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Everything posted by wiguy

  1. I may be up to KUES before long, looking at some add-ons(avionics) with Skycom. I’m not trying to go all out, but I do have an older, minimalist panel. My transponder is not long for this world, may just join the ADS-B bandwagon. I have been getting by with my IPad mini, a GDL-39, and Garmin Pilot.
  2. I’m hangared at one of the favorite fuel stops, BUU. Sorry, I don’t own a Mooney. I did look at one and ended up with this Rockwell Commander some how.
  3. Yes I face South in WI too, helps a lot to melt snow & ice. I have to look for help trying to push back solo with ice or snow on the ramp. Even with a tug, kitty litter isn’t enough.
  4. Dave Ramsey would have a fit with some of these plane & panel upgrades. I think I’ll skip asking him, may stop by the Garmin shop in a few weeks.
  5. A good inspection after extensive work is always important. Most advice for engine break-in suggests limiting ground idling, at least excessive time. Of course one has to check things out before launching. With my research it’s those 1st 2, 5, & 7 hours that are most critical. I thought Lycoming did a ‘test run’ of sorts before shipping, new engines. I broke-in a factory new IO-390 last Summer. Indications seem to point that things are fine.
  6. https://www.aopa.org/learntofly/school/index.cfm The AOPA site has good info on flight training in most any State.
  7. I have a newly installed CGR-30P with the IO-390 on my Commander 112. The E.I. monitor has been most excellent. I was happy to replace a few older gauges and get more accurate monitoring of the engine.
  8. Time to go check it out, on the ground. After two months in the winter bush, I doubt there’s much left. That is, if it’s the actual aircraft in question. If so, it would at least provide some answers and a little comfort to family & friends.
  9. It would be nice if the older owner was interested in seeing this plane fly again. That's never going to happen with things the way they are.
  10. I'd be interested on the KT-76 refit. I'm still a holdout with the ads upgrade.
  11. I went through this tire decision a year back, non-Mooney retract. This was for the nose gear. The parts manual stated 4-ply in the specs. I know many who just put a 6 ply there. Much of the time tires get changed out due to age or cracking, with a non-training aircraft. I also saw that the 4 ply was a bit lighter in weight, every pound counts. I ended up going with a 4 ply, Desser retread, not the 'Monster' retread. The dimensions of the Monster tire gave me a little pause, so I went with the standard tire. Anyhow, it's been working out so far.
  12. Gallons carried divided by fuel burn, plus a reserve. That's simple planning, add a WX check too.
  13. The weather looks great for Monday/Tuesday anyway. I haven't looked further since those are my days.
  14. If stressed, a few beers after arrival may help wash the dust away.
  15. If just going to the Falls, no real need for a rental car. We landed at KIAG then cabbed on over to the Canadian side, bring passports. Not sure if you really need a passport, but makes it easier. The Canadian side is nice & has more stuff. I think we stayed at the Embassy Suites, right by the Falls. Later we called the same cab guy for a return ride.
  16. The 'misfuel' is of course on the list. Then even with the proper fuel, how long was the plane parked in the rain? A few hours? A few days & nights? Anytime I have been parked for a while I approach my fuel checks very carefully. The mention of the 'difficulty starting' could be just a flooded engine or an indicator of more problems. One would think if there were serious problems it would lead to further evaluation before the family is loaded up? I know, no official word on the details, just general observations.
  17. I did pick up our pup with the plane, about a 45 minute flight home. She is grown up now and loves the car. I should get her used to the plane too.
  18. There may be some tweaking around the edges, but this ADS-B has come to far to be scrapped. I don't think your $$$ was wasted.
  19. I was looking too, also what year were they last made? I have one I was going to swap in, the last two digits are '42' on the long serial number. Something lead me to believe it may of been made in 2002, Singapore it says in the back. I don't know if that's accurate, they seemed to have a real long run with manufacturing?
  20. Always nice to have a pup around, especially with 'dog people'.
  21. I usually try to fill up for the year at Oshkosh, $55 a case of Phillips. If you buy 3 or more they will deliver it around the grounds. The price above looks good, shipping is often expensive. I use Camguard at times, then fly routinely.
  22. $215 a month in SE WI, newer, unheated T-hanger with electricity. I use the hangar for a bunch of storage items, tires, motorcycles, snowmobiles, whatever. That's a way to get an added benefit out of the cost, somewhat.
  23. A friend is trying to fly down today from WI, as weather allows. It sounds like a very nice grass runway.
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