Piloto Posted March 12, 2014 Author Report Posted March 12, 2014 Jose' you make a very valid point. A plane in the water is no threat. A couple questions though about your hypothesis. 1. What do you do with the passengers and crew, and 2. Where do you take a B777 and hide it. They'd have to land it somewhere big and hangar it to retrofit it. They'd have to have prepared a landing strip somewhere before hand. You're right we should be looking on land. Your hypothesis freaks me out though! Possible, yes. Probable, I just don't know. 1. On risk to the hijackers that a passenger may call on the cell phone the hijackers will need to incapacitate all of them once beyond land coverage. Since there is no weapons on board the pilot option is to don his oxygen mask and flip the dump valves switch for a sudden cabin decompression. At 35,000ft this will incapacitate the passengers within a minute, even if they don their limited oxygen mask because there is not enough pressure to breath at a constant altitude of 35,000ft. If the hijackers care for details they will start dumping bodies, suit cases, cell phones, seat cushions and other stuff over the current search area to make believe the plane has ditched. Upon autopsy of the bodies they will find that they died because of a sudden decompression which is the same as an in-flight break up. Upon this possibility the only way to confirm the plane went down is by finding actual airframe parts of this B777. 2. Likely they would take the plane to an abandoned field or ex military base. Since the plane is coming late at night nobody can read the Malaysian Airline markings on it. The plane is put into a hangar guarded by terrorists in military uniforms so nobody will care to ask what is going on. Must likely the jet fuel tanks at the base has been filled up before and all the retrofit components been brought in before the plane arrival. Likely the plane is repainted with different markings. With much less logistics efforts and within the US the 911 incident occurred. So do not underestimate these guys. Interesting dates: Osama Bin Laden DOB: 3/10/1957 DOD: 5/2/2011. My advice: SEARCH ON LAND a plane in the water is no threat to anyone. José Quote
1964-M20E Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Jose' Interesting theory. Sounds plausible. In this case over 911 you would need fully trained 777 pilots. I'll bet there are plenty of old abandoned military air strips in that area on some isolated island. Quote
kerry Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Jose, If your scenario is correct I would think there can't be that many runways and hangars to hide a B777. If this is what's happened I would hope we would have satellite images of a 777 in places where you would not normally see one. Scary stuff. Hope its not true. Quote
BigTex Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Sounds right out of a James Bond movie! Quote
Marauder Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 It was nice knowing you José! By the time this thread hits 3 pages, a white van will have scooped you up and taken you to an undisclosed location. A location where you will be water boarded and forced to eat day old Spam until you tell the CIA, NSA, FBI, ATF, FAA and every other alphabet group where you got this information! Quote
fantom Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 This may be it..... According to the network, the images were distributed by China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and were captured on March 9, one day after the plane went missing. The three images appear to show white objects floating in the water. Coordinates released with the images place the objects in the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam, the BBC notes. The Guardian notes that the site appearing on the images is located not far from the last confirmed radar contact with the plane. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing on Saturday after taking off from the airport of Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board. Civilian radars last picked up the flight shortly before 1:30 a.m. on Saturday. Five days later, there was still no confirmation of what happened to the Boeing 777. Malaysia's Defense and Acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein said during a press conference on Wednesday that the search for the plane had been expanded to two areas: its last known position over the Gulf of Thailand and the area near an unconfirmed radar plotting where the Malacca Strait meets the Andaman Sea. He said 42 ships and 39 aircraft from 12 countries were searching nearly 27,000 square nautical miles. More from the Associated Press: BEIJING (AP) — China's official Xinhua News Agency says a government website has images of suspected debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. The report says the satellite images from the morning of March 9 appear to show "three suspected floating objects" of varying sizes. The report includes coordinates of a location in the sea off the southern tip of Vietnam and east of Malaysia. The report says the largest of the suspected pieces of debris measures about 24 by 22 meters. Quote
