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M20E Model Parts Catalog (MAN1006). Anybody have?

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The very thorough A&P re-doing a previous "overly superficial" annual would like me to get a $330 parts catalog (man1006). This manual covers the C,D,E,and F. Is there anyone out there that has one they no longer need and would be willing to sell me one cheaper than that? This annual is turning into a much bigger project than expected.


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Curious why you believe the previous annual was "overly superficial"? There is a website out there that you can get (for free) the PDF version of the parts manual (it covers the 65-67E as well as others). I (and I'm sure others here) would love to hear your experiences with this annaul.

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As a Mooney service center we will provide a electronic copy to any client who wants one with their completed annual.  For anyone else ordering a reasonable amount of parts we provide a copy as well, it saves me doing the parts research for them.

I would say that if your A&P or shop is charging a market rate, they should be able to cover the manuals.


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Some one asked why the new annual,only two months out from the first one. 

By "superficial" I mean that when I had a initial #2 cylinder missing on run-up 24 hours out of annual (done through an A&P that was a former Mooney Service Center and clearly knows Mooneys well), I aborted the flight and took it to the local shop, who are admittedly not a Mooney service center (why I didn't go there first), hence the need to locate an IPC (which I now have, thanks!). Although not a Mooney shop, they are good (super thorough and confidence inspiring), and are taking a closer look at everything. When they popped the cowling open we found many things within minutes that ought to have been seen at the first annual but were not (magnetos not grounded, and connectors were all "fork" connectors instead of "O" connectors, etc), most concerning of which was a engine mount tube (down low) that had almost rubbed through a 1cm^2 hole! So, I went ahead and had the motor pulled and sent the 42 year old non-AD compliant mount to AeroSpace Welding (see pic below) for the mount AD to be done. Usually they paint them black with acryllic, but I had them send it to the guys that powder coat mounts for Cirrus and it was done in white. It is a work of art, let me tell you.

The #2 cylinder retained good compression (high 70s) but fouled the lower plug easily so that was pulled and found to be a worn exhaust valve and guide.  

There turned out to be a LONG list of squawks through the ACFT that, when demonstrated to me in the shop, where clearly out of spec (even to the naked eye) and scared me enough to basically have a partial restoration of the ACFT done. In short, I flew that ACFT in thick IMC and shot minimums approaches in an ACFT that wasn't really airworthy, but was only hours out from "annual"

 So, prop is being overhauled, right main tank reseal (weeping that the first A&P said was ok), PowerFlo Gen2, Empennage Main Tail bracket wallowed (yep....), wheel bearings shot, little cracks in the firewall (see photos, we are getting some custom doublers made) and numerous other engine-related squawks.

Don't ask me where the first annual was done, I won't say anything other than caveat emptor and you get what you pay for. I will gladly pay for a thorough annual from here on out.  Although I am a third generation Mooney owner (Dad with K model and grandpa with vintage M20 years ago), this is my first aircraft and I am learning (and spending) a lot to fly it safely.






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Hi John

Not to sure if it'll help. but i have the complete Parts Catalog and Service Manual revised Oct 1966 and listing all models C,D,E & F and listing serial # 470 to 831, 832 to 1308 and 670001 and on,

If it's any use i have it on my system, happy to give it to you if you want to send me a flash drive it's 165mb though you need to send it to me in Australia at Darren Bauman PO Box 20. Dingo 4702 Australia



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