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  1. Anyone have a part number (or better the part) for the auxiliary power door on the tail cone access panel? Mine departed in flight (pin slipped out?). Looks like this Pic borrowed from another post)
  2. ...In every phase of flight it is a really great improvement in performance and in cylinder temperatures! Last Year I bought a Turbo Plus intercooler kit from Jeff Shapiro for my Mooney M20K 231. First, the delivery was very fast and second he gave me a special price for me as member of MAPA. When I unpacked the kit, I was very happy about the really great quality of all the parts. Welding, tolerances and so on. I installed the kit in two days and it was a great pleasure to do. The fiberglass work at the cowling is also very easy, but needs a little bit of trim. When I had finished all that work and the final adjustment of the TCM injection system, I went flying to see what it will improve. First was, that the intake air immediately cooled down about 30 deg. Celsius in the takeoff run. I operate my Mooney from a 750 meter asphalt strip. After takeoff, in the climb it was cooling by 45 deg. Celsius and raised to 55 deg. in higher altitudes. I think the NACA duct is at the optimum position. Much better and more efficient than by the 252 model, because it gets directly cool air from the outside and not via the cylinders inside the cowling on the right side in the engine compartment. In cruise I have now much cooler cylinder head temperatures , mostly about 320 deg. Fahrenheit with 75-85 percent of power. I was flying now for approx. 9 month with the intercooler and in every phase of flight it is a really great improvement in performance and in cylinder temperatures!! So finally I think that is one of the best mods for a 231 model. Regards, Alex Haselmann D-EMLL Mooney M20K
  3. Having read all the posts of people upgrading from a J model to a K model I find myself seriously considering going the other way and trading in my 231 for a 201. I have a 1980 M20K 231 with the LB engine that has about 1400 hours on it. Good avionics including a GNS480, MX20, auto pilot and all the normal things you would assume a 231 has. Paint and interior are less than 9 years old. I have had the plane for 4 years and it is a great example of a 231. I fell in to this plane while trying to sell my M20C. It is a long story but basically I was able to work a deal where it made more sense to trade in the C for the K rather than sell the C outright. It was strange times 4 years ago as the airplane market along with the overall market were tanking, but interest rates were dropping too. After 4 years I really think this is too much plane for the type of flying I do. I have been a pilot for 16 years and I have just over 700 hours. I am flying about 50 hours a year now, most of it local hamburger runs with an occasional weekend trip over 300 miles away. One big factor is that I am not instrument rated. When I got this plane everyone told me it was the perfect platform to get rated. The problem is my professional life and personal life barely allow me enough time to fly 50 hours a year. Every time I start the instrument training it gets sidetracked. I don't see any reason this is going to change in the next 5 to 10 years. So I find myself with a 6 cylinder turbocharged Mooney that never gets above 10,000 feet. Add to that built in Oxygen that I never use and I start to question the need. Maintenance costs more then a J model and I am burning more fuel. I don't look forward to the added expense of overhauling a larger engine or a turbocharger when the time comes. Looking at the J models on the market now I can sell my 1980 K, buy a newer J with less time on the engine and I only give up 10 KTS at the altitudes I fly. I might end up spending more on the J then I get for the K but I am OK with that for a newer plane with less time on the engine and lower maintenance costs. My local shop, who are Mooney experts, and my plane broker think I am crazy. The broker has been dragging his feet getting back to me because he does not want me to sell it. Have you ever heard of a broker who doesn't want to make a commision? So, am I crazy?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and settled on Mooney ownership, trying to decide between a J or K (252). I have read many other old forum posts on this topic, but I want to hear from you all who have flown both the J and K out in the mountainous areas west of Denver. I'm leaning in the direction of the turbo, but justifying the purchase and maintenance costs is making the decision a bit challenging. Just to be clear, I can definitely afford the K, but a wider dollar cushion is always nice to have. For clarity, I'm only considering the 252 variant of the K because I don't want to worry about the financial or mental workload of those premature high-altitude systems in the 231. Background: ATP and lifelong involvement in