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i now have 4 sticky mouse traps surrounding each wheel and 8 traps in the plane!

i dont intend to go through this again.

Thanks for all the posts...and suggestions.


Quote: KSMooniac

Make sure the "mouse boots" on your gear rods are intact and sealed!  LASAR makes some replacements if needed, although you could easily duplicate them if needed from raw material.  I had one/some get in my cabin by scaling my BatteryMinder wire (I think) that was connected through the baggage door, which I left closed but not latched over the wire.  No damage that I could detect, fortunately, just some droppings on the carpet.  After latching the door I didn't noticed any evidence, and my traps/poison didn't yield any carcasses.



I have not commented so far, but now that you have it licked, you have my condolences.  I will e-mail you offline to talk about some things.

BTW:  Any more news on Villeneuve?


Quote: Awful_Charlie

Since I went TKS I've not had a problem.  Before the critters used to cost me a fortune in brake pipes and air filters (air filters were a comfy home I guess)  If I happen to slightly overfill the TKS tanks, then quite a lot drains onto the floor.  Lo and behold, a week later there will be half a dozen mouse corpses in various places around the hangar, and a dustpan and brush easily puts them out of the way.  Brake pipes and air filters last a lot longer now for some reason


We keep D-Con and sticky traps in the hanger, so far we haven't had mice get in the plane when it's in the hanger.

Twice I have had mice get in different planes when i was tied down outside for less than a week on trips. Now when I need to be outside I try to be in the middle of the ramp, not on the edge near the fields, and I put a no-bait-required snap trap on the rear seat floor, on a newspaper as the trap can get messy after a week. Since I started tieing down in the middle of the ramp I haven't had any visitors, but I still put the trap in the back seat just in case. 

Years ago my Dad worked in a bakery. They had a 1/8 inch shim which was the standard mouse gauge. If there was  a gap greater than 1/8" a mouse could squeeze through. Apparently they flatten thier heads down.  it's probably impossible to close up all the holes in an airplane to keep them out. Baiting them before they get to the plane seems to be a better solution.





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