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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Please explain my incorrect assumptions.


Here is what the wingnuts believe liberals believe:

-liberals want Welfare Queens to keep pushing out babies who will grow up to vote for liberals


Here is what liberals actually believe:

-proper sex education, available birth control, abortion rights and funding for Planned Parenthood


Here is the charts:




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Let's just don't!

How's the weather in the Sunshine State today?

Got two holds, three arrival amendments, several altitude amendments and two runways changes going into DCA earlier today.

Bad weather you ask? No.

Just letting our state of the art, ATC high command figure out you can't legally land with more than 10 knots tailwind component in most airliners, even after you broke out and saw the runway. It only took several go-arounds, to holding ... and about an hour for them to "turn the airport around." Big tailwind, short runway, water at the end ... not too difficult to figure out for most competent aviators? Good thing we had plenty of fuel.


Let's just don't!

How's the weather in the Sunshine State today?

Got two holds, three arrival amendments, several altitude amendments and two runways changes going into DCA earlier today.

Bad weather you ask? No.

Just letting our state of the art, ATC high command figure out you can't legally land with more than 10 knots tailwind component in most airliners, even after you broke out and saw the runway. It only took several go-arounds, to holding ... and about an hour for them to "turn the airport around." Big tailwind, short runway, water at the end ... not too difficult to figure out for most competent aviators? Good thing we had plenty of fuel.



Well, your response speaks volumes and I'll have to assume that you can't find much fault with the list.



Two holds ay? I've practiced them to ad nauseum but haven't been given the order yet.

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500 Billion budget shortcoming and 18 trillion in debt. The only thing NOT on the list that I care about AND giving 5 million SS benefits. Glad you were right on Ebola...last time I am going to repeat this.

Since you love those stats so much...

How many whites were killed by blacks last year? More or less than whites that killed blacks? How many blacks killed blacks last year? More or less than the combined total of white on black and black on white combined?

What a load of crap. Not just a false narrative, but a flat out WRONG narrative.

Have fun tonight New York.


Wow, an honest answer. 


500 billion is better than 1.2t when he took over. Let's see how the next republican president does with it (bet you more of the same).

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Really? Please list any answers that I have made that have not been honest?

No doubt. It will be another lib steering the ship. The ship has sailed. Three compartments slashed. Dead in the water, but the band plays on.


Wow, did Scott just admit what I've been saying for years? There is essentially no difference between Democratic and Republican arms of the same party? Are you saying what I think you're saying: if an electable (bought 10 times over by special interests) Republican president gets elected, it will just be more of the same? More spending, more debt. 

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Is this where the wealthy get wealthier?

Or is that the next election?

The stock markets rise, taxes get paid, and the deficit dwindles...

The number of our children being injured in foreign wars is decreasing to small numbers...

According to the raggy USAtoday. Price of gas in Oklahoma is at $2.00 per gallon.

There is no draft.

How bad is that?

Who are we voting for for president? Or is it too soon to start that conversation?

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Really? Please list any answers that I have made that have not been honest?

No doubt. It will be another lib steering the ship. The ship has sailed. Three compartments slashed. Dead in the water, but the band plays on.


These don't qualify as being dishonest, just not on the correct side of the argument:


"Let's just admit that whatever Obama says or does you support it, you support him wholeheartedly. Your views and stance on Ebola and the death of a man are dictated strictly by your political affiliation, your admiration of socialists and of Barack Obama in particular . Just admit it ..." I am not a great fan of Obama and many of my posts here show that as I take exception to an awful lot of his policies. What I do seek is to do is dispel all of the garbage that is written about him, from his birth in a small Kenyan town to his personal "friendship" with Saul Alinsky, to the mystery that not one person saw him at Columbia or Harvard, that Obama is going to order the door-to-door confiscation of guns, that Obama's energy policies will raise gas prices to new highs, the list goes on and on - and then some.


"SS is a huge Ponzi scheme that the government has forced me to support for my entire working life with ZERO guarantee on a return"


"Thanks Wall Street. Thanks AIG...Thanks Frank, Ben and the gang at the Fed."  The thought of what this country would look like today, six years out, had it not been for the stimulus is dreadfully frightening. AIG paid back every dime plus interest, as did most banks with the exception of Citicorp. Chrysler also paid back it's loans although we did lose on GM.


"Massive gun sales in Missouri. Paranoia?"


These are just a few that come to mind.

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How many whites were killed by blacks last year? More or less than whites that killed blacks? How many blacks killed blacks last year? More or less than the combined total of white on black and black on white combined?

