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Found 18 results

  1. Hi all. A bit of a preface here. I'm a new owner, just getting my first annual on my own (the first was done with the seller and we split some costs). Minor back story here. There have been a lot of things discovered in this annual that seem like they should have been discovered in the previous, and apparently there were many mistakes made by this supposedly reputable shop. I know this isn't a poor man's hobby but WOW! My question is relating to avionics upgrades, and costs. I know I need a new Mode S transponder. I has been in the back of my head and I have been starting some more serious research. I have received a rough verbal quote from a local shop for an install on a new GTX-345 so that I can benefit from the compatibility to my 430W. He said I was looking at 8-10k USD. Keep in mind I am in Canada so ad 25% to that, then add 13% more for sales tax. After doing a bit of reading on just a couple US websites they advertise "From $4800". I would assume that is just to purchase the unit, although how much can the unit cost vary. I would assume it would only be the install cost that varies save for maybe a few different wiring options or kits that certain planes might need. Regardless, he told me that the install is in the 20 hour range. At about $100 CAD per hour, I can't quite figure out where the rest of the cost is coming from to total 8-10k USD. Even if the unit is 6k USD, that would mean the install is $4000 USD which is more than 40 hours if the rate is $100 CAD per hour. It simply isn't adding up. Here is my next question. How long can it possibly take to install a damn transponder. I'm new to the airplane world and the airplane ownership world and I am still trying to understand and feel out how aircraft maintenance and avionics shops work. I know it's an expensive game. Do most work on flat rate? I'm a pretty savvy guy and have been around auto shops and many types of repairs. I can remodel a small bathroom in 40 hours, or re-re an engine and transmission on a car in less time than that. I would think that a transponder install would be a day's work. Again, I am not making any claims, I am simply asking for some advice from some experienced guys. I am mainly looking to not get ripped off. I have NEVER been opposed to paying a fair price. I am looking to figure out what is fair. When I do decide to replace the transponder I was thinking to also replace the audio panel. I would have hoped it would save some time with them already having everything apart, but based on the telephone conversation it seems that the savings may not be as much as I had anticipated. I understand that Mooney's are regarded as difficult to work on when it comes to panel stuff. I would appreciate any input from anyone, especially Canadians that have made a trip to the US to get installs done and if it went smoothly. Could you also let me know if there is anything special I need to get done in regards to logs to keep everything legal for TC. Any recommendations on shops to look into would also be great. These guys seem to be a Garmin heavy store. He was really pushing the Garmin, I guess maybe because I have the 430W and for compatibility? It does sort of make sense to stick with the same brand throughout my panel, also considering a possibly upgrade to a G5 set up when my AI and DG crap out. I have no problem with people supporting a brand they believe in, but from what I know, Garmin is on the more expensive side of the options out there. Is there a better bang for your buck? Thanks in advance
  2. I took my M20C in for an annual Dec.26. Last week was the first time I was able to fly it since. I still haven’t received the bill. I decided that I better go flying because once I get the bill I may not be able to afford the fuel. One of my big concerns was radio noise when I am in close proximity to the airport. I am not sure all that was done just yet but I was told that they put new connectors in the cabin ceiling. Not only did they not fix the radio noise but as soon as I took off, the tower said I was not showing altitude and told me to squawk 1200 on my almost new GTX345. Also, traffic no longer shows on the GNS530W or ForeFlight on the iPad. I was connected via Bluetooth. The avionics guy at the shop has since moved to another state. I guess I would like some ideas on where or what I should look for or do next. Any ideas would be welcomed. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I have some avionics/instruments for sale due to my upgrade. I would rather sell to someone I know vs Ebay, so I thought I would post. All were removed from my airplane in working order, except #7 which I purchased and never installed. Please contact me by email: jolielucas@charter.net Shipping charges extra. 2) King KI203 VOR/LOC indicator s/n 4836 p/n 066-3034-00 [Ebay completed sales: $200-495] 3) Narco Transponder: AT 50A with tray s/n 34904 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 4) Narco Transponder: AT 150 TSO with tray and wiring s/n 18398 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 5) King KN 64 DME p/n 066-1088-00 s/n 14249 [Ebay completed sales: $425-1395] 6) Garwin one-piece engine cluster p/n 220-166-09 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 7) Garwin individual components engine cluster p/n 22-169-08 [I purchased for $220 plus shipping]
  4. I removed a Narco AT 150 TSO transponder from my Mooney M20-C and replaced it with a Garmin 345 to meet the ADS-B out requirement. As such I have an "as removed" Narco transponder for sale. It worked perfectly for the 5 years I had the Mooney. My Mooney is a 14 volt system and this one appears to work with either 14 or 28 volt. I looked on ebay and they are selling for anywhere from $100-$750. If anyone wants it for $100 message me. I am going to put the same message on the Twincessna.org webpage as well. If no one wants it I will put in on ebay in a week or so. Also I will have Cessna 340 airspeed indicator, DG, altimeter in the near future as there will be more upgrades. If you need any of there please let me know as well.
