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Everything posted by kortopates

  1. I asked about moisture because I was wondering about the feasibility of using one to fill my built-in 115 cuft bottle. Moisture would be a problem. In looking for spec’s all I could find is “over 90% 0xygen" and that looks like a problem - not so much in practical use but it's not ABO eithet. Oh well... But at how little I pay for refills, I'd have to get a super deal on one just to play with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Are these home concentrators going to provide a moisture free O2? Sounds great if so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. You could be using too large of a USB memory stick to work with your JPI; especially with the older firmware. I can't recall the limit but either use an older smaller one or check on their website. Or it could mean your units memory has a problem and it needs to go back to repair. @Bob - S50 above is spot on regarding a possible induction leak at idle, given it's going away mag check RPM that's suggestive of your sniffle valve (cylinder drains) not sealing. You could pinch off the cylinder drain hose to see if that helps but the folks at Lasar will check this for you. But any leaks absolutely need to be fixed, but finding them is more expensive than fixing them but given your monitor is pointing to #4 it shouldn't be that hard.
  4. yep, that way there tail strobe works for everybody whether they needed the white position light with the strobe or not; and probably most do.
  5. Your wing tips have white position lights in the rear of the wing tip on both sides. That's why your tail only has a strobe which you need to maintain. I am sure you could get by with a UAT solution but it will reduce your Ovations service ceiling back down to under 18K which will prove to be a sticky point at resale time; i.e. considered a downgrade till fixed properly.
  6. Sorry I missed you while you came out West and I headed to Mexico!
  7. The details of how much fuel should be in the tank when the low fuel warning comes on is in the Maintenance Manual. Remember your fuel tanks and a certain amount of unusable fuel called out in the TCDS - Type Certificate Data Sheet and is also in your POH. The meaning of "Full" is often not clear but is to the bottom of the anti-siphon filler neck. Of course you can add more fuel beyond this but its neither legal to flight plan with the added fuel nor be sure of exactly how much more you're adding beyond full each time unless you measure it from Full each time - because your fighting the trapped air above the filler neck to add more fuel. The tanks also need some some room for expansion due to temperature. But its very good practice to measure and confirm exactly how much you can fill your tanks (both usable and unusable) so you really know what your tanks hold. We do see some variation on the fleet.
  8. The test is done at min idle RPM of 700rpm - not 1000rpm.
  9. Hi Jack, JPI provides a differential pressure transducer which is what you want for the metered high pressure and what I have installed in my JPI. That's the important fuel pressure value for all turbo's. Expensive though - near $1K. But in truth, once you have calibrated FF, we're much better setting the high metered FF off the FF value than using the metered fuel pressure - that's really for when we don't have FF or can't trust it for being accurate. The ummetered fuel pressure is only used to set idle pump pressure and for that I just screw in a blue-tooth transducer that is very accurate and get the readings off my iPhone. But agreed, you got to take it up for a lap in the pattern to verify your max FF is properly set for max MAP & RPM.
  10. The Idle mixture adjustment is likely off (slowly leaning to ICO should produce a 20-50 rpm rise before dying) and possibly the low fuel pressure setting is off which should be 6.5-6.7 psi and as stated above the min Idle RPM should be set to 700 rpm - that's 3 separate thing controlling slow idle. But if the low fuel pressure is adjusted at all then the high fuel pressure or max FF must also be re-checked. When this is all properly set up to spec's, the engine won't quit on roll-out! It happened to me recently after I thought I had it dialed in. My wife immediately complained till I re-adjusted and it hasn't happened since. She won't accept that and neither should you!
  11. The tailbeacon option just isn't compatible with the Rocket or any Midbody or longbody Mooney. In any aircraft certified into the flight levels, even if you did decide you didn't need that capability and wanted to saved a few bucks now with perhaps a a AdsB tail beacon with strobe capability somehow (that presently doesn't exist) expect when you go to sell it that any new prospective buyer is going to ding the price down accordingly to correct this issue so that it can be operated in the flight levels again - costing your more $ in the end. So it's either pay now or pay later. Resale-ability is something to consider with every mod or upgrade.
  12. Just learn to fly from the right seat - problem solved! [emoji846] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yep, no number till they are back to work and assign a number. I am in the same boat. But you are good to go by just printing your receipt off that shows you paid them for your 2019 decal. Then you can file your eAPIS either using your 2018 number or just leaving the field blank - either method is acceptable to the CBP. And of course CBP is still working the border station just like ATC is still working. I came back across this past weekend. The only positive of this is that it seemed to me that traffic is much lighter than normal due to concern for the shutdown.
  14. Yes, but not till I took it as a CFI for the CFII. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Why stop there? more hoses on the master cylinders upfront probably of the same vintage. PHT Precision Hose Technology is the best source of hoses. Call them with your Mooney part # or measure or send them your old house - they have specs for most Mooney hoses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. King’s is all you’ll need and the least boring option to get through. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. After you see what it cost to replace, consider the option of having it repaired. A firm in New York, Consolidated ..., has the capability to overhaul most 24v Mooney alternators. Call them with your verified part no and they can confirm. I could give you more contact info but traveling - living the Mooney dream out of country [emoji846] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Nah, they don’t clog easily. Check the routing of the UDP hoses and make sure the mag air filter is being changed regularly on the same 500hr/5yr or sooner interval. The left side has the shorter hose length to it so it could be exposed to more moisture if the filter isn’t getting it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Gami’s can only improve mixture distribution- not lower TIT. But note what happens if you have a lean outlier that is pushing up TIT on the ROP (opposite would be true on the LOP side).if get that lean outlier fixed (more balanced) you won’t have that higher EGT pushing up the TIT, so indirectly in some cases they may actually lower TIT - but not directly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Can you pull the cowling off yourself to take a look? Sounds like somebody needs too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I much prefer my aero comfort leather wrapped yokes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Emptying the tanks is easy and well addressed above. But good calibration with long range tanks is a challenge. Personally IMO trying to do one side alone is an automatic fail. You won’t be able to maintain lateral level as you add weight to only one side. You could consider using jacks outside but that introduces the additional risk of having the plane on jacks exposed to the wind and the challenge of getting the plane level from nose to tail - I can’t do that on my jacks. So that leaves one using addition of equal weight on both sides to help keep the wings level during the calibration process. Secondly with the long range tanks, I suggest filling only from the outboard side. Fuel will quickly settle inboard from the outside - but not the other way around. When I did it the first time, filling the conventional way, I waited over 5 min for fuel to settle but it wasn’t near long enough. But from the outside it should prove much easier. I plan to redo mine soon too for this reason. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. They probably are right now, but making it law takes time even as an emergency AD. I think the latter just means they can skip the usual public review period. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. If you have the electric speed brakes (sounds like you do) it’ll need to pulled and sent into Precise for service. Give them a call to verify. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. You're a smart guy and you already know the right answer! Just got to pay more now to save in the long-run. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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