GA to at least some extent. Living in Flagstaff, AZ and based in Salt Lake City for work. The mission for the airplane would involved recreational cross country flights of 300NM or greater between four times per year and once per month. Using the airplane for commuting to work would be a desirable option, but not essential by any means. On the weekend trips most of the time we would be hauling just two people plus light bags. Occasionally a friend or family may join us. The vast majority of flying we would be doing would also be the most important stuff, flying down to lower elevation fields within the state of Arizona. No matter which type, night flying and approaches with ceilings below 1000 feet are no-go territory. Long story short; the main mission would be bumming around the "local" area for fun with about 30-40% serious, mountain-topping cross-country flying being a highly desirable option. My concerns with the J are performance above 15,000 feet and dispatch reliability given weather conditions. I like the systems simplicity and the associated lower burden of cost while enjoying the relative simplicity on fun-flying days. My concerns with the K are reliability, maintenance cost, the effect complex systems have on "fun factor" when hanging flying around the local area, and whether you all feel those are justified by any increased dispatch reliability. Thank you all for your responses, and stay safe up there! -Rich
  5. 1980 Mooney M20K 231/261 N231JN Price: $119,000 Questions: jasonmhatfield@hotmail.com 615-478-6656 Based: KRLD Richland, Washington Airframe TTAF: 1821 Engine: TSNEW: 1471 (TSIO-360-MB1B Removed from a 1988 Mooney 252) TSTopOH: 853 TSTurboOH: 13 Prop: TSPOH: 403 (Hartzell 3 blade PHC-J3YF-1RF) Useful Load: 825lbs, Max weight: 2900lbs, Empty weight: 2075lbs Avionics: -PS Engineering PM2000 Intercom -Garmin GNS-430W WAAS GPS/Nav/Com/ILS -Bendix/King KMA-24 Audio Panel -Bendix/King KFC200 Autopilot w/ KC-295 A/P Computer -Bendix/King KY-197 Digital Com Transceiver -Bendix/King KN-53 Digital Nav Receiver -Logue LA-7800 Digital Nav CDI -Appareo Stratus ESG Transponder (ADSB compliant) -Insight G1 Engine Monitor (EGT, CHT) -Fs-450 fuel computer -L3/BFG WX900 Storm Scope -RCA RTA-1001 Weather Scout Radar and D1-1001 Indicator Features: -252 Continental TSIO-360-MB1B intercooled with auto waste gate and Hartzell 3 bladed prop installed by Mod Squad (STC SA2445CE and SA1505GL) -Long range Monroy 110g fuel tanks (STC SA1913SO) with wing fuel level indicators -Standby secondary vacuum pump (STC SA5438SW) -Rosen adjustable sun visors -OAT gauge -Plumbed for Oxygen- no bottle or regulator -Front and rear shoulder belts Exterior: -Original paint- White base, Desert Red & Black trim -Paint is shiny in places and dull and cracking/chipping in others. -Windows are in good condition with no major scratches or cracks, no leaks -Bottom of fuel tanks show minor signs of being wet but no active drips Interior: -Red leather upholstery and carpet installed 2001 (1783TT) -No rips or tears Damage history: -1984 NTSB narrative “Door popped open after liftoff…during distraction prop tips struck runway. Power was reduced, landed gear up." The prop and engine have since been replaced. Airworthiness Directives: -Up to date. Recent Maintenance: -2023 Replaced both wing fuel sumps with new -2023 Replaced Prop and Throttle cables with new McFarland Vernier parts, new ignition harness wires, replaced ELT and engine battery. -2022 Overhauled fuel system -2022 Inspected airframe for corrosion in accordance with M20-208B. No problems found. -2021 New Tires, tubes, brake linings, spark plugs, battery, and air filter. -2012/ TT:1808- Turbo Overhauled with new V-band clamps. Overhauled the gear motor and emergency extension. Installed overhauled vacuum pump. Certifications: -Annual Inspection: 2/10/23, TT1808. Compressions: 75, 68, 64, 71, 74, 72 -Transponder, Altimeter, Pitot Static Test: 11/12/2021 Notes: -Aircraft sat idle from 2012-2021. Flew cross country spring 2023. Times will change as aircraft is currently being flown -Complete and scanned log books. Engine log book was reconstructed by IA from original book copies. -Clean and clear title. N231JN.EngineLog.pdf N231JN.PropLog.pdf Airworthiness.updated11_21_22.pdf N231JN.AirframeLog.Book2.pdf N231JN.AirframeLog.Book1.pdf
  6. Turbo Mooney 1982 M20K231 (TTSN 4800) hangared with current annual/IFR, recently factory-remaned engine (TSFRM 130), GAMI, Wastegate, TKS anti-ice (not FIKI), composite MT Prop, Precise flight electric spoilers, Factory 4-place Oxygen, Apollo CNX 80 WAAS GPS/NavCom, Garmin G5 HSI, MFD, 2-axis autopilot with GPS steering. Flown 50-100 hr/year. No known damage aside from minor hail dings. Electric gear and flaps. 2015 acclaim paint, 930 lb useful load. Love this plane but mission has changed so it's time for a new owner. Times may change. Open to fractional partnership if local. Summer flying wrapping up so dropping price.
