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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Recent Gallop poll asked Americans what was their largest problem

Priorities in descending order:


-Dissatisfaction w/Govt.





-Lack of Money

Democrats Top Priorities...

-War on Women

-Income inequality

Less than 2%% even listed these...

It's the message party of the Loser...


Someone once said "You have the right to your own opinion, but not your own facts". Unless, of course, you were just joking. 


Here are the results of the Gallup poll. Hardly the results that you published.


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Just one thing Flyboy,  It's clear that there is more than one way to state your case, and I really don't think there's a whole lot of mutual respect being shown by the posters of this thread, but when you point out that RR increased the National Debt to a new all time high you're missing a basic truth.  The truth is that the National Debt under Reagan rose relative to the GDP at first, but starting in his third year, the National Debt fell as a percentage of the GDP.  In fact, there were fundamental changes in the economy spurned by deregulation and a number of anti-union rules that allowed the economy to grow so much that the National Debt as a percentage of the GDP fell during all five of RR's last five years in office.  As a matter of fact, the debt fell as a percentage of the GDP under the first President Bush as well, and the debt continued to fall under President Clinton as well, until the annual budget deficit was completely wiped out!  Starting with RR the US economy grew from 1983 until March of 2000 without a single recessionary quarter.  Then in Sept. 2001 we lived through 9/11.  The next thing ya' know we had an expensive war on our hands and a whole new bureaucracy, the TSA.  Things haven't been the same since.   

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Economy is improving...

Employment is improving...

Price of fuel is going down...

Stock markets in the U.S. are climbing...

National debt is declining...

The future is looking quite bright.

Sure they have fear of these things, they always will.

Facts are, the things they fear are improving at a steady pace.

Do I vote Biden for president? Is he still in government?

Mark, it won't help to bring facts...they are not listening to each other.

I do appreciate your professional opinion though.

Best regards,


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It's the economy, stupid.

Just ask the voters...

Got to love those analytics.


You are absolutely correct Scott, and the poll shows democrats responded that the economy is important in 2 of the top three spots (and if you think about it, all 3).


What I actually find interesting is where abortion landed on the Republican poll, lower than democrats. Now that's a shocker, considering just how vocal the party is on that issue.


BTW, I believe the new senate majority leader has now gone on the record as saying the next raising of the debt ceiling will pose no problem. How convenient, wouldn't you say?

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Just one thing Flyboy,  It's clear that there is more than one way to state your case, and I really don't think there's a whole lot of mutual respect being shown by the posters of this thread, but when you point out that RR increased the National Debt to a new all time high you're missing a basic truth.  The truth is that the National Debt under Reagan rose relative to the GDP at first, but starting in his third year, the National Debt fell as a percentage of the GDP.  In fact, there were fundamental changes in the economy spurned by deregulation and a number of anti-union rules that allowed the economy to grow so much that the National Debt as a percentage of the GDP fell during all five of RR's last five years in office.  As a matter of fact, the debt fell as a percentage of the GDP under the first President Bush as well, and the debt continued to fall under President Clinton as well, until the annual budget deficit was completely wiped out!  Starting with RR the US economy grew from 1983 until March of 2000 without a single recessionary quarter.  Then in Sept. 2001 we lived through 9/11.  The next thing ya' know we had an expensive war on our hands and a whole new bureaucracy, the TSA.  Things haven't been the same since.   


You obviously know more about this subject than me. But when I go onto this site (St Louis Federal Reserve), which shows Debt versus GDP, it continued to climb through those years. If I'm interpreting it correctly it shows that for the 1st Qtr 1980 that debt was 30% of GDP, and by 1985 it was 40%. I'm not disputing what you said because I'm probably not understanding what the chart shows. Is it possible, by looking at this year, that the numbers have actually gone down for 2014?




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As I have stated over and over. I will not debate with liberal progressives posing as moderates.

