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Having a radio issue that goes like this:

KX170B CDI just stopped showing indications during a recent flight.  No ident heard from station, indicator would 'twitch' when nav radio switched on/off.  Still had great performance from COM.

Replaced the 170B with the michel MX170C thinking the legs were giving out; now have neither comm or nav working!  The 170C 'test' works fine (hear the squelch break and static), but no radio reception.  Transmit shows the transmit 'tic' indicator ok.  Also, no action on the nav - can't hear ident, and doesn't budge the CDI needle. 

I'm thinking antenna, but why would the COM now not be working (I don't know much about radios, but I think the antennas are separate)?

Any related experiences greatly appreciated -



Hi, I had a similar problem with the CDI twitching ,intermittently working. There are two cam operated micro switches just behind the front cover. One of them was like 2.8 ohms when closed ,should have been 0 ohms. Replaced the bad switch ,no more problems!

Don't ask me how I know I guess the Radio Fairy visited just after the Compass Fairy .


Further investigation showed that some knuckhead (ahem....) didn't fully seat the new Michel radio - it was seated enough to power up ok, but not enough contact  to get any other activity.  Both com and nav are 100% after being fully seated, so it looks like the 170b nav is shot after all.


Hi, I have  problem similar to described by sleepinsquirrel but with King KY 195B (it's KX170 without nav and two frequency selectors instead). It uses same small round switches behind the front panel. But in my country I can't find source for such parts. Can anybody help with contact to the source?


Thanks a lot. In my case I can't simply swap switches, because one is mechanically damaged - ater thousands of operations small textolite wafer holding spring and contacts is broken. So, if anybody knows a source of such a part - I'm still waiting.

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