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Everything posted by Jeff_S

  1. I don't know who Martin Pauly is but I dig his accent. I felt like I was getting a lecture from German rocket scientist...it lent a sort of veritas to his content! Nothing really new here, but a good primer for anyone who is just getting into LOP and a nice refresher overall. And the outtakes...love the outtakes! Fun to see him throw a few f-bombs out there!
  2. Just a quick correction to Steve's note about the x7498 model. It is the same initial diameter as the x7693, 76". It is 7.5 lbs less, and interestingly, it allows an extra inch (up to 2") of diameter reduction for tip damage. This is the prop that is used standard on the Acclaim S. It's possible that both Ultras also use this prop...anybody know about this? Attached is the brochure from Hartzell. Catalog-Top-Prop-for-Mooney.pdf
  3. Who knew that there were actually country western songs written about aviation? Well, at least one, anyway. A friend sent this to me so I pass it along. It mostly contains footage of notoriously funny landings that we've seen before...what was more interesting to me was that somebody actually wrote a song on the topic! Enjoy...right up to the last video clip, which is a bit tragic and probably ill-placed in this otherwise lighthearted endeavor. (Edit: this YouTube version actually cuts off the final few seconds compared to the one I saw...probably for the best.)
  4. So what I'm getting from these last few pages is that retired guys also like to relieve their automotive life, just like their aviation life. I guess I better get cracking on that. I've never had too much affinity for cars, beyond the casual appreciation of "hey, that looks cool" or "that looks fast" or "that might get me laid!" But after missing the first 16+ seasons of their hit show Top Gear, I finally tuned into Jeremy, James and Richard in their Amazon series The Grand Tour. I gotta' say, it makes we want to go out and drift my car on some slick streets (can't afford to tear up tires the way these guys do!) and dream about tooling around in a Super Car that, let's face it, doesn't cost that much more than a late-model Ovation. Hey, if I could afford one, perhaps the other...that might take some 'splainin' with the missus!
  5. Here's an interesting video I saw on the FighterSweep website, taken from a Today show segment. They staged an interception in a real TFR to show what happens. While the reporter is a bit sensationalist (aren't they all?) and he seems to be flying in a "Cezzna" that "barrels down the runway", the footage is pretty good training for what you should expect if you wander into a TFR.
  6. Hi Bob, Just sent you an email. I might could use that for my hangar at KFHB (Fernandina). I'm tired of walking around trying to find someone to help me push it back in. I'm looking for a solution that will get me through until I move down here full-time and bring my normal one from Atlanta. Jeff
  7. My philosophy has always been to pay cash for toys, and leverage debt where it makes sense like some sort of tax benefit or the debt can be applied to making more money. So my Mooney is paid for, but I do have a slight mortgage on the house and the investment villa at Amelia Island. The rest is in a diversified portfolio that would let me clear out the debt immediately if needed, but otherwise keep providing growth and income. The new tax laws may cause many of us to re-evaluate some of these positions depending on personal situations. I'm not retiring, but I do feel fortunate to have worked my way into the ability to "turn a new page" and start doing things more for myself and my own interests. I started my "career" by saying "f--- it" and becoming a ski instructor right after college. I didn't care about money, I just wanted to ski and be in the wide open. Then the "real world" beckoned and I obliged by getting into business; no regrets, as it's allowed me to ultimately achieve some other major goals. But now I'm back to the "f--- it" mentality and ready to start pursuing some other dreams that have been kicking around in my head. One of these will hopefully take advantage of my MooneySpace connections and friends in the Southeast as I am working with the airport authority here at Amelia on some new "amenities". Time will tell if that comes to pass...!
  8. Maybe ZZ Top’s beards (all 3!)?
  9. Last I checked, there were no Rosen visors for the G1000 or DX planes. I inquired again with them at Sun-n-Fun this year and there were none available. If they have them listed now I would definitely be interested. The stock visors are useless.
  10. I always thought that the momentary pressure differential would exert a suction force on the fuel knob and pull you involuntarily into a LOP scenario! In reality, my guess is it has something to do with the pressure sensitive instruments in the cockpit and maybe would cause them to either malfunction or at least give erroneous output. But it is a fun thing to contemplate.
  11. From what I have read, I believe the STC also requires the G5 to drive the autopilot, so you’re looking at a package deal if that’s true.
  12. Buy a Cirrus VisionJet! After all, aren’t New Years resolutions supposed to be forgotten on New Year’s Day?!
  13. A quick Google search strengthens the idea that this is really a swastika cut down to size and not the Luftwaffe symbol. The latter almost always seems to taper in from the ends of the cross toward the middle, whereas the OP’s picture shows straight lines. Also, the Luftwaffe cross is usually depicted with another thin black line outside the white border, where the swastika does not have this line.
  14. My LOP cruise numbers are similar to others posted: 175 KTAS on 12.5-13.5 GPH depending on altitude. I also read with amusement the supposed speeds achieved by the Ovation in the magazine article...seemed a little high to me, but that plane has neither TKS nor A/C nor built-in O2, so it’s very light. It’s possible they weren’t BSing us. For speed, running 2600 RPM with WOT and 20 GPH at 1500’ MSL I could easily get 192 or 193 KTAS in steady flight. I averaged about 191 knots over a 150 mile course in an air race last year. The course had five turns including one 160 degree angle, and it started and stopped at the same airport so winds mostly canceled each other out. It was a smooth day, so I spent much of the race deep into the yellow band on the ASI. These birds can go fast if you’re willing to guzzle the gas.