They and their agenda was bitch slapped in the election. You can spin this any way you want Dems, but Americans want economic growth and change.

The electorate was asleep...Or "hoping for change"...that would actually help them. Six years later reality is a MF.

They are now WIDE AWAKE.

The pain of progressives and uncertainty of the costs of doing business have had the country inching along like a slug.

Spin unemployment numbers all you want. The majority of "folks" are seeing stagnant wages and reduced economic opportunity.

The engine is poised to spool up with a change at the top.

Obama has been, is and will continue to be a failure.

We shall see.

For the next two years I am satisfied with just stopping a radical from doing more damage.

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As I have stated over and over. I will not debate with liberal progressives posing as moderates. You made that quite clear.

They and their agenda was bitch slapped in the election. You can spin this any way you want Dems, but Americans want economic growth and change. I'm not spinning anything, they took a whooping.

The electorate was asleep...Or "hoping for change"...that would actually help them. Six years later reality is a MF. True Dat.

They are now WIDE AWAKE. A sleeping giant?

The pain of progressives and uncertainty of the costs of doing business have had the country inching along like a slug. Wasn't aware that the dems didn't know that.

Spin unemployment numbers all you want. The majority of "folks" are seeing stagnant wages and reduced economic opportunity. I don't spin the numbers, only the fact that the formula has remained constant for years but that doesn't deter some people from insisting that they are being cooked.

The engine is poised to spool up with a change at the top. Like I said, I could see myself voting for John Ellis Bush - not Billary.

Obama has been, is and will continue to be a failure. Only time can tell, not you and not so close to this point in history. The American landscape is littered with presidents who left office very unpopular, but time has a way of changing things. Lincoln comes to mind, but there are many others.

We shall see.

For the next two years I am satisfied with just stopping a radical from doing more damage.

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 after the corrupt trio of Obama Pelosi and Reid did their very best to destroy our country, we may just recover anyway? 


WIKI has this interesting list of people convicted during a presidents administration. Now mind you, this is wholesale corruption (like Jack Abramoff), lawbreaking (Jim Traficant) and personal conduct (Larry Craig and his restless leg syndrome), but not necessarily related to their government position (like sex). But it's interesting to see which administrations had the most convictions and people going to jail. Just so you are informed, Obama's is nowhere near the top (only 6 convictions), not even close. But I'll give you a hint of who is: he served during the 80's.



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Let's just complete the circle "of we're not listening to each other or going to agree." I will ALWAYS see the past eight years, since the Dems got control of Congress as some of the most partisan and corrupt days of our countries history. And the most big spending days our country has seen!

Why did the Democrats get control? Because the Republicans in power before were corrupt and spending too much.

I don't often agree with John McCain, however:


The people were angry, and they were going to make a change: Put the Democrats in power!

They reasoned the Republicans are so corrupt and spending so much ... it can't be any worse with the Democrats!

How wrong they were!


I very much like the man from Arizona. But I need to qualify that statement. I like him when he speaks his free mind and is not on the campaign trail for president, as when he is he gets wrangled in and is forced to conform to the RW agenda. Once the campaign is over, as we have seen in 2000 & 2008, he reverts back to himself. A true American hero from a family of patriots.

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Do please elaborate on the "Right Wing" agenda...

Would that be:

1. Stop government funding of abortion

2. Reduce Corporate taxes

3. Build a pipeline

4. Cut Federal Spending

5. Repeal ObamaCare...or at least gut it

6. Repatriate Trillions of Corporate wealth to the U.S

7. Balance a budget

8. Ban same sex "Marriage"

9. Secure the Southern Border

10. Enforce immigration laws

Or other sinister stuff like defeating terrorists abroad and stopping Ebola from spreading in the U.S?


Scott Scott Scott. Tsk tsk tsk.


Let's see how it all plays out. If I had to make a prediction, I'd say it will be more of the same. Just remember the closing lines of The Who song, "Won't Get Fooled Again".


