deg F)

CHT6 (deg F)

EGT1 (deg F)

EGT2 (deg F)

EGT3 (deg F)

EGT4 (deg F)

EGT5 (deg F)

EGT6 (deg F)

Engine Power (%)

CAS Alert

Terrain Alert

Engine 1 Cycle Count


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15 minutes ago, oregon87 said:

Worth noting, the GI275 requires the installer to build the harnesses and program the display, which adds numerous hours to the install cost.  

This is the exactly why I chose the EI combo over the GI-275. My A&P is letting me install the combo under supervision and I'll know all the details of the install. I like knowing exactly how everything is installed in my plane. The screens will look great along side the 275s I already have installed. The Garmin 275 is a lot of work to install, especially the EIS. My avionics shop said plan on $12k for the 275EIS installed. That made me look at engine monitors that could be installed by myself.

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20 hours ago, FlyingScot said:

I have 4 275's in the panel, but installed a 900 rather than a 275 eis. I love the arrangement, especially b/c I can see everything on one screen without scrolling (why I went this route, in fact).

Do you have a photo of your panel you'd be willing to share?

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31 minutes ago, Teddsgotwings said:

Do you have a photo of your panel you'd be willing to share?

Sure! I call it the ultimate six-pack. ;)

BTW - The ADI fails over to the Other ADI in the picture, not the HSI. It's a bit retro, but yet modern. It can do pretty-much anything that the rectangular glass can do, and is a lot more configurable in some respects (the 2 275's that aren't in the stack function as MFD's)...


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I like my 830 and really considered going to a 900 when I do my panel upgrade.  But decided on the Garmin EIS because of the combined logging mainly.

Hmm, I could probably keep my 830 and also do the Garmin EIS. :D

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  • 1 year later...

Hello All!

I am interested in knowing what the consensus on this topic is now more than a year later. I’m doing a major panel upgrade currently without updating the existing Insight GEM, but planning next year to finish upgrade with new GEM (JPI 930 or Gi 275) and new Xpdr. So any new takes on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks!

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