What a load of crap. Not just a false narrative, but a flat out WRONG narrative.

Have fun tonight New York.

Fox News headlines faithfully repeated by their devout followers.

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Ok, let's try this {sigh}.


Which items on my list do you find inaccurate?

Do the Fox News parrots (and Fox News proper) ever have to be right? Or do they get to go in perpetuity making accusations that never ring true.....


I paid 3.90 a gallon for Avgas a couple days ago. Somehow this is bad, I should feel sorry for Exxon-Mobil and Shell. we're all going to reap the downside of cheap oil with all those oil industry layoffs. No mention of the vast majority of us who benefit from lower energy prices.

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Do the Fox News parrots (and Fox News proper) ever have to be right? Or do they get to go in perpetuity making accusations that never ring true.....


I paid 3.90 a gallon for Avgas a couple days ago. Somehow this is bad, I should feel sorry for Exxon-Mobil and Shell. we're all going to reap the downside of cheap oil with all those oil industry layoffs. No mention of the vast majority of us who benefit from lower energy prices.


A classic clip from Fox & Friends about how Obama is responsible for high gas prices (but not low?).


I must give credit where credit is due and Steve Douchy did a good job at correcting his blonde partner in crime who said (a few years ago) that on a recent trip overseas she found "gas prices here are not much different than Europe", at which time Douchy corrected her and said "prices there are priced in liters and ours I think are in gallons" (thinks?). You gotta love these guys.


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Bullcrap. List the stats if I am wrong. What percentage do blacks represent of the population?...It would be about 37% if they hadn't killed millions of their young...Perhaps then we wouldn't need our immigrant friends from the south?

Sick and tired of the "we are the poor oppressed". Not playing that game...and I sure as hell am not going to sell out police officers and make them the scategoats for a thug. Rams football players...the second coming of Rosa Parks. Just an abomination.

Shame on all the race-baiters and pot stiring agenda driven bunch.

AND YES I am no Republican. I am Conservative. Republicans are spenders of a different ilk...but spenders none the less. I have never denied this.


So if all of the sudden Cedar Rapids decided to derive 23% of its revenue from municipal fines and on daily basis you were stopped, harassed and then issue bogus tickets and you had enough, would you just be stirring the pot. If then, when you showed up to court, on time, whether to protest the fine or even pay it, you found out that either that the prosecutor (who also happens to be a defense attorney in another of the 93 St Louis county municipalities and a judge in another, all part time) either brought your case up an hour early or closed the court room doors all together and then slapped you with failure to appear on top of your bogus ticket, would your anger be called pot stirring? What if you felt you were being not treated fairly and wanted to have your friends and/or family watch the court proceedings? 37% of St Louis county municipal courts do not allow the public in to view the proceedings.


The above is not pot stirring. The above are the facts faced daily by poor all over America. You are not promoting freedom. You are promoting corporate fascism.

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Just an update since the election:




Obamacare - signups are increasing again and annual premium rate increases came in lower than projections.



Headline which came out after my comment:


New Low in Health-Care Cost Increase


2013 spending on health care increased at the lowest rate since the federal government began tracking costs in 1960. Total spending in 2013 increased 3.6 percent to $2.9 trillion. “The 3.6 percent increase in 2013 is the lowest increase on record,” said Micah B. Hartman, a statistician at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service who crunched the spending numbers. He noted that spending increases have been lower over the past five years. “The next lowest increase was 3.8 percent in 2009. These rates are within the range of the recent low rates of growth in health care spending, between 3.6 and 4.1 percent from 2009 to 2013,” Hartman said.

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NOPE. If if's and buts were nuts we'd all have food for life. Get real. Poor downtrodden blacks. Pity? NOPE. System is just against them? NOPE. Not buying any of what you are selling. THIS 110% IS about pot stirring. Thug. Not a representative of "poor minorities being mistreated".

Mistreatment? That would be getting your business burned down in a B.S. riot. Or getting stabbed in a restroom...For what?

World's not fair. If you are a strong arm dope smoking thief that doesn't think. Your just dead. DEAD WRONG.

Inciting a riot. Yup. Lock him up.



 If a police officer gives me a command, I am obeying, immediately: no back talk, no wrangling around, no antics ... 



Yeap, just like when SS officers gave my grandma commands in 1936, she should have obeyed. You guys are such a riot. You would have all marched, proudly, with your right hand up, screaming about law and order. No ability to think on your own what so ever. If 23% of your salary came arrived from "criminal" activity, what incentive would you have to stop crime? None, you do everything possible for it to continue. You all talk about your beloved constitution. Half of it was destroyed by none other than Ronald Reagan, with his war on drugs. That's why the 4th amendment does not exist anymore. That's why your bank records are no longer private. That's why NSA listens to your phone conversations, passes them to local law enforcement and then prosecutors manufacture a new discovery trail. 


