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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. I ordered a baffle set for my '97 M20K Encore and even though the 252 set was close it took a little improvising. I'm sure the next set for an Encore will be perfect. It is the best baffle material out there. You will definitely see a decrease in temps with good baffling like this. Looks great too! Thanks Guy Lance
  2. ** SOLD ** Selling a slightly used Clarity SV. Used only a couple times. Works extremely well with WingXPro and shows synthetic vision. Has built In Battery. Includes usb cable, AC Adaptor and sunshield. Has built in GPS, AHRS, ADS-B weather, and both traffic bands. New it was $1400 + tax + shipping. First $1000 takes it including shipping before i put it on Ebay. Payment by check or Paypal gift to avoid the fees.
  3. I was used to a King KFC200 in my 231 and then a KFC150 in a couple of Bravos. I liked the 200 the best of those two, although pre-select on both Bravos was convenient. Pre-select can be added to a KFC 200 I believe. I flew with a friend once who had the KFC225 and that was the best yet. I had an STEC 55 with preselect in a Malibu Mirage and there was no comparison - all of the Kings were much better. Piper and Mooney went to the STec around 1999-2000 for awhile based on price and tried to sell it as a safety advantage, since it was not attitude based, but off of the turn coordinator - rate based. But I knew someone at the factory back then and he said the cost was half as much as the King, so that was what made the decision. I called it the STurn instead of the STec for it's tracking ability on the ILS. After Cutter Aviation looked at it, it was worse, so I made a trip up to Mineral Wells and the factory spent a day with it and improved it a lot, but still not to the standard of the King. I will say that the company was very responsive, so that left a more favorable impression.
  4. Has anyone tried one of these kits? http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/bafflingMaterials6.php
  5. If we found partners to buy it outright I'd prefer to have it here in San Antonio. I'd be open to Boerne Stage if you're in Kerrville.
  6. I am in San Antonio. The airplane is based in Lockhart.
  7. The link below takes you to an ad with a 2004 Ovation based in Lockhart TX (even though the ad says Houston) - convenient for both Austin and San Antonio. I spoke with the owner and he would be willing to sell the airplane or sell it off in 1/4's, 1/2's etc. I would be interested in 1/4 - if anyone else is please e-mail me or phone me. Also if anyone else has a partnership idea in San Antonio please contact me. Thanks Lance Casper (210) 643-4161 lance99@aol.com http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-fractional/MOONEY-M20R-OVATION2-DX/2004-MOONEY-M20R-OVATION2-DX/1292416.htm
  8. Garmin 696 with everything in the box, including XM. Perfect condition. New it was $3295. Sell for $1650 plus $20 shipping. lance99@aol.com (210) 643-4161
  9. This guy is serious. Here's his ad on Barnstormers: PARTING OUT 1968 MOONEY M20F • GREAT OPPORTUNITY • I am parting out my 1968 M20F. The engine must go first everything else will follow. Lycoming IO-360-A1A 50 hrs. SMOH by Chuck Ney, Hartzell 2 Blade Scimitar Prop HC-C2YR-1BFP/F7497 about 50 hrs. SNEW, 2 ea. Garmin 430W, Garmin Transponder GTX327, PS Engineering Audio Panel PMA8000B, JPI 930 Engine Monitor, Fully Articulating Front Seats, 201 Yokes, STEC 30 Autopilot, Powerflow Exhaust System, LoPresti Cowl. I will be selling landing gear, tires/wheels/brakes, control surfaces, entry & baggage doors, back seats and anything that can be removed from the airframe. (316) 644-9095 cell. • Contact Paul E. Ott - OTT BROTHERS MACHINE CO. INC., Owner - located Wichita, KS USA • Telephone: 316 522 8145 • Fax: 316 522 8817 • Posted September 22, 2011 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • Finance New Lower Rates!
  10. On the EFB thing, maybe I'm missing some of the 796's capabilities. Can I put my POH on it? Parts and service manuals? Maintenance logs? Actually you can put documents on the 796: "aera 796 also includes a robust document viewer, so you can easily pull up weights and balances, flight manuals, raster charts or a wide range of electronically formatted materials you download to the device. A “scratch pad” feature also allows you to quickly jot down clearances and other pertinent notes while in route, while a checklist viewer allows you to create customized and interactive electronic checklists." Garmin's website
  11. Phillips X/C contains ashless dispersant. Phillips Type M is a straight Mineral Oil. Both are 20W-50. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/ep/oil_0phillips.html
