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Best place for Mooney service in Southeast?


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Recommendations for Mooney service in the Southeast?  If anyone brave enough to tell me where not to go, please PM me at jmilholm@bellsouth.net





+1 for Cole Aviation; not the least expensive Mooney shop in the area, but high business integrity and high-quality workmanship.  I had a recent very poor experience with Epps at PDK.

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Doc, I'm guessing by your questions that you are also knew to Mooney ownership. I've sent you a note to your email address about how to subscribe to the Southeast Mooney mailing list so you can stay up to date on various events. I do my best to schedule a few things per year...the last one was a fly-in at Rome for the big Air Show, and Joey hosted us with free food and a fun discussion and demonstration in his hangar.  Cheers.



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And most importantly, it's a labor of love.


That's true.  No one is going to be more conscientious about the condition of my planes, than me!  Now, if I could just figure out what those damn hangar fairies are doing!   :D

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I guess I will be the one that would not recommend Cole Aviation.  First a little background on me.  My family owned an aircraft maintenance shop in South Florida when I was younger.  We closed the shop after my grandfather passed.  Although I never got my A&P or IA, I have several years experience working on and building airplanes.  So, I know something, but not everything, about aircraft maintenance. 




There were multiple instances where Cole Aviation replaced items unnecessarily or would simply throw parts at a problem because Joey was unsure about what the problem was despite my guidance.  In some instances Joey replaced parts that were still airworthy and not in need of replacing ( replacing a tire with a small flat spot despite plenty of tread, a landing light that still was operating, or a an oxygen fill valve that was operating perfectly) .  Joey’s knowledge of engines I also found lacking.  In fairness, I did not get everything in writing.   But that should not allow someone to treat my plane as an open check book either.  I can give very specific examples if you like on any of the above.  Note, I keep my airplane in good shape.  I have been told this by other Mooney owners as well (even unsolicited :) ).


My experience with Epps is limited but good.  I have heard some unhappy and some happy with their service.  DLK is O.K.  I don’t think they work on many Mooneys anymore.  DLK is mediocre at best.  They were not impressive when I brought an IA over who was interested in a Mooney they maintaining.  I currently use AirDevil, in Monroe, GA.  AirDevil was previously owned by Wayne Parks who had decades of Mooney service experience.  The current owner worked for Wayne but is not what I would call significantly experienced with Mooneys (about 5 years working on Mooneys).  However, his attention to detail is very good.


Feel free to PM me if you want more details.  I try not to air all my dirty laundry on the web.



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My Mooney is at KGVL (Gainesville, Georgia) and our mechanic on field is Mr. John Pittman.  He treats your aircraft as if he was flying his family in it.  He does outstanding work and is extraordinarily anal about everything being perfect, all the time, every time.  If you are his customer, should you EVER need anything looked at; he will drop what he is doing and make your needs a priority.  He is a true gentleman and no B.S.  If you have issues, he's going to tell you that you have issues.  Again, he services your aircraft as if it is his own and his family's safety is dependent upon his work.  His prices are competitive and his advice is free.  I trust his ability with my life and in 5 years he has never let me down.  He does NOT do avionics work.  I can give you a dozen references and many Mooney owners will stand up for John.


P.S. Somebody sign me up for the Southeast Mooney mailing list - Kevin Saunders ksaunder@prattindustries.com    


Mr. John Pittman 

Operates out of North hanger E-2

KGVL - Gainesville, Ga



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I would also recommend Joey Cole as he has done a number of projects on my Mooney that have worked out well.  I use H&L Aircraft at KRYY for my annual, oil changes and routine work but Joey for specialty work (i.e., he installed my EDM-730, fuel tank patches, did some troubleshooting for me on some issues that H&L did not want to tackle, etc.).  As for William's experience described above it does not surprise me.  Joey is a self described impatient perfectionist and you have to work closely with him to separate the wheat (real issues) from the chaffe (wouldn't it be nicer if...).  There were times when I deferred something he wanted to do right away.  


Having said all that, he knows Mooneys and he knows where to get parts and at least for me has done what he promised to do when he promised to do it.  And he has been a good sounding board for me when I was in transit and needed advice on a maintenance issue.  I would also agree that engines are not his forte and he is pretty open about that issue.  You just need to actively manage what he is doing and hopefully avoid William's experience.


The only work I had done at Epps was a radio problem and they replaced an antenna when the real problem was the cable connection to the radio.  Nothing other than that.  Never used DLK although they claim to know Mooneys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joey is moving at the end of Jan to Dalton (KDNN). He'll be in the big hangar next to the FBO (for those familiar with that airport).

I had not heard he was moving.  Too bad as I often do my practice approaches at Rome and found it comforting to know if I had a mechanical issue I could put the plane down there and have him look at it.  Strangely enough, Dalton is better if I need to have someone pick me and is only 10nm further for me to fly than Rome.  Just looked and KDNN has an ILS and an RNAV with vertical guidance.  Looks like my new favorite place to practice approaches.

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Daytona Jet gets a vote from me.


Could you offer some details on why they get your vote?


I've lived and flown out of SoFL for decades and have heard very little, positive or negative, about them. They would on all GA brands and have a very clean shop. Level of expertise, prices, inventory, follow up, etc???

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Joey is moving at the end of Jan to Dalton (KDNN). He'll be in the big hangar next to the FBO (for those familiar with that airport).


I guess that's a little easier to get to than Rome.  KLZU would have been better as far as I'm concerned.  I'll have to swing up and see him at the new shop.

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Doc, I'm guessing by your questions that you are also knew to Mooney ownership. I've sent you a note to your email address about how to subscribe to the Southeast Mooney mailing list so you can stay up to date on various events. I do my best to schedule a few things per year...the last one was a fly-in at Rome for the big Air Show, and Joey hosted us with free food and a fun discussion and demonstration in his hangar.  Cheers.




Please sign me up for the Southeast mailing list; I'm relocating to Auburn, AL. It's interesting to me that Joey is moving to Dalton, where I took my first few lessons in a Beech Skipper. (An interesting airplane, but at least it has two doors.) needless to say, I'm also looking for a mechanic. Dalton's not too far, but Mite's hangar will be closer. :-)

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Sure thing Hank. I thought you were already on the list since you'd come to the fly in at Rome last year, but I'll send you the link in a PM and you can go there to input your email address.  You'll need to do that yourself since I don't have your email.  Cheers.

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