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If you're singing you are so beautiful to yours Mitch, then I feel a lot better about my routine of a pat on the cowl and telling her Great job beautiful every time before I close the hangar door!  Kimberly (our daughter) was very close to right when she referred to her (45T) as Jim's Other Woman!  :)


Sorry I don't have any other models pjsny, there must be some artistic folks out there who could do the various models, and I can get them titled.  I think I might have originally gotten the Mooney from a paint scheme website, I simply cannot remember!  Could of come from Mooney for that matter!


Originality is just undiscovered plagiarism.....

True of Mooney paint schemes and everything else! I'd be honored if flyboy copied my scheme, with a different N # of course, and probably better colors ;-)


I pulled this one of a 231 off aircraft color.com website also.

I just tried to pull another line drawing but the website would not let me but I did pull this 201 example.



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