  7. I am under contract to purchase a M20K that has the 252 FWF conversion installed but the 337 was never filed with the FAA. Looking through the airframe log book I see the conversion was done in 1997 and Robert H Meier, the FAA documented owner of STC SA2445CE, signed off on the work. I understand that Mr Meier passed away in 2020 along with some of his ModWorks/Mod Squad partners. The FAA still shows him as the owner to the STC so its clear he didnt release it to the public domain. I have the FAA CD for the aircraft and the 337 and STC are not there. I am looking for someone with the same conversion that has a copy of the STC to assist in filing a field approval to get this cleaned up. (ref: STC SA2445CE and DWG #3172B or maybe its #317213) Thanks! Jason
  8. When oil pressure gauge sensor wire is shorted to ground, would the indication be high oil pressure or low? Trying to figure out what to debug first.
  9. A 1981 M20K's POH says run-up at 1700 RPM A 1980 M20K POH says run-up at 2000 RPM What says Mooneyspace M20K owners with the TSIO360 engine?
  10. I would like to create a couple of different profiles for use with ForeFlight. 75% Power and Economy Cruise ... Cruising Altitude of 9000 feet. Can you share some of your Profiles? Thank you.
  11. Hello all. Myself and 3 partners are looking for a 5th person to join us in buying an M20J or M20K. The plane will be based out of Centennial, CO (KAPA, near Denver). Some details below: Buy In (per person): $27K ---> After legal fees for the partnership doc, an initial maintenance reserve, pre-purchase inspection, sales tax, etc. that results in a buying power of ~$117k Estimated Monthly Fixed Costs (per person): $275 Desired Avionics (buy a plane with them installed, or buy a cheaper plane and put them in): ---> Advanced Engine Monitor (JPI/Garmin/EDM) ---> Garmin WAAS GPS ---> GFC 500 ---> G5s as required to run GFC 500. If you are interested, please DM me! I hope this is the right thread for this post.
  12. Official TCM Overhaul Manual for most variants of the TSIO-360 Turbo Charged Six Cylinder Engine, including the -GB, -LB, -MB and -SB engines used in M20K's. FAA Approved October 1997 edition. Purchased from Aircraft Spruce and in excellent condition--no greasy finger prints, blood splatters or coffee stains. SALE $50 for reference https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/continentalnewmanuals_07-10284.php?clickkey=7889118 List ($201) but not in stock
  13. Got a new laptop! I tried it out by making this very short video, regretfully I had only one GoPro and no audio. But I tried to make it nice with some local color!
  14. Hello M20K Drivers, I just spoke with the folks at Rocket Engineering in Spokane about the idea of them doing more Rocket Conversions to our existing K model fleet. I was told that if he had 20 airplanes lined up wanting the conversions then he'd likely do it, but it would take that many before his costs would be justifiable as doing onesy-twosy just wasn't cost effective for him to open up that option again. So, I ask, is there any K model drivers who might be facing an O/H soon who would be interested in converting their K to a Rocket? I have an 87' 252 now Encore that I'd love to see have more muscle under the hood. So, I am one. Are there any others? If we come up with a list of 20 K model drivers who would be interested in this idea, I believe Rocket Engineering would take our deposits and start up the conversions again. Anybody else?? Besides the nay sayers. 186 KTAS at 55% power ROP on 14 to 15 gph at 12,000 feet is a real eye opener...and then you've got all kinds of go faster options from there.
  15. I know there were a number of threads on screw kits, but I never saw a definite shopping list for a M20K. Does anyone have one? I attempted to write down all the various screws, washers, nuts and whatnots from an IPC I have, but my copy is not searchable, so I gave up pretty fast. Does anyone have a M20K IPC that would be a proper PDF, searchable, with proper text in it, not a bunch of scanned pages? Getting stuff shipped from the US piecemeal is becoming a pain and I'm at a point where I'll be happy to spend the extra $$$ on a bunch of screws I probably won't need just to have the ones I will need in a box near the plane when I need them. I realize that after 40 years some of the screws from the IPC might have changed in size (as in, oversize screws were installed at some point in time) so pointers / suggestions based on experience are also most welcome.
