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Timmy might be living in a Progressive Utopia IF-

You can't tell where government ends and the media begins


The news of the day is Darrell Issa's final report on the IRS "scandal". In it his committee found no evidence that Obama ordered it or knew anything about it.


But you would not know that by looking at the Wall Street Journal or Orange County Register as these conservative outlets have not yet published the story. Interesting how the right says that the liberal media deliberately excludes publishing stories that shed Obama in bad light, but when one of their own comes up short, they too don't make mention of it. 

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Yeah ... "not a smidgen." You just keep believing!

I am SURE they found no evidence. Louis Lerner pleaded the 5th. Computers were erased and thousands of emails "accidently" deleted. There's no evidence Hilter directly ordered the extermination of the Jews either ...

Sometimes you can be so dense ...


Issa has venom in his blood when it comes to Obama and he would have done anything and everything to pin this one on him. The same goes for Issa's multiple Benghazi investigations, which yielded nothing after spending over $40m of your tax dollars. 


I can tell by your response that you are toeing the GOP line that the IRS scandal went all the way to the top.


The lyrics to Adele Dazeem's song comes to mind.

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Quit with the toeing the line BS!

The music is playing but you're not listening.

This was a level of corruption and breach of public trust unprecedented in United States history. Not only was this was not isolated to a few IRS agents, this was not isolated to the IRS. As a contributor to the Presidential campaign of Tea Party candidate Herman Cain, who then received IRS correspondence (read harassment) I know firsthand. You are naive, or blinded? More likely too stubborn to overcome your deliberate blindness regarding this?

TRY LISTENING THIS TIME: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=589797007761126


I saw this video when it first appeared. Abuses by the IRS are decades old and are legendary, so let's get that out of the way immediately. 


So why is Issa protecting Obama by not releasing everything he knows about the IRS and Benghazi?

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This is a coordinated targeting by multiple government agencies against political opponents of the party in power.

Quit with the bogus questions and attacks on Issa. You are attempting to sidetrack the real issue.

Nope, this is not a "old" "legendary" IRS abuse. You wishing it so ... does not make it so. It is what it is:

This is a coordinated targeting by multiple government agencies against religious groups and political opponents of the party in power.

You still not listening ...


I'm listening quite intently. The entire gist of the scandal, from day one, was that Obama had ordered it. Issa's report concluded that there was no such order. What am I missing here? Please explain.

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With all the media and leftist propaganda on the PD across the US....

THIS is where you get your bottom-line SoundBite?

On behalf of the two NYPD Police Officers executed due to a false narrative I spit on your assessment.

Merry Christmas.

Peace on Earth.

Good Will Toward Men.


I have a very close friend that is ultra-conservative (somewhere to the right of Barry Goldwater) and we get into this media argument quite frequently. I asked him point blank, which media outlets does he rely on and he mentioned WSJ and The Orange County Register. Hence my references to them (notice I didn't mention Fox).

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Attack your political opponents, attempt to destroy and silence any oppositions. Prevent freedom of speech, free elections.



Obama was the first to do this? Who is naive now Dave?


You're making Nixon out to be a Boy Scout. Talk about attacking political opponents. And, may I ask, what was his favorite weapon of choice?

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We're not talking about Nixon. And you tried to minimalize this to standard IRS abuses that have occurred for years.

To borrow a line from Scott




Why is it that when I mention previous administrations they are off-limits? But when I do a search on past comments made by you, they are acceptable?


From June 27th: "So leaving Bush out of the discussion ... the facts about Clinton's are the facts! "

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I've been a big Eastwood fan for decades but was disappointed with Jersey Boys, which I saw last week on Blu-ray. I'm surprised he even picked up the project to begin with.




Dirty Harry

Eiger Sanction


Every Which Way but Loose


Bridges of Madison County

Flags of Our Fathers

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I've been a big Eastwood fan for decades but was disappointed with Jersey Boys, which I saw last week on Blu-ray. I'm surprised he even picked up the project to begin with.




Dirty Harry

Eiger Sanction


Every Which Way but Loose


Bridges of Madison County

Flags of Our Fathers

You forgot the best movie ever made. Kelleys Heroes

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I've been a big Eastwood fan for decades but was disappointed with Jersey Boys, which I saw last week on Blu-ray. I'm surprised he even picked up the project to begin with.




Dirty Harry

Eiger Sanction


Every Which Way but Loose


Bridges of Madison County

Flags of Our Fathers


Bridges of Madison County... Really??? Need to turn in you Man Card!  GIve me "Hearbreak Ridge."

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Yeah exactly. So leaving Nixon out if the discussion, the facts of what occurred under Obama ... are still the facts. What Nixon did forty years ago was wrong too. But that doesn't excuse what went on during THIS ADMINISTRATION.

Like we all pretty much know now that Nixon was a dirtbag ... so why do you keep trying to put him and Obama in the same box? Unless maybe you really do see it?


The reference to Nixon was only because he loved to use the IRS as a weapon. 


I hate to dredge up memories, but Bush was no Boy Scout. I know we've been down this path before but the loss of liberties that you all are complaining about started with the signing of the Patriot Act. 