  5. I have an old KT79 transponder that began being intermittent in reporting altitude and finally stopped altogether during a flight Saturday. I had the biannual IFR certification done in April and had some issues after but would always clear after cycling power. It had done so prior to the calibration a couple of times as well. I plan a panel upgrade next year so don't want to replace right now. Any suggestions or has anyone had to address this before. Don
  6. I just upgraded my panel. I have a GTX 327 that works great. I will sell it for $225 shipped.
  7. Garmin GTX 327 removed for upgrade to ADS B. $500. Works perfectly, yellow tag from install. $500. Shipping included to US. PM me for more info. Rags.
  8. I had my Garmin GTX330 removed by a CRS from my PA-28A on 11/10/16 and replaced with ADS-B in/out compliant system. The GTX 330 is in perfect working condition and like new. The tray, back-plate, and connector (no pins) are included along with FAA Form 91.413 and the maintenance release. P/N 011-00455-00 S/N 84119512 $1200 free shipping Mark Scheuer
  9. $150, Removed this week in working condition.
  10. My fellow Mooniacs, I am cleaning out the hangar and have a few things for sale. All of the parts listed are brand new sealed in original packaging, except for the Whelen NAV/Strobe light system. My loss is your gain. PM me if you have any questions. All items are shipped Fedex 2-Day free of charge! Pegasus Panel Mounted Compass - Unlit $250 Retail - $50 Shipped https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/sirs_compass.php?clickkey=3075522 Photos: https://goo.gl/photos/pY7xXsEDtMUKgaYLA Comant Transponder/DME Antenna - $170 Retail - $50 Shipped - ***SOLD*** https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/comant105.php?clickkey=5060 Photos: https://goo.gl/photos/Jwb8zDb5LW3ftVFm9 Want your LED’s, HID’s, or Halogen landing lights to pulse or “wig-wag”? Look no further! Pulselite - $360 Retail - $100 Shipped http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/pulselite1.php Photos: https://goo.gl/photos/qBCKhY4TYBeGRmNe6 3 Position Whelen Nav/Strobe Light Kit - $350 Shipped I have recently upgraded to LED NAV/Strobes. This kit includes the following: 1 - Red Left Nav/Strobe Unit 1 - Green Right Nav/Strobe Unit 1 - Tail Strobe/Position Unit 1 - HDACF 14/28v Strobe Driver Unit 1 - Pack of 10 Molex Connectors (New) 1 - 60’ 16/3 Shielded Strobe Wire (New) Photos: https://goo.gl/photos/1GurtRCVfjsebrQP6
  11. ATC has reported my King KT 76A as intermittent. I had my mechanic check all connections and all good. Any advice on what is wrong. I read that if you check Flight Aware and your whole track is there it is ATC problem. Does anybody have a working one they will sell me cheap? I am not ready to do ADSB upgrade yet
  12. I just dropped the plane off for some avionics work starting next week. There will be an Stec System 30 autopilot with Alt Hold without servos. and a King KT-76C digital transponder available very soon. If anyone is interested in these, I have listed them here only in advance of public sale.
  13. Hi all! Haven't been on much in a while (having twins will do that to you - and I don't mean the flying type...) I am considering upgrading my '96 Ovation from its existing King transponder - which ATC complains about all the time, and trading it in for an L3 NGT-9000 ADSB in/out transponder. This seems like a tidy unit, and it can tie into the 530 to display traffic along with my existing Skywatch installation, and solve for the 2020 mandate, and give me a weather display in the cockpit, pipe weather to my ipad via wifi, etc etc. First off, anyone done it, or considering it? Would love to hear your thoughts. I'd like to take advantage of their current special. Second, anyone who would talk me out of it - for other than the cost? I searched the forums, and it doesn't seemed to have been discussed much - and it looks like a slick solution to me! thanks, Greg
  14. I have a GTX320 transponder for sale. This was recently removed for an ADSB upgrade. Included is the tray and backplates. It was working fine when removed. They seem to be going for $900ish on eBay. I'll take $600 or best offer.
  15. I have installed a KT-74 ADS-B out transponder and have the original transponder from my '83 J-model for sale. It has a yellow tag from 2008, and was fully functional when it was removed in December. The digits rotate smoothly and the white numbers are still sharply contrasting. There are typical small cracks in the plastic on each side, seen in the pictures. It includes the transponder and tray as shown here. No cabling or anything else not seen in these pictures. $500 including basic shipping within the USA. Paypal preferred. I am in SoCal, if you want to meet for a $100 burger somewhere in the area to make the purchase. thanks, -dan
  16. Hey all. I went out this morning for some air work and never made it off the ground because I was getting a XPDR FAIL alert and the red X in the transponder box on the PFD. I tried all the standard troubleshooting stuff, pulled the circuit breaker, etc. Even talked to Garmin's AOG service and they said it would require a technician to look at. Anybody ever had a similar issue with a G1000 transponder? I'm looking for troubleshooting ideas. Thanks!
  17. http://www.airventure.org/news/2013/130731_transponder-tech-getting-to-2020.html good to see more options coming for ADS-B out compliance. a very pleasant surprise for me is the Bendix King KT-74 option. not only lower priced than other Mode S with ES but also a slide in replacement for the KT-76 will make it very attractive for KT-76 equipped aircrafts and there are lots of them !! which brings up the following question: why does Garmin wants us to rewire when slide in replacement can be an option ?
  18. Used Garmin Transponder GTX 320 A for sale. Includes installation manual, tray and connector.
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