I find the Keystone Pipeline an interesting topic because I feel it will get approved. But what will come next has not been mentioned much, the fight by the ranchers whose property the pipeline will need to pass through. Could you imagine having land along the path of the pipeline and the heavy excavating that will need to take place, not to mention this ugly apparatus that's on your land in front of your kitchen? Will the government declare eminent domain again? Stay tuned for the next fight. Another interesting aspect of Keystone is that the oil to be transported through the pipeline to Texas is actually destined for Asia - not domestic use.

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So this morning I sat down to breakfast and turned on Fox News as I always do to get a synopsis of what's going on in the world. They opened up with a story about a 22 year old from Brooklyn who is in court for kicking a cat and recording it. Now don't get me wrong, I like animals of all kinds and adore my Cocker Spaniel.


Fifteen minutes ago I sat down for lunch and turned on the TV, which was still on Fox from this morning. What story do they lead with after the Goldline, William Devane reverse mortgage and Mesothelioma commercials? The court appearance in Brooklyn of the guy that kicked "King" the cat. I instantly switched to CNN to see what they were covering and it was American troops landing back in Anbar Province followed by the president's trip to China.

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It's a metaphor about kicking the can down the road regarding the budget. You have to be a Fox insider to get the double secret code key that shows what they are really talking about.


Thanks for clarifying that for me. I guess was slow to pick up on the "pussies" aspect.

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Flyboy, Sorry I didn't get back to you.  The chart you show is great.  However, It's not adjusted for available money supply.  As a percentage of available money supply the chart shows the tilt starting earlier.  Right now the value of the dollar is rising.  It takes almost half as many dollars to buy an ounce of gold than it did a couple of years ago.  Dollar power vs. total production counts.  Because total production was rising during the mid-1980s we really built more homes, cars, harvested and exported more grain, etc.  As I explained earlier, if you produce more stuff our Fed Reserve expands the money supply by allowing more money to be borrowed for home building and factory production.  You can't have a fast growing population and fast growing production with a stagnant money supply as Scott thinks.  His theories were completely discredited around the entire world by the end of the 1930's. -  If we can produce our way out of this debt we will be in fine shape.  On the other hand, debt slows the whole economy.  Right now things are much better as business earnings are rising and tax collections are improving to hold our own with debt.  BTW, Federal dedt is only half of the problem.  High personal debt, including college debt counts too.

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Now that I think about it, the reason I stopped watching this thread for weeks at a time was that the whole premise by Scott that his world view of monetary control is somehow connected to why his kid thinks people don't want to fly airplanes is ludicrous.  It doesn't even bother me that he thinks he has "educated himself".  What bothers me is how obnoxious he is and how convinced he is that he knows it all.  I think he ought to run for office.

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The American economy is like a family with the biggest mortgage on the block.  However, Daddy makes more money than anyone in town and the last home equity loan he took out was used to build the largest house in the state.  What matters is not only the size of the debt vs. dad's income, but also the size of the house makes a difference too.  Some people think our wealth is just on paper, but that's not true.  This year corn production was over 14 billion bushels!  Oil and gas production has overwelmed demand and the prices for energy are falling with new production still coming on.  Today's debt, no matter how you slice it, is less than half of the debt we had at the end of WWII and yet somehow we grew out of that debt.  This country isn't going to die anytime soon.  

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Now that I think about it, the reason I stopped watching this thread for weeks at a time was that the whole premise by Scott that his world view of monetary control is somehow connected to why his kid thinks people don't want to fly airplanes is ludicrous.  It doesn't even bother me that he thinks he has "educated himself".  What bothers me is how obnoxious he is and how convinced he is that he knows it all.  I think he ought to run for office.

And don't forget the name calling and foul language.

My wife calls me names when she is losing an argument. With her, I have to listen. I guess at least on Mooneyspace I can switch threads and follow topics that are more interesting than people shouting at each other about things they can't change.

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