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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Right, MSNBC Is much more fair, balanced, and informative for you 'moderates'.


I hadn't heard on MSNBC that ISIS fighters are coming over the Mexican border in droves, which incidentally, DHS and Border Control categorically deny.

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I hadn't heard on MSNBC that ISIS fighters are coming over the Mexican border in droves, which incidentally, DHS and Border Control categorically deny.



You 'moderates' on MSNBC won't hear anything much about ISIS (or pc ISIL). Heck, they're all the same bad guys the President has been claiming credit for defeating for the past two years. I hope the Cool Aid you're gulping Mike is sugar free, else you'll have serious health problems.


Thanks to the President and you 'moderates' the Mexican border remains a pathway for even more illegal 'moderates' entering  the country, and no doubt some ISIS inspired bad guys who'll be reeking havoc one day.




Mike, please go study, or better yet fly, some instrument approaches. ;)

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You 'moderates' on MSNBC won't hear anything much about ISIS (or pc ISIL). Heck, they're all the same bad guys the President has been claiming credit for defeating for the past two years. I hope the Cool Aid you're gulping Mike is sugar free, else you'll have serious health problems.


Thanks to the President and you 'moderates' the Mexican border remains a pathway for even more illegal 'moderates' entering  the country, and no doubt some ISIS inspired bad guys who'll be reeking havoc one day.




Mike, please go study, or better yet fly, some instrument approaches. ;)



One of us will be right (and I sure hope it's me). If this were 2002 you'd be saying that Al Qaeda would be making their way into the country through Mexico to also wreak havoc. As a matter of fact, there was a push back then to close up the border because of that very subject - and we see how far that went.


Don't kid yourself, MSNBC covers this ISIS (or ISIL, take your pick) a lot. I guess the only difference between them and Fox is MSNBC doesn't broadcast 50 commercials an hour for gold, silver and other precious metals that will get you through the coming armageddon, in addition to commercials for urinary catheters, reverse mortgages, herbal Viagra, Jitterbug cell phone service and Medicare gap insurance. Do any of these commercials have anything in common??

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Mike, while I love you, I'm really beginning to doubt your claim about being a 'morderate'. :lol: 


What about my statement makes me a radically to the left?


Moderate means to take the middle ground and not overreact or underreact.

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Some "military types" are on record stating that Ebola or Eboli (as the commander in chief called it) will run rampant in South America...and then we shall see how well our porous Southern border "protects us".

I hope he is wrong. Connecting those dots is not a major undertaking. One dead on US soil and counting....

Tick Toc, Tick Toc...


This must have been the same commander that said that the kids coming over the border during the summer (remember them? They were all over Fox at the time 24/7) were going to bring in dreadful diseases too.


While not necessarily first world nations by our standards, I don't equate South American countries as the same as African in terms of healthcare delivery or impoverishment. I'm sure "when" Ebloa makes its way to Argentina, Brazil or Chile that they will get it contained very quickly.

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This must have been the same commander that said that the kids coming over the border during the summer (remember them? They were all over Fox at the time 24/7) were going to bring in dreadful diseases too.


While not necessarily first world nations by our standards, I don't equate South American countries as the same as African in terms of healthcare delivery or impoverishment. I'm sure "when" Ebloa makes its way to Argentina, Brazil or Chile that they will get it contained very quickly.


What did I say?



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Flyboy4 44, every time you say something I get nauseous, a sure sign that you are NOT moderate, not even a smidgeon.


I think its funny how leftists attack FOX all the freaking time assuming that it is the only source of information while avidly defending MSNBC in the same breath. I suppose if I got my information from the comedy channel I would be better informed in your opinion and that of NBC which was looking for gravitas in their programming with the likes of Jon Stewart, a comedian...    I need to go clean a little vomit that just made its way to my mouth.

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One of the interesting things about broadcast news...

You guys are noting differences between individual companies.

Wait till you go back and forth to a foreign country and see how the same world events are portrayed.

Relying on one source has never been a good idea. No one source could be able to deliver the whole story all the time. But getting balance would take excessive effort. Watching three different sources would take more time than is available.

Clearly the owner of the company decides what light to use for the broadcast...

Best regards,


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Flyboy4 44, every time you say something I get nauseous, a sure sign that you are NOT moderate, not even a smidgeon.


I think its funny how leftists attack FOX all the freaking time assuming that it is the only source of information while avidly defending MSNBC in the same breath. I suppose if I got my information from the comedy channel I would be better informed in your opinion and that of NBC which was looking for gravitas in their programming with the likes of Jon Stewart, a comedian...    I need to go clean a little vomit that just made its way to my mouth.


Actually, I can't stand MSNBC myself and rarely watch it. 


You and Fantom are making me out to be a bleeding heart liberal. What views have I conveyed which makes you feel this way?


I stand in the middle on social values (for gay "social unions", against abortion), I would like a smaller, less intrusive government who keeps tight control of its purse strings, and a strong, but efficient military. But unlike Scott, I believe we need basic services provided by the feds, such as CDC, FAA, FTC et al.

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Do not speak as though you know me and my beliefs Flyboy. You haven't a bloody clue. Stand on your own beliefs and cease your endless mis-quoting of "me".

Your words are what causes others to "mis-charaterize" you? Yes.

I have said repeatedly Balance the budget and I will shut the #$^& up. Does that mean shut everything down at the federal level? No.

You are a "defender of Big Government". You and other "lovers of Federal Governement"...or "moderates" as you like to call yourself are part of the problem, not the cure. I will not debate or discuss with you...It is a pointless waste of time.



In post #360 of this thread you said the following to my question, when I asked if there are any federal agencies that you support. Your response led me to believe you don't like a single federal department, not even healthcare related agencies (which we certainly can use now):


flyboy0681, on 07 Sept 2014 - 11:34 AM, said:snapback.png


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Nothing like job security at the CDC. We have a 20+ day incubation period on Ebola and they are going to increase the "screening protocols". What a joke. The decision-making of the Federal Government smacks of a bad movie. Our govenment is so wrapped up in politics, their idiotic imigration policy and fear of offending West African's that they will sacrifice the one important thing that they should do; Protect the citizen's of the United States.

Your come back is just laughable. Pathetic. Or as unoriginal copycats would be want to say:



I sort of agree with your assessment of the CDC. But then I ask, why are we the only ones that need to tackle this? Where are the other 180 nations of the world? Sounds to me like one of their canned "we'll just the the U.S. take care of it for us" answer.


I do agree with the "experts" that it can still be contained (which is how the spread was dealt with back in the 90's), but it will take a great effort. I'm not sure where in that effort we are.


As far as my laughable reply, I simply cut and pasted your response. Here's a link to that entire conversation, what did I get wrong?



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"Media Matters"? Fox bashing..............really? Nothing tells us more about partisans who quote Media Matters, Koz, Move On, Salon....... just precious.


If MediaMatters had made up and put those words into Steve Douchy's mouth, then you would certainly have a case. But I saw the actual broadcast and that's exactly what he said. I also remember that original broadcast from a few years ago where they were all over Obama for creating all of those Czar's. What was funny about that was that Obama had ten less Czar's than Bush did.

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Let's do nothing, blame the health care workers, blame Republicans and idly watch the CDC repeatedly make inaccurate statements and assumptions - sticking their proverbial foot in their mouth over and over again.

CNN reports she was on a Frontier Airline Flight the day before her symptoms appeared ... Nice!


Still don't know what you propose. Lock-down Dallas?

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