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KS what app do you use in flight?


just a heads up guys most of the ADS-B boxes come in different variations like "in" only, "out" only, and "in/out". so if you have a WAAS 430 and GTX330ES you could get a GDL88 that is "in" only and with that and the flightstream I believe you could display traffic and weather on the 430 as well as the iPad.


although I just looked on Garmins site and I don't see the "in" only version of the GDL88 I could double check with our install manager to be sure. I know that freeflights box has all 3 versions (it makes it a PITA to quote haha!).


Bill, I'm going to use Garmin Pilot once I get back in the air.  I demo'd it last year and liked it well enough to go with it again since they announced the Flight Stream product.  I think it will keep me using my 530W/430W combo for the foreseeable future.  I have a 330ES for OUT covered, and a GDL 39 3D now for Wx and Traffic.  I would prefer the GDL 39R, but that isn't allowed for us in the certified world.  I believe the GDL 88 that is IN only is in the neighborhood of $3k + instl.  Still way, way too much money for a simple receiver IMO.


I'd rather have weather on the nice tablet screen with a better interface compared to ANY panel-mounted MFD or GPS screen.  Having traffic is nice on the GPS, though, since it doesn't need high resolution.  My TIS traffic thru the 330 already displays traffic in the terminal areas on my 530W.  It would be nice to have ADS-B traffic there too, but not for thousands of additional dollars.

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The KT 74 would be a great option. I think it is a bit cheaper than the GTX330. Either way you have to change the tray and connectors. The KT74 is a trig transponder with a new fave so it is a proven box.

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The KT 74 would be a great option. I think it is a bit cheaper than the GTX330. Either way you have to change the tray and connectors. The KT74 is a trig transponder with a new fave so it is a proven box.

Thanks Bill! I think that's next on my Christmas list...

Scott- I like the flightstream 210 purely from a "putting flight plans into my 430W" perspective. If I didn't have the Aera560 already, I would go with Garmin Pilot + flightstream 210 as well... I've been demoing Pilot: it's very powerful, and I love the ease of use for flight planning.

If you read the "end of an aera" thread I started- I ended up getting my 560 repaired. Part of my rationalizing was that my obstacle, terrain and NAV databases were 2 years old, so updating those would cost me 200 bucks alone... So 50 bucks for a new unit, plus the updated databases Made it not sting so bad. While I was talking to the Garmin rep, I asked if they had any plans to "upgrade" the aera to allow it to enter flight plans into a 430W. The answer: nope. That's a real bummer, because from the looks of the install, it would be as easy as just connecting 1 serial wire up to the 430W, and a simple software upgrade for the Aera alone. Bummer :(

But in the meantime, the flight plans from the 430 auto populate on my Aera... So I guess that's a plus, albeit, every time I enter my flightplan into the clunky 430 knob-twisting interface to have it auto populate on my touchscreen AERA, I want to scream: YOURE GOING THE WRONG WAY!


I hear ya.  I've flown for years with my 496 hard-wired to my 430W (which is crossfilled from my 530W) so I have the flight plan pushed down and it is very handy.  I haven't sold my 496, yet.  I want to fly more with ADS-B weather and make sure it will be sufficient for my needs.  I might end up putting the 496 back in service.  The "connected" portable is a nice feature, and I'm very much looking forward to Garmin Pilot --> GNS connectivity next year. 


In fact, it isn't hard to imagine now a future panel that doesn't rely on a big screen GPS/NAV/COM... perhaps it might just be a remote box someday with an iPad interface.  :)  

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Having spent thousands of hours flying airplanes equipped with TCAS I have become a firm believer in the need for audible traffic warning systems in ALL aircraft. (A display of traffic is great, but an unambiguous audible alert is even better in that it gets your eyes outside.)


I have spent hours making phone calls/emails researching the capabilities of ADS-B hardware available for light aircraft and the GDL-84 appears to be the only ADS-B hardware that will provide a hardwired output for audio traffic alerts to the COMM panel plus the wireless stream of traffic and weather to a tablet - all in one box. So for those of us flying round dials who want traffic alerting without having to spent extra for a glass panel this is going to be a great solution. (Maybe the Garmin folks did read the suggestion I sent in over a year ago ;)


And for those flying around with only ADS-B IN just realize that you are not seeing all the traffic. (In fact you probably often see very little of the traffic)  To get a complete picture ADS-B out is essential. $4-5000 is a bargain for this sort of capability.

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I'm looking into installing the Freeflight ADS-B in/out in my new (to me) rig. www.freeflightsystems.com Any PIREPS??

Seems I can keep the old King 76 transponder, but will need a new digital encoder; but cheaper than a whole new transponder, like a GTX3xx. It will WiFi ADS-B traffic/wx to iPad w WingX. Seems the options, and cheapest interface solution changes weekly, though.

I'm in SoCal, so I agree with the need for traffic info. But I'm not sold on audio warnings. At 480kts in the clouds, yes. But in the pattern or around lots of other planes with VFR only separation, I think the "warnings" would drive me nuts. Kinda like the terrain warnings going off using Part 91 terrain clearance or descending to airports near hills from the Garmins, etc. Good for IFR, in IFR conditions.


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