  16. Hello, I’ve been unsuccessful in finding a co-owner for my 1987 M20K 252 sn 25-1145, and it makes little economic sense to fly her all by my self so I decided to sell her. 1250 hrs tt per end July. Sold Equipment COM 1: Garmin GNS 530W COM 2: Garmin GNC 255A NAV 1: Garmin GNS 530W NAV 2: Garmin GNC 255A Audio panel: Bendix/King KMA-24 Intercom: Isocom SCI-4 ADF: Bendix/King KR-87 DME: Bendix/King KN-64 Stormscope: 3M WX-950 ADL150 Satellite weather receiver (2018) HSI: Bendix/King KCS-55A Autopilot: Bendix/King KAP-150 with yaw damper Transponder: Garmin GTX-330 GPS: Garmin GNS 530W (with trafic and fuelflow) Garmin GTS800 Traffic Info System (2018) JPI-EDM 700 Engine monitor (2019) ELT: Artex ME-406 Hot prop, Hartzell 2 blade with q-tips (new blades december 2019, 40 hrs) LED landing lights Dual alternators Built in oxygen (bottle overhauled 2020) Speedbrakes Bruce’s Travel Canopy cover (2016) Battery tender I am assembling a website where I try to collect all the relevant info, it is a work in progress so bare with me. You’ll find more info on the engine, logs etc. M20K252.com She is based in The Netherlands. Happy landings, Mark
  17. I am looking to borrow a EU based set of travel boards that would work for a 1980 M20K, to buy a set (location not critical), or a drawing / CAD file to have them fabricated locally. Absent that option, can someone please describe the process using a protractor? I have not been able to find a description on how to do it without the boards. The Service and Maintenance Manual I have tells me to use the travel boards (27-30-00). I am looking at the elevator, since it seems the easiest, but would want to do all of them eventually. I've seen a few people mention it is doable but tedious, so I want to give it a shot. I don't think I have a need to adjust anything, just want to go through the motions as a learning exercise. I know the angles are in the TCDS, but am not sure how to apply those values / what to measure them against. Many thanks in advance!
  18. Hi Everyone, We are in the home stretch for our 2020 Summer Conference & Retreat. August 20-23, 2020 Sunriver Resort Sunriver, Oregon Airport Code (S21) Featured Presenters Include: Don Maxwell, Phil Corman, LASAR, Airspeed Insurance, Jan Maxwell & Crewchief Systems. Sponsors Include: LASAR, Aircraft Spruce, Don Maxwell Aviation, Bruce's Custom Covers, The Mooney Flyer, Right Seat Ready, JPI Instruments, Lightspeed, Tempest, Oasis Aero / Weep No More, Lightspeed Insurance It's going to be an amazing and fun weekend. For more information and to Register please click the link below. West Coast Mooney Club - Summer Conference & Retreat I hope to see you there. Michael Rodgers
  19. I cannot find the part numbers for the oil and fuel hoses on the M2OK. Specifically looking for the part numbers of the two fuel hoses from the fuel pump to the firewall and the part numbers for the 3 Oil Hoses That are on the turbo charger
  20. My 252TSE is currently dying after start. It starts and runs fine for about 3-4 seconds then dies. If you keep feeding it fuel by using the boost pump or priming it will run fine. Also once it is warm it runs with no problems and no boost pump required. Does anyone have any ideas of the possible cause? New to mooneys. Thanks
  21. Hey folks, After a lot of thought and discussion with others, I've decided to put my 231 up for sale. Unfortunately I'm at a point in my life where I can't fly enough to justify ownership. It's been an absolute joy but I'll be glad to see it go to someone who can afford the time. The details: 1979 Mooney M20K 231 - fresh annual (April 2017), 3128 TT, two total owners (I'm the 2nd), complete logs, and hangared in Southern California for its entire life until last October (now hangared at HYI near Austin, TX) Airframe: Brand new fuel tank reseal by Houston Tank Specialists (Nov 2016), 2006 paint (factory colors), 2006 windows and windshield, wingtip and tail strobes, PreciseFlight speedbrakes Engine: 405 hrs SMOH, 405 hrs SPOH, Turboplus intercooler, PreciseFlight standby vac system, installed new in 2015: turbo, GAMI's, Merlyn wastegate Avionics: EDM830 w/fuel flow, Collins AMR 350 audio panel, TDR 950 transponder, (2) VHF 251 comms, (2) VIR 351 navs, Apollo GX55 GPS, Collins DME, Century 41 autopilot w/altitude hold, sigtronics 2pl intercom, electric trim Extras: Custom sun shades, also will consider selling Stratus 2, RAM iPad mount, and two Bose headsets with the plane The plane flies great and the engine monitor indications always read healthy. Last two annuals were performed at a Mooney service center in Southern California. I've attached pictures to this post (note: I took the pictures when I dropped the plane off for the annual, so it's a bit dirty and I am not a professional photographer by any measure!) I'm asking $85,000. If you are interested please contact All American Aircraft at (830) 261-4147. Best, -Don N231BZ-vref.pdf