I totally forgot about Gran Torino, loved that flick. I never liked the spaghetti westerns, each one looked like the other with the exception of Hang Em High.

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Mike Rowe----------->

Hi Meghan

Last week, those very protests blocked off one of the major arteries, and as a result, I was 90 minutes late to a holiday dinner in Alameda. I apologized for my tardiness, and was told by my hostess not to give it a second thought. “It’s a small price to pay,” she said, “given all that’s at stake.” Another guest, already well into the eggnog, wondered aloud if a heart attack victim waiting for an ambulance stuck in traffic might hold a different view?

Within moments, everyone was talking about Garner and Brown, and the conversation got very political very quickly. A liberal guest said, “Look, I wasn’t there, but it seems pretty clear that both men would still be alive had they been white.” A conservative guest replied, “I wasn’t there either, but it seems pretty clear that both men would still be alive if they hadn’t resisted arrest.”

This annoyed the liberal, who asked the conservative why Republicans wanted a “police state.” This annoyed the conservative, who asked the liberal why Democrats wanted “total anarchy.” Things continued to escalate, and within moments, fingers were pointing, veins were bulging, and logical fallacies were filling the air. Ho! ho! ho!

For once, I kept my mouth shut and listened as a roomful of decent people tore each others throats out. It was remarkable, because no one disagreed on the big points. No one disagreed that black lives mattered just as much as white lives. No one disputed that racial bias in law enforcement should be exposed and eliminated. In fact, no one disagreed about the basic facts surrounding each case. The breakdown happened over relevance and context.

My conservative friends were focused on the fact that both men died while resisting arrest, and were therefor responsible for their own demise. They wanted to discuss the killings in light of the incredible risk that all police officers agree to assume.

My liberal friends were focused on the fact that both men were unarmed, and were therefor victims of excessive force. They wanted to discuss the killings in the context of historical trends that suggest bias plays a recurring role in the way cops treat minorities.

By dessert, it was clear that both sides wanted law and order. But the conservatives were convinced that order is only possible when citizens treat cops with respect. Liberals, on the other hand, were arguing that order can only occur when cops treat everyone the same. And round and round we went. The chicken and the egg.

Later, on the drive home, I called a friend of mine back in Baltimore. He’s black, successful, and hard-working. He also resents the way he’s gotten swept into the zeitgeist of Ferguson. In his words, “I’m a pawn in someone else’s agenda, and I’m sick of it. I know what bias looks like in my life. I’m tired of being represented by two petty criminals who died resisting arrest.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that, but he’s got a point. The vast majority of black Americans have never broken the law. And yet, millions of lives are now entwined with the death of Brown and Garner. That’s not fair, but it’s hardly breaking news. Minorities are constantly stereotyped and the impression lingers. Looters and arsonists run amok, and Black America suffers the association. Now I’m trying to get my head around the fact that two cops are dead in Brooklyn, assassinated by a lunatic in “retaliation” for Ferguson and Staten Island. Unbelievable.

How much worse can it get for the millions of law-abiding minorities, struggling to be seen as individuals? How much worse can it get for the thousands of honest cops, trying to protect a citizenry that doesn’t seem to appreciate their daily sacrifice?

A few days ago, people were marching in the streets, literally calling for the execution of police. (“What do we want? Dead Cops!”) Others are standing by today, waiting to lionize the assassins who answer the call. These are not the champions of justice; these are the enemies of civilization, and it’s up to sensible people on both sides of the aisle to close ranks and shout them down. If we want to live in a nation of laws, we need to support the humans sworn to uphold them. They’re a lot of really great cops out there who have promised to do that very thing, including the one in my family. We’d be screwed without them.

To answer your question Meghan, I support peaceful protests, and I’m all for rooting out bad cops. But let’s not stop there. If we’re serious about saving lives, and eliminating the confrontations that lead to the demise of Garner and Brown, let’s also condemn the stupidity that leads so many Americans to resist arrest. I don’t care if you’re white, black, red, periwinkle, burnt umber, or chartreuse – resisting arrest is not a right, it’s a crime. And it’s never a good idea.


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yes, a 78-year old man was beaten and tased twice over a lack of an inspection sticker. However, the dealer tags on his car were exempt. The cause given for the violence was that he resisted arrest, but I (and his lawyer) will submit that an arrest wasnt warranted in the first place.



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yes, a 78-year old man was beaten and tased twice over a lack of an inspection sticker. However, the dealer tags on his car were exempt. The cause given for the violence was that he resisted arrest, but I (and his lawyer) will submit that an arrest wasnt warranted in the first place.





I found an awful lot Meghan's letter to be true, but an American should not be subjected to death by cop because they resist arrest -  or in some cases - are perceived as resisting arrest. Some people become agitated easily for a number of reasons, and that agitation often leads to not following the orders of a police officer. It could be from a prescription medication, getting a not so good medical report or just a really bad day at work. Should it be the cause of your last minutes on this earth?


Everyone is on a short fuse these days, from police to 78 year old men. 

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