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The default record interval on EDM is every 6 sec. But you can change it to record anywhere from every 2 seconds up to every 3 minutes. At least that's what it is on my EDM800 and I imagine all JPI's are the same. Personally I prefer the highest data resolution I can get so I have it capturing every 2 seconds. On a LOP mag check at altitude I let it run at least 20 sec on each mag.


The JPI 700 is 20year old technology and may not have a shorter interval... it was speed and memory limited compared to the more modern tech...

Important to know..., the mechanical devices don't react much faster.

it is good to have more data, quicker, but it doesn't change the time needed to better assess the engines response to the ignition key's position.

Ross gave a good time line for the physical part.

Best regards,


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