  15. I’m not so quick to recommend doing your training in your J. It’s certainly possible, but there’s a reason that even Air Force Cadets all start their training in simpler airplanes...you want to really understand basic airmanship, aerodynamics and the physical skills of handling an aircraft through all the phases of flight before you start layering in the complexities of constant speed prop, retractable gear, higher speeds, etc.The 172 will give a you lot greater latitude to screw things up with less risk of dire consequences, both to life and property. I’ve professionally taught many physical activities throughout my life: riding (horseback), skiing, scuba diving, karate. While I’ve never gotten my CFI, the principles are the same...you learn in a progression of skills that build on each other, and it’s beneficial to have developed one set of skills before moving on to the next. You wouldn’t throw a beginning skier on an intermediate slope until they had a good grasp of directional and speed control on skis. I think flying is similar...at least I know it was for me. Spend time learning the fundamentals in a plane that will be more forgiving and let you expand your capabilities, then transition into a plane that will help you grow even more. Just my thoughts...
  16. I have not found the need for it here in Georgia, but it is seldom sub-freezing during the day. I have the plate that came with the plane but didn’t realize you could install a separate access panel in the top cowling to facilitate its use. That would make sense for northern flyers...but I would worry that it destroys the beautiful clean lines of the Ovation cowling. If you do install it, please post pictures!
  17. I would contact either Rob Dutton or Lance Phillips at the factory. I saw in the latest AOPA mag they had listed Lance as the CEO...not sure if that's really his title now but he's a good guy, as is Rob. Either would be happy to take the suggestion. And just so you can see it, I've posted a pic of the one they gave me in June. You'll notice that I'm no artist so I haven't tried to embellish it with any paint, but I think it would be possible. It's been cut out of some type of laminate plastic, so you'd probably have to use oil paint. I know it's hard to get scale, with it flying gracefully over the wood grain of my kitchen table, but it's about four inches long as I said earlier.
  18. Seth, contact Rob Dutton at the factory. They had made some cute little Mooney models that they were giving out to people who took a tour. They may still have some. The purpose was to demonstrate some of their new precision cutting machinery, as I recall, but with some fine-bristle brushes and a steady hand you could paint it up nice. It’s pretty small...maybe 3-4” tip to tail, so not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.
  19. Ocracoke is a good idea, and you can stop in at Kitty Hawk for a fun couple of hours. In addition to St. Simons, you’ve also got Jekyll Island right next door with an airstrip right on the island...it’s got a district of neat old homes from the gilded age where many of the New York wealthy had their winter “cottages” (you know, when Newport RI was too cold!).
  20. Amelia Island, FL is an awesome place...and I happen to know someone (me!) who has a rental villa, ocean front on the top floor of a building in the Omni Plantation area that is available for rent. And for fellow Mooney folks, I can probably figure out how to get you into my hangar at the airport right on the island (KFHB). Not to be too much of a sales hound, but here's a link to our listing on VRBO: https://www.vrbo.com/772004 PM me if you want more details. But to be fair, I could recommend places from the Outer banks to Daytona that we stayed at before deciding on Amelia. Isle of Palms (SC) is also wonderful with a nice airport close by (Mt. Pleasant, KLRO). Hilton Head is fun but somewhat too commercial for my tastes. There are others. Good luck with your search!
  21. Flew an Angel Flight patient to KSAV recently and dropped her off at Signature. They were very nice, and didn’t charge me a dime even though I didn’t get gas. Pretty fun to see all the Gulfstreams lined up on the other side of the runway.
  22. And in case you want it, here is the STC which also states the same fuel flow parameters (150-160 lbs/hr). ovation3 stc.pdf
  23. Temps are just now starting to warm up enough to melt the snow on-land. Runways and taxiways are all okay, but it still looks strangely white on the ground here in north Georgia. I expect that to finally disappear this week. This was at and around Pickens County (KJZP). It's fun to fly low altitude on cold days...sure makes that TAS impressive!
  24. I've flown into CLT several times and Wilson Air is great. AvGas prices are reasonable for a major airport, and the staff is friendly. I did a day-trip there once and they didn't even charge me for ramp facilities. Getting into Charlotte the controllers are about what you would expect...they won't cotton to inexperience very well, but if you keep your speed up and talk professionally they will be fine. Be prepared for potentially extensive wait times for takeoff. One October I taxied out and then waited 20 minutes for my takeoff clearance...all the while the oil temp was climbing up into a concern-zone. But as soon as we got airflow over the engine that came back down and it was a non-issue.
  25. I've noticed that the editorial staff for these three magazines (and let's add EAA Sport Pilot) seem to follow the same developments. This is the second or third time this year that within months they had all done cover stories for plane launches. This year I remember the Carbon Cub as one of them, and I think the ICON was another. I guess they are all happy to report when new plane models are introduced. Either way, I like the publicity for Mooney! Aside from the avionics and a second door, any of our Ovation3s are still holding their own compared to current models.
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