Piloto Posted March 12, 2014 Author Report Posted March 12, 2014 Oh God!! the chineesse found the UFO that hijacked the plane. Not to undermine the chineesse efforts in this search, but can someone tell me what part of a B777 is that big and have that shape, specially on a broken plane. I think the chineesse has been vaccinated also. The only way you can identify debris is by boat. Besides no conclusive debris found there are two other facts that lead me to the hijacking theory. 1. Before the transponder went off it indicated 35,000ft and then 0ft. This only happens when the transponders is switched from ALT to OFF or STBY from the control panel by hand. 2. Malaysian military radar shows the plane flying another 350nm on a westerly course. I don't think a B777 can glide that long without engine power. SEARCH ON LAND José 1 Quote
Piloto Posted March 13, 2014 Author Report Posted March 13, 2014 I had to chuckle when I read this. We just took one of our passengers back to the gate to meet the friendly NYPD at KLGA. He was so important he didn't have to turn off his cell phone like other normal people do. We called ground control, did a big 180 ... and right back into the ramp and to the gate! People always do as they are asked when asked to turn off their phones ... Right? Wouldn't heve been easier to just grab the passenger phone and turn it off instead of causing a two hours flight delay. I bet the passengers were not happy about this. What airline is this? José 1 Quote
Guest Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 It could be a right wing religious group who have hi jacked the plane and are now loading it with Bibles which the will drop on un-suspecting Muslim's in some peace loving country..... Or it crashed and hasn't been found yet. Clarence Quote
Awful_Charlie Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I reckon they turned the afterburners on and landed on the moon Quote
Piloto Posted March 13, 2014 Author Report Posted March 13, 2014 It was nice knowing you José! By the time this thread hits 3 pages, a white van will have scooped you up and taken you to an undisclosed location. A location where you will be water boarded and forced to eat day old Spam until you tell the CIA, NSA, FBI, ATF, FAA and every other alphabet group where you got this information! I have not seen the van yet. I do not think they check on this forum, they have been vaccinated too. But be careful when you talk by phone to your secret mistress, they are listening. José Quote
Piloto Posted March 13, 2014 Author Report Posted March 13, 2014 Jose' There are serious liabilities for grabbing peoples personal property. Not to mention that may trigger a scuffle and escalate the problem even worse, . Well next time you see a guy with a switch blade knife keep the above in mind. Now I can see how terrorists can get away. Wonder what an air marshall would have done. What about if this happened during take off in IFR conditions would you have turned back? My common sense tells me to just ignore it. Why try to make a point when there is no real danger?. Now the event went on TV and the airline likely lost customers. José 1 Quote
triple8s Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I hate flying commercial, mainly because of the inconsideration of others. People miss their connections while people have to grab their carry on sh!t that they don't have any real need for carrying on in the first place! I wish there was an airline that was concerned only about schedules and being on time, was cheaper, didn't peddle the junk food and had no flight attendants just bouncers. When the plane pulls up to the gate people get off the damn plane. No digging for stuff. When boarding, no waiting for people that are late, no waiting for everyone to get all their stupid sh!t situated, get on the damn plane sit down, shut up and buckle up! That's right ! Everybody that's on time and gets there early waits and pays for these late ass inconsiderate people. I could not be an ATP nor FA I'd want to crack some heads! 1 Quote
scottfromiowa Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 Kindered soul says...You speaka my language Quote
Seth Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I have not seen the van yet. I do not think they check on this forum, they have been vaccinated too. But be careful when you talk by phone to your secret mistress, they are listening. José You mean my Mooney? I guess she's not a secret mistress . . . -Seth Quote
201er Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 SAFETY, a passenger in YOUR airplane is perhaps on drugs, disruptive, will not obey YOUR instructions and curses at YOU ... while you are still on the ground and have a choice ... and you are questioning whether you want to be up in the air with this guy on your airplane - you would turn around and take them back too? When you are wondering if this is going to be ok, going to be safe, and having doubts ... doesn't that tell you something right there? What worries me is that if airlines are afraid that a not-deactivated cell-phone (or my ipod for that matter) can bring down a sophisticated airliner... then God help us about the jerk in row 8E who forgot his activated phone in his back and half the other passengers for that matter... What a hype. I have all kinds of gadgets running in my Mooney and the devices are much closer and no doubt less shielded and I have not seen so much as a hiccup. As for the original topic, dude, who do you work for!? http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/03/13/chinese-government-website-says-it-has-images-suspected-plane-debris/ Quote
