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Anthony brings up a good point I wonder what voter turn out ended up being?

I bet Obama had a depressing morning......serves him right!

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Flyboy4 44,You are funny in a sad way....You've got Acute Bushitis. Keep at it if makes you feel better! Hey, come to Schaumburg pick up my wife and go cry together somewhere really far. Thanks


Flyboy4 44,You are funny in a sad way....You've got Acute Bushitis. Keep at it if makes you feel better! Hey, come to Schaumburg pick up my wife and go cry together somewhere really far. Thanks


My point was that this is not a unique event. Here's a history lesson for you:



In 1994 Clinton lost congress to the GOP


In an identical event, Reagan lost the senate to an already democratic House in 1986.


In 1959 Ike was up against a large democratic majority in the House.


The list goes on, but it appears to run in cycles.


Over the years as a voter, I've noticed something:

If the Democrats are in power, my taxes go up.
If the Republicans are in power, my taxes go up.
If there is a split in the power, my taxes go up.
I'm beginning to see a trend.
But at least we get a choice in who to blame!   :P


Over the years as a voter, I've noticed something:

If the Democrats are in power, my taxes go up.
If the Republicans are in power, my taxes go up.
If there is a split in the power, my taxes go up.
I'm beginning to see a trend.
But at least we get a choice in who to blame!   :P




I take it you don't live in Kansas, where your taxes would have actually gone down.  :P


I take it you don't live in Kansas, where your taxes would have actually gone down.  :P


In Georgia, if it moves, they tax it.  If it doesn't move, they tax it.


Anthony brings up a good point I wonder what voter turn out ended up being?

I bet Obama had a depressing morning......serves him right!

Voter turnout was at its lowest levels since 1942.


Voter turnout was at its lowest levels since 1942.

It's not a unique situation, we just had our municipal elections here. With the odd exception voter turn out is low and failing. Perhaps the universal problem is the quality of the candidates.



Or perhaps it is the message? Fake war on women. Fake racial discrimination is rampant.

Or perhaps it is the expectation the governmental ineptitude is unchangeable.

Or perhaps they have all the free stuff they can use and they are "O.K."

Conservative base and my family voted. There were several "Firsts" of significant pervue, but crickets from the media vs. the annointed one's arrival and succession to the throne...

Signal on. Left Right Left. Turn the corner.

Now accelerate America.



Tic toc Tic toc


Has the bitterness gone away yet flyboy4 44?


I'm not at all bitter. I felt a change was needed, and as I previously said, the results were totally predictable.


I stand by my remark from yesterday that these changes happen in cycles. How else could you explain that Reagan lost the senate at the absolute peak of his popularity? American's simply get fatigued and look for change.


Don't you love when a leader takes accountability for results of their agenda/actions?

Didn't see that?

Neither did I...

Hey, what smells so good? Roasted Duck! Yum yum.

Tasty treat that is fun to beat...I mean eat

May the next leader be someone that has led. Someone that has created. Someone that has built. Someone that has achieved success and earned it. Someone that understands humility. Someone that listens. Someone that can say No as well as yes. Someone that understands a budget. Someone that has met a payroll and made tough choices. Someone that recognizes that the USA is the Leader in the world. Someone that has been there, done that, taken their licks and come back stronger. Someone that is resourceful not vengeful. A uniter of people. A welcomer of ideas. Someone that Love's their country and has a vision of continuing to support builders, dreamers, and doers. Someone that surrounds themselves with the best and brightest and empowers them by exampe to assist others to achieve success.

2016 can't come to soon.

So glad there is a Constitution and defined powers...If not?

Good job Democratic party. History will not treat you well for the last six years.

Bye bye Harry. Just go away and live in infamy.

Have fun Dick.



See my previous response where the congress changes in cycles. Also notice my comment about Saint Reagan.


I live in the now...



Were you living in the "now" when you made these comments?


"Hasn't been a Conservative leader in the White House since Ronald Reagan"


"Bush I&II ultimately DID accomplish the mission...only to see the efforts (financial and human capitol) wasted through ineptitude. 


"Bush wanted to allow approximately 10% of current SS deduction to be able to be controlled by the individual, RIGHT?"



There are many more, I just don't have the time to pick through all of the postings.


Shame, shame....that's not very 'moderate'. :rolleyes:



I have asked you on several occasions to point out comments that I made which don't fit within the moderate movement. How about a few now? Remember, moderate means there can be some swaying from side to side, but not to the extreme.


FWIW, Reagan would be considered a moderate today (if not liberal), so my comment fits perfectly.


Remember, moderate means there can be some swaying from side to side, but not to the extreme.


FWIW, Reagan would be considered a moderate today (if not liberal), so my comment fits perfectly.


