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Everything posted by Bob_Belville

  1. I suspect that Jerry is less concerned with flying that cream puff than dealing with NY airspace.
  2. I have a GPS 696 mounted as you are intending. ISTM you would want to be able to tilt the tablet toward the pilot.
  3. In defense of the M20E vs the relatively ubiquitous C... (I'm possibly prejudiced by 20 years of E ownership and 3000 hours in that specific model.) As mentioned above, the IO360 is normally well balanced as to gami spread and will run LOP without GAMI injectors. With Griggs bladders (O&N) fuel can be 64 gallons in an E and endurance of over 6 hours with ifr reserves. (8 gph, 145 ktas.) 200 hp vs. 180 hp is not nothing. Extra power means, shorter takeoff, better climb, faster cruise speed, and higher ceiling vs. M20C. The IO360 installation in an E will have the engine running cooler than the O360 in a C. If the acquisition premium, everything else being equal, is upwards of 10 AMUs for an E, and the mission is traveling (as compared to training and local flying) the E is the better choice. And, unlike $10k spent on typical airframe and panel improvements, the extra initial cost should be recouped when the plane is sold.
  4. +1 for the WX900. Even if it needs repairs it is worth keeping for summertime IFR flying. Nothing short of on board radar gives you the real time info that a Stormscope does.
  5. I use the external plug. I have a wire pair with alligator clips that I touch momentarily to the battery of my electric tug and to the external plug leads. That provides the power needed to make the battery relay. Once the battery minder "sees" the battery it provides enough power to keep the relay made. I've never had it drop out even after weeks.
  6. Installed GDL 88 in 2012. ADS-B I/O for last 7 years. Traffic displays on GTN 750, Aspen, and IPad. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. We had a great year, logged 130 hours, all in our Mooney. (Recent years have ranged from 50 to 80 hours.) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. @AGL Aviation has done several now, including my E. 4 hours should be a good estimate for the install. Well, maybe a little more if the A&P has to remove interior side panel to run the wire to the battery. FWIW, I have about 20 hours on the Surefly. Zero issues. I did not have to change harness or re-gap plugs. Tempest fine wires with about 500 hours on them.
  9. Yeah... but ugly is ugly.
  10. Kris, most of the G5 installs I've seen are not flush mounted. Ugly, IMNSHO. Garmin offers a bracket to do a flush mount. Well worth the few bucks extra... particularly in the great panel you're planning.
  11. I suppose most of the times I’ve had the keep speed up instruction I’m landing on a 8 or 10,000’ runway with an airliner sequenced behind me. If I come down the glide slope at ~130 kias to 200’ and chop power and level out there’s plenty of runway to slow to gear speed and touch down before midfield, no flaps. In all likelihood the tower will have what they need and allow me to slow sooner. What they don’t need is someone setting up a nice stabilized gear down and full flaps 4 mile final flown at 75 kias with a line of 737s behind him doing twice that speed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. @Precisemike, @kortopates Like Paul I use my SBs only rarely but really appreciate that a previous owner added the mechanical version to my M20E in 1997. Zero maintenance in 22 years, Jimmy values SB @ $2000, With the mechanical SBs I've learned to keep my hand on the control lever while using the SBs to lose a few thousand feet in a hurry. When I get through the cloud layer or get close to the pattern altitude after crossing higher terrain near my home drome I remember to retract the SB and continue normal approach. Thanks for a great product Mike!
  13. I brought my ceramic heater with us to MA knowing that it would be cold on tie down. It was and I discovered that the heater was not on... the electrical receptacle was dead. It was Saturday and no one around. So I started up with OAT at 32F and the engine probably several degrees lower. AS 100W. Ugg! I look for oil temperature to be at least 140F before take off. I’m sure I did not do the engine any good. Only time I’ve had to do that to this plane. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I know we have had at least one thread on this issue and my recollection is that a G5 can be primary but it cannot be the BU AI for an Aspen... is that still the case? I have a vacuum AI, as well as a BU ASI that probably needs overhaul, as well as a BU Altimeter that Isom could all go with a G5. Too logical? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. @AGL Aviation... Lynn may have consulted with SureFly before he moved my RPM pickup from the left to right mag as part of the install. In any case he knew to do it and the EDM930 was happy, happy, happy...
  16. Changing the nose tire is easy and safe by getting a guy, preferably 2, to push down the rear of the fuselage long enough for the mechanic to slip off the wheel and place a block under the nose wheel axle. (Chock the mains, and/or set parking brakes first.) Once the new tire has been mounted reverse process. FWIW, I’m with Clarence for securely jacking the whole plane. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. These pics of the CYA 100 AOA have been posted on MS before. As you can see the light stack is very narrow and small and fits anywhere. I positioned mine at the top of the panel and right between the primary ASI (Aspen) and the BU. The CYA AOA is not critical to flight, it is not heated, and would be useless if iced up.
  18. I’ve had the CYA installed for several years. It is a flying wing giving very useful information on relative AOA. Calibration is pretty simple. The top of the 10 light stack is usually set to approximately Vy clean, ~90 kias for my M20E. The bottom of the lights is set by flying in landing configuration, gear down, full flaps and plane at stall or near stall. I find it most useful when setting speed on final on short field. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I’ve had the CYA installed for several years. It is a flying wing giving very useful information on relative AOA. Calibration is pretty simple. The top of the 10 light stack is usually set to approximately Vy clean, ~90 kias for my M20E. The bottom of the lights is set by flying in landing configuration, gear down, full flaps and plane at stall or near stall. I find it most useful when setting speed on final on short field. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. The factory was closed, maybe for good this time. And now it’s open... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I removed (and reinstalled) the port side cabin panels. The wire from the battery to the SEM is routed down the left side along with many wires running between the remote avionics and the instrument panel. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. When we departed 6B6 (2770’) Saturday to beat the storm, according to CloudAhoy we were airborne in 796’. Full fuel, 64 gal, near gross. Flight to KMRN was 5.2 hours with 2 hours reserve. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. DMax posted on FB that the factory is up and running as of this morning. No details. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. I suppose it takes 5 minutes +/- to jack up my M20E. Less than that to "un-jack".
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