  12. Hopefully you mean MPG not MPH
  13. In the 231 and 2 Bravos that I had I used XC plus Camguard.
  14. I know your engine is a Lycoming, but here's what Continental says regarding years since overhaul and hours of use since overhaul: Reason for Revision: Addition of engine to TBO listing. Clarification to Note 1. SUBJECT: TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL PERIODS PURPOSE: PROVIDES TIME LIMITS BETWEEN MAJOR OVERHAULS MODELS AFFECTED: ALL Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) and the aircraft manufacturers provide operational limitations and instructions for your engine along with the requirements for continued airworthiness as specified in the engine Operators, Maintenance and Overhaul Manuals and Service Bulletins. TheTime Between Engine Overhaul (TBO) provided in this Service Information Letter apply only to engines that have been operated and maintained in accordance with these instructions. Engine mounted components and accessories require overhaul at the same hourly and calendar intervals as the engine, unless otherwise specified by the component or accessory manufacturer. An engine’s published TBO DOES NOT mean that every engine will operate the number of hours or years listed without requiring component replacements and unscheduled maintenance events. Non compliance with TCM’s instructions for continued airworthiness, operational and environmental factors may necessitate repair or replacement of the engine, engine components and accessories. TCM recommends that the following information be used, along with the engine’s published TBO, in determining the engine’s continued airworthiness: 1. Whether the engine has been operated regularly or has been in storage; gaskets, seals synthetic and natural rubber goods deteriorate over time. Environmental corrosion can occur internally and externally on the engine. This naturally occurring process can inevitably affect continued airworthiness of the engine and engine mounted components and accessories. For these reasons, overhaul the engine at least every twelve (12) years, or on accumulation of the operating hours listed for the engine model. 2. For aircraft used in aerial spraying, overhaul the engine after the accumulation of 1200 hours or twelve (12) years whichever occurs first. 3. Aircraft used in parachute jumping, glider towing, banner towing, etc., may require more frequent engine overhauls than listed for the specific engine. 4. The quality of parts, accessories and workmanship utilized during routine maintenance, engine top overhaul and major overhaul directly affect the service life of the engine. The TBO’s listed are predicated on the engine having been maintained in accordance with TCM’s FAA approved instructions for continued airworthiness specified in the engine Maintenance Manual, Overhaul Manual, and Service Bulletins and operated within the limitations published in TCM’s Engine Operators Manual and the aircraft manufacturer’s Aircraft Flight Manual / Pilots Operating Handbook (AFM / POH) 5. TCM cannot provide a TBO for engines that: • Have been assembled with non-TCM approved parts. • Have been assembled with parts that do not conform to the original type design for the engine. • Have been modified from the original type certificate configuration. • Have been overhauled or repaired in a manner that is inconsistent with the specifications, limits, and instructions provided in the TCM engine overhaul manuals, service bulletins, parts catalogs, and FAA Air Worthiness Directives.
  15. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/castleberry300.php
  16. I have two Garmins for sale on Ebay. If a Mooneyspace member wins the auction, send me a message and I'll ship it for free. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110734846096&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1182 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&item=110734851431&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT#ht_670wt_1306
  17. I thought I had a deal on an airplane so I ended up buying this 396 on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3984Q2em1439Q2el2648QQitemZ320741522490QQsspagenameZSTRKQ3aMEWNXQ3aIT#ht_500wt_1182 I paid $840 plus $20 shipping including an AirGizmo panel dock (which by itself is close to $100). It has the direct power connection to airplane power, not the cigarette lighter adaptor. Also it has a filter on the cord for the audio out and an usb extension for the XM antenna. Of course both the external gps antenna and XM antennas came with it. He gave me a quick reference guide for a 496 with it. What it does NOT have is the small fold-up antenna, and mounts or any manuals. The manuals are available for download on garmin.com. It works perfectly, but the airplane I was going to buy had a perfect spot for it on the panel, so it would have required minimal expense to install. I was going to list it on Ebay this week and see what it will bring, some have been going for $1100 - $1200 and some 496's for over $1500. If anyone on the forum wants it, you can have it for what I have into it. If you pay $860, I'll ship it to you free. Let me know if you have any questions. Lance
  18. Update: I looked at it today in person. Very rough 231. It has flown 100 hours in the past 10 years and 300 in the past 20 years. You name it, it needs it.
  19. I appreciate the opinions. I already know what I would be willing to put into the airplane. All I was asking is if anyone had already been through the process of a pre-buy and walked away.
  20. Just curious if anyone has gone to look over N1152L for sale in Lawrenceville, GA. If anyone has any information they feel would be helpful please PM me or e-mail me at lance99@aol.com. Thinking about putting it into a pre-buy - wondering if anyone has done that on this plane and walked away? Thanks Lance
  21. Same here, I bought an Apple IIe in 1983 and then a Mac in 1984 and have had Macs ever since. They aren't perfect, but having used PC's at work, they are much less frustrating - they just work. I traveled a lot for work and when I would plug into a strange printer in someone's office I could get it to print, without them to go and get the install discs. I have VM Ware running XP on my mac just incase I have to use PC software for something. Having said all this, I installed OS X Lion last week and am finding a few programs that crash, mainly my old MS Office. I can still get my files to open in OpenOffice, Pages or Numbers though.
  22. Just a thought . . I've never flown with a Centiry 41, but some autopilots won't capture the GS if when you intercept the localizer you are above the glidepath. I had a STEC 55 in a Mirage that was like that. I was used to a KFC 150 in a Bravo where it wasn't a problem.
  23. Before I knew about the For Sale Forum, I put a data card on Ebay to sell. Here's the posting: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110708145067&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT#ht_500wt_1182 Also here's a Skybound Data Card writer for a PC laptop with a PCMCIA card slot: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GARMIN-GNS430-GNS530-JEPPESEN-SKYBOUND-NAVDATA-UPDATER-/110708147100?pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item19c6b8439c#ht_500wt_1182
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