  22. I would like to ask the good people of MooneySpace for suggestions on rearranging the panel in my M20K 231 in a cost conscious way, as well as help on deciding on a engine monitor. Any other hints for now and for the future are also most welcome. By "cost conscious" I don't necessarily mean "cheapest possible", rather "inexpensive but sensible". Work will likely be outsourced to a shop, a FAA A&P/IA is a rare sight at EPKP, one that would sign off my self-install even more so. I currently have standard analog / vacuum instruments as pictured below; in the avionics rack: KMA24, GNS430W, KY197, KNS80, ADF; in the right panel: a FT101 fuel totalizer, the adjustment panel for the remote compass for the HSI, a WX950 stormscope, TIT, ELT, XPDR and a void. The AP is a KFC200, which works well but is lacking, as far as I can tell, GPSS. Everything works and I see no signs of something wanting to fail. My primary goal for now is to install an engine monitor. I do want a "primary replacement" unit, since the cost difference vs the non-primary units is likely close to fixing whatever gauge breaks first, and I want the recording of as many parameters as I can get. I do not plan on removing the original gauges at this time. I also need an intercom. I don't think I can afford to replace the KMA with a modern unit, since it would probably mean major rewiring. So a Telex PC4 or similar will most likely go above the AP annunciator panel. Hooking it to the KMA should be simple enough. In the future I do want to replace things that break with modern devices, if cost is not prohibitive and compatible with whatever remains, but future-proofing is not a primary requirement at this time, so let's not get too carried away. Think more G5 (if it becomes a KI256 replacement) or Aspen, not G500. GFC500 only when the KFC200 breaks beyond economic repair (hoping never...). For the immediate task at hand - an engine monitor - I am thinking either a CGR30P/C combo (where the ADF indicator and the electric AI are) or a EDM900 (landscape across ADF and VOR, which gets moved to where the AI is). When I try hard enough, I can imagine a MVP50 or a EDM930 in the right panel, but it is more rearranging of stuff and I'm not convinced that the ergonomics will work. This is a stock M20K, with a GB1, so I expect it to need fairly continuous tweaking of the knobs. I really don't see them in the avionics rack, I want to keep the KNS80 for now, and moving it, if even possible, is likely a major PITA. I have, briefly, considered using a Dynon HDX / Garmin G3X / G500 as just engine monitors that I can expand into full glass cockpits later, but as others here proved, they won't really work in that capacity on a budget, and I am not ready to go "all in". Thank you all in advance!
  23. Hey guys...getting rid of my first born. Asking $108k. Working with Controller to update to show that it's a TSIO-360LB model and also put some interior pics on there. Let me know david@liondesk.com if you're interested. It was hangared in San Diego since i bought it and just moved to South Florida 6 months ago. https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/31834623/1981-mooney-m20k-231
  24. I was thinking how valuable it would be to have a Forum that would provide MooneySpace members a resource for Mooney's that are for sale and have been seen, have had a pre buy, or have personal knowledge of the airplane. Good and bad! I recently, two days ago, went to see a M20K in Delaware that is for sale. I passed on the purchase. And, in spite of having two locals, one a pilot and one a mechanic, telling me how wonderful this Mooney was ... my experience was utter disappointment and disbelief. Looking for an airplane to buy is often an expensive proposition, just like ownership. I just keep thinking to myself that if only someone on MooneySpace had seen this airplane and had posted photos or their honest assessment after seeing the airplane, I could have saved money and we could save others looking for an M20K a lot of money too. I belonged to the Grumman Gang when I owned my Grumman several years ago and we always had volunteers, fellow pilots and aviation friends who would do a "First Look" for us if they happen to be close to the airplane we were interested in. Perhaps the moderators would consider such a Forum to help all of us. With that being said if anyone is looking at N231FG in Delaware, I will be happy to discuss and share photos. I also have the Aero-Space Reports on the airplane ($95). All the best!
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