Looney tune Democrats, masquerading as 'moderates' can rationalize ANYTHING. :o


Darn, you've got a lot of free time on your hands, Little Timmy. B)

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Little Timmy doesn't want to fly cause he'd rather smoke a bowl, call Little Johny on his Obamaphone, and play single payer doctor while dreaming of their fabulous wedding officiated by a lesbian minister. I'd say we (the center-right of the property party) did do a rather fabulous job in the last 6 years. Good luck undoing it ;-)  

Tea partiers will attempt to accomplish the following in the next 2 years instead of doing anything productive:
-undo the will of the people in states with legalized marijuana because you know, federal law trumps state law, unless it comes to guns or pollution 
-spend way to much time worrying about what Timmy and Johny are doing with their peepees
-pass some sort of a bill dealing with creationism further dumbing down their base, now #1 in confidence, #37 in competence worldwide
They will do absolutely nothing else. In the mean time, the personhood amendment failed in all 5 states that put it on the ballot, and minimum wage got raised in all states that had on the ballot and you have not seen nothing yet, when Hilary is president 2 years from now. Can you say executive order?


Looney tune Democrats, masquerading as 'moderates' can rationalize ANYTHING. :o


Darn, you've got a lot of free time on your hands, Little Timmy. B)



You make it sound like I'm a bleeding heart liberal who lives in Berkeley. Again I ask, show me examples.



As far as Reagan being considered a liberal by today's standards, here are just a few examples:


Although he presided over a lower marginal tax rate, he raised taxes on American's a dozen times during his two terms, including the Social Security payroll tax.


He was clearly a tax and spend kind of guy, taking the national debt to an all time high of $3t.


He gave amnesty to over two million illegal aliens.


He "cut and run" from Lebanon in not time flat (I believe he said "we're outta here!").


The size of government during those 8 years increased and added a few more departments to an already bloated Washington. One such example is Dept of Veteran Affairs.

He talked to our enemies and actually sold them weapons.
As Governor he expanded the state's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal.
Also as Governor he supported the restriction of smog emissions.
After James Brady was shot he supported stricter gun controls.


Gary, which one of these examples do you dispute?


Well it's 1-2-3 what are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give a crap. Next stop is in Iraq. Well it's 5-6-7, open up the pearly gates. Well there ain't no time to wonder why whoopee, we're all gonna die...

Bye bye.


You make it sound like I'm a bleeding heart liberal who lives in Berkeley. Again I ask, show me examples.




Gary, which one of these examples do you dispute?


Compared to Reagan, the father of conservative politics, you are! Typical far left, out of context examples, some of which even you should be embarrassed about....I have neither the desire nor the inclination to waste my time dissecting your MSNBC/MediaMatters drivel...so sorry, Mike.


The real father of conservatism, for whom Reagan made a famous, if long forgotten speech:




One other great one, as he won the cold war by outspending rather than out shooting the USSR:


  • Like 2


Compared to Reagan, the father of conservative politics, you are! Typical far left, out of context examples, some of which even you should be embarrassed about....I have neither the desire nor the inclination to waste my time dissecting your MSNBC/MediaMatters drivel...so sorry, Mike.


The real father of conservatism, for whom Reagan made a famous, if long forgotten speech:




One other great one, as he won the cold war by outspending rather than out shooting the USSR:




I just listened to the whole clip and it was indeed a great speech. But the fact of the matter is, when he realized the dream that Goldwater yearned for, he didn't follow suit with with his words spoken here He mentioned runaway spending, the inability to balance the federal budget, farming subsidies that were out of control as well as out of control welfare spending. I got a chuckle when he mentioned that a proposed education program for "juvenile delinquents" would cost $4,700 a year per person, and came back with "we could send them to Harvard for only $2,700".  


Some quotes:


"We believe that destitution should not follow unemployment for reason of old age, to that end, we accept Social Security as a step toward meeting the problem"



"A young man 21 years of age working at an average salary, his social security contribution would buy him an insurance policy on the open market that would guarantee him $220 a month at age 65, the government promises $127. He could live it up until he's 31 and take out a policy which would pay out more than Social Security"



"I think we are for telling our senior citizens that no one in this country should be denied medical care because of the lack of funds. But I think we are against forcing all citizens regardless of need into a compulsory government program."



"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself inside, so government programs once launched never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the closest thing to eternal light we'll ever see on this earth."



"Many of these federal bureaus have cost us many of our constitutional safeguards. How many of us realize that today, federal agents can invade a mans property without a warrant, they can impose a fine without a formal hearing let alone deny a trial by jury and they can seize and sell his property at auction"  (I thought this was a concept that Obama introduced, guess not)


"The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute. Every businessman has his own tale of harassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, unalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment."


My point here is that when he got his shot at it, even he couldn't do anything about these issues.


Don't fear, Joni's here. If all had focus of Ernst and Chuck logical solutions would prevail. Fraud, waste and abuse control would be the norm. That is a unicorn fairytale I like to think about.

I hope she brings her castration sheers to every meeting in D.C.

That is my Hope and Change.

But I understand that stopping Obama is a worthwhile cause for the next two years.

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