scottfromiowa Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I have the freedom to choose to fly or not fly. When you "choose" to fly you subject yourself to the loss of independence and presumption of guilt..until the X-Ray machines show otherwise. You choose to encounter those that are to young to know not to scream and cry. To old or selfish or ignorant or cheap to not travel light and efficiently. I have sound deadening earphones that I am asked...told...to remove for take-off and climb. No ipod until you are "told" it is O.K. I don't like it at all, but I willingly comply because I choose to fly. I choose to fly commercial less and less because of the loss of freedom and privacy that I am subjected to, but my number one reason is others on board that have a sense of entitlement to do what they wish to do...not being considerate of others in a confined area... It is the rare exception anymore that you have a "good leg" on a commercial flight. It is just something to endure. 1 Quote
scottfromiowa Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 Congrats Piloto. You were not just ahead of the curve...you are an erie predictor on this one. My thoughts are with those that are innocent in the passengers and crew. I have never hoped for mechanical failure being an identified cause of an air incident...until now. The other scenario is just another dark to contemplate. Quote
Piloto Posted March 13, 2014 Author Report Posted March 13, 2014 Cell phone interference is just a myth. It has never been proven in the lab or in an aircraft. The most susceptible would be a GPS sensor and it does not happens. On a smart phone the GPS sensor and the phone transmitter share the same enclosure and antenna. But you notice that you never lose the GPS signal during road navigation while talking on the phone at the same time. This proves the point. It is unethical to embarrass a passenger in front of others for just having the phone turned on. There other 99 passenger phones in pockets and purses that are turned on during the whole time onboard. Is the crew going to ask the passengers to empty their pockets and purses to check on their phone status? Same rules on the use of phone is on movie theaters. Recently a young guy was shot in the head by a back viewer because he was just texting. The outcome, one dead the other 30 years in prison. Was it worth it making the point? Use your comon sense judgment don't get focused on the rules. José Quote
triple8s Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I can only imagine being stuck in a steel tube crossing the pacific with 300+ other people using their cellphones for 16 hours. Quote
triple8s Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 Ok aluminum tube, composite tube whatever 1 Quote
201er Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 I can only imagine being stuck in a steel tube crossing the pacific with 300+ other people using their cellphones for 16 hours. But for $5 a minute you can use their sky phone all you want... 1 Quote
DonMuncy Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 Jose, I don't know about the commercial airlines, but my cell phone causes a noise in my headset. Many other folk's phones do not do it. I suppose it could be coincidence, but invariably when I forget to turn mine off before taking off, within a short time, I hear the same noise. I always turn it off, and do not hear it again. Quote
scottfromiowa Posted March 13, 2014 Report Posted March 13, 2014 Cell phone interference is just a myth. It has never been proven in the lab or in an aircraft. The most susceptible would be a GPS sensor and it does not happens. On a smart phone the GPS sensor and the phone transmitter share the same enclosure and antenna. But you notice that you never lose the GPS signal during road navigation while talking on the phone at the same time. This proves the point. It is unethical to embarrass a passenger in front of others for just having the phone turned on. There other 99 passenger phones in pockets and purses that are turned on during the whole time onboard. Is the crew going to ask the passengers to empty their pockets and purses to check on their phone status? Same rules on the use of phone is on movie theaters. Recently a young guy was shot in the head by a back viewer because he was just texting. The outcome, one dead the other 30 years in prison. Was it worth it making the point? Use your comon sense judgment don't get focused on the rules. José That's the problem, common sense is not...COMMON... Quote
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