Are you saying I am lying when I say 23% of Fergusons budget comes from fines? Are you saying I am making shit up when I say 37% of courts in St Louis county do not have public proceedings? Because these are the facts. Either call me a liar, or admit you simply don't care what the facts are. You don't care about your fellow citizens rights, you do not care about justice. I know you don't care, I know you won't change your mind. That's not what I try to do. I only try to expose you, for what you are: fearful and simple minded, hence easily manipulated into doing the bidding of your corporate overlords. 


Sorry that I lack the requisite respect for soldiers and police, in the same way I lack respect for mafia hit man. My respect is earned, not blindly given. All one and the same to me. Doing crypto nazi's bidding.  Sure, there is some cop out there who is not a dumb, power hungry jerk, but I have to yet to meet one. Cops and soldiers are tools, for doing other people's bidding. That's all that they are. Dumb tools. Trained to follow orders, restrain and kill. My rat terrier is pretty good at that too. We need them, of course, but in the same way, I don't worship my table saw, I'm not going to worship them. The arm of government given the most power needs the most limitations placed them, the most scrutiny and the most accountability. It appears to me, we've created a system quite opposite, where the fox is guarding the hen house.


I simply do not comprehend how you all can and do hold two completely opposing ideas in your head at the same time and believe both of them to be true. On one hand, you claim all government is "evil", on the other hand, you support blind obedience. You believe us "liberals" are so stupid and ineffective and yet you fear our powers so much. You can't have it both ways, boys. And that's what you are. You never grew up into independent thinking wise old man.


As to Daver, don't shoot yourself in that nuts with that gun of yours. That would be a terrible loss.

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An unarmed 18 year old human being was shot and killed because a police officer felt that a taser was uncomfortable. 


An unarmed man in NYC was choked to death by a gang of police for no apparent reason. The officer who's arm did the choking has previous racially motivated incidents on his record. Hell, even the 700 club moron said it was Police brutality. 


There's something wrong in this country. Maybe it's racial, maybe it's not. Maybe it's socioeconomic, maybe it's not. But the POLICE have killed 460 people this year. That's a problem. I can't imagine how you can think otherwise. 

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An unarmed 18 year old human being was shot and killed because a police officer felt that a taser was uncomfortable. 


An unarmed man in NYC was choked to death by a gang of police for no apparent reason. The officer who's arm did the choking has previous racially motivated incidents on his record. Hell, even the 700 club moron said it was Police brutality. 


There's something wrong in this country. Maybe it's racial, maybe it's not. Maybe it's socioeconomic, maybe it's not. But the POLICE have killed 460 people this year. That's a problem. I can't imagine how you can think otherwise. 


Maybe instead of the Feds paying for and furnishing every little town and hamlet in this country with paramilitary vehicles, they should divert that money towards better training of our police departments. It won't be terrorists killing American citizens, but Bumper Morgan on his beat.

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struction are the result of connecting dots you might have a problem. Good one. The answer is more training for police departments. Pretty funny.

Who is the fear monger now? "It won't be terrorists killing American citizens, but Bumper Morgan on his beat".


In some of your posts you talk of the rise of ISIL and how they are coming to America (through the Mexican border, carrying Ebola) to kill us all. How many of our citizens have been killed by our police versus ISIL?

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You keep doing your due diligence to expose the clerk assfromcb. That was some great reading from all three of you. You see the police as the problem. I see the criminal as the problem. Check that. I see the "lack of individual accountability" as the problem. You compare law enforcement to the SS in WWII. You see the deaths as the problem, not the criminal acts that resulted in the deaths.

When you connect the dots you go from one to ten to six. I don't. This is not complicated. When rioting and destruction are the result of connecting dots you might have a problem. Good one. The answer is more training for police departments. Pretty funny.

Who is the fear monger now? "It won't be terrorists killing American citizens, but Bumper Morgan on his beat".


Bumper Morgan on his beat is now the number two leading cause of homicide in Utah:




Would you say that our founding fathers were doing? Rioting? I mean, damn if you were running a tea shop in Boston. Those effing rioters could not be good for business. When everything is against the law (thanks to conservatives, BTW), how can you expect people not to break it.


Difference between you and the rioters is that the have balls and you don't. You are a little kid that followed all the rules and now you're disappointed with how your life turned out. 

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