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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. To solve this challenge You will need a second thermocouple down the well touching the same internal surface as the original bayonet sensor. To do this, requires the T/C manufacturer to build two thermocouples into the one bayonet. The best construction may still yield a 1oF difference in readings. Better than the current difference, but not perfect. This solution requires a new part number and some FAA paperwork. I can supply the design, can anyone here detail and supply the FAA paperwork? Back in the day I worked on colocating pressure and temperature sensors for plastics machinery. Good rheology data requires collocation of P and T sensors... Unfortunately the pressure sensors I worked with could not handle ICPs.... With the number of pilots currently interested in this accuracy, this project makes sense. The overall pilot population, maybe not asking yet. Time to supply some pressure to this heated discussion... Let me know... Best regards, -a-
  2. Can it be upgraded to M20TN??? Adding turbos, engine parts and prop? Wishfull thinking on my part.... -a-
  3. BD...., Try this contact. http://midwestmooney.com/mods.html For user type questions.... Cris (here) is a screaming eagle fan, unfortunately he's traveling outside the normal distance today... Best regards, -a-
  4. Ward, I follow the book, then add some percentage... It's like adding religion to proven facts. I haven't been able to accurately measure what's actually happening during landing and take-off, mostly because being fast and not looking straight ahead while being near the ground keeps me busy. I like your point about how accurate the POH is. I haven't really been able to measure as many different regimes as I would like too. I'd like to measure machine performance often, removing religion from the equation. There is room for both just not in take-off length calculations. (running out of runway on take-off, you are at deadly speeds when you make the mistake.) this situation made me find religion once.... I have proven engine power at altitude vs. fuel flow and speed. So the rest should match....? I downloaded the cloud ahoy app a few days ago, but was not aware of the landing and take-off distance measurements. I'll be working with my flight instructor with some new tools in the back seat. Maybe he is reading along.... Best regards, -a-
  5. Antares, I'd like to congratulate/thank you on a few things... 1) sharing what you did. 2) using facts. 3) including video. Spectacular! I'm not qualified for commenting on your flying technique, but your data collecting/sharing skills are spectacular. You made me wince and try and control my iPad though! That's as close to actually flying I have been in a month or so. Thank you. I'm sure there will be more qualified responses soon.... Best regards, -a- I am a big fan of your airport, I visited briefly last spring. Prior to my arrival, somebody had unceremoniously 'washed' a mooney there. Think, decide, act.....or go around. There isn't enough runway left to repeat the cognitive part, at this runway.
  6. Back in the day with my M20C... The control cable would bend and not operate properly, strangling the intake... Check the operation of the system... The airflow seems strangled even when operating properly. Then buy a fuel injected model.... Best regards, -a-
  7. We need a GPS function to measure these details accurately. We could build our experience and personal data base. Any suggestions? Maybe Hilton at WingX might have an idea... Best regards, -a-
  8. They have never seen an oil can either... "The cans, the cans, he hates the cans...." - S. Martin Or bottles of oil at the gas station either. Check the oil, please? Why would we do that? Best regards, -a-
  9. Mine just wales at me during bumps in the traffic pattern. Passenger's aren't unduly aware of what it means. It just got fixed! But not adjusted, this past annual. After it had been quiet for an unknown period of time. Could be overly sensitive. I have no answer. I probably could have gone with +1.... Best regards, -a-
  10. I just bought the one from Sporty's for 50 bucks. It has a display of what it is counting as your pulse so you can visually see what it is counting. If you don't see a nice pulsing graph,move your finger. Haven't taken it flying yet, but I've got good numbers on the ground... Best regards, -a-
  11. Weird things happen... On my first flight in my Ovation back from TX, we stopped for fuel, there was an accident on the runway, that closed the whole airport overnight. My one day trip turned into two hotels for me and my pilot. I got all kinds of experience with an experienced flight instructor. Eight hours of X-country flying in your new to you airplane is an excellent experience. You are paying for it anyway, you might as well learn from the experience. Consider it like paying for insurance, it's worth it. Enjoy the trip, observe and take notes. Do you have a portable GPS? You will want one... Best regards, -a-
  12. Practice, practice, practice....... Fly often... Best regards, -a-
  13. Privacy is good, Mike. Especially if you park outside...
  14. Ovations have a blue box on the EGT meant to target EGT for climb. It is ROP, but leaner than full in on the knob. Any more lean on the red knob is in the area of the "red box"... Is that what they mean by over leaning? Best regards, -a-
  15. And then you join the group looking to build new cowlings... Do you need the IO-390 too? You will be fast though??? -a-
  16. http://www.planecover.com/ Ground Tech. - Salisbury Maryland.... Gary, check out this web site for the best covers on the east coast. The cover withstood 50kt winds the day before the picture was taken. Jim Cancil at Ground Tech is a good guy to talk to about the details. I bought a cover a decade ago for my M20C and had Jim perform maintenance on it. It looked like it would last forever. I bought a new plane and a new cover. The only thing different, I got a set of cowl plugs with my tail number sewn in them... Jim has sensible options like a zippered door and special material for covering the windshield. My plane is outside so my cover has an important job to do. Hope that helps... Best regards, -a-
  17. Heinz, Spectacular photos! I like the Statue of Liberty with a Mooney wing in the foreground! Best regards, -a-
  18. Ned, Nice point about the phone connection. My IFR flights start at an uncontrolled field carrying my cell phone against my ear. I need a solution like you described... Best regards, -a-
  19. Does it make sence to have the SVT and so much data on one aspen screen? I believe it does, but have not seen an actual aspen in operation. as far as too much information crowding out the important information... A few button presses and only the important data is presented. As far as looking for a flat spot in an engine out condition, maybe a combination of ATC and SVT would be more helpful than my current HSI. My Xmas list now includes 1 Aspen and 1 JPI 900 and another iPad. If I were the sales guy for Aspen, I think I would set up a Webinar with different pilot groups like MooneySpace... Which unit am I looking to purchase? An EFD1000 with weather, traffic and SV. Thinking out loud... Best regards, -a-
  20. Almost similar to Erik's paint match... I took parts from my plane to the automotive paint shop and purchased an off white in a spray can. Fixed a chip over the door opening about 1/4" in diameter. Couldn't see the fix when it was done. It's better to pay somebody with skill for larger areas, but do it yourself is probably better than not doing it. Prep, paint, sand and paint sand and paint.... You can always pay someone to fix it. No barns were razed by this message. Good luck. Best regards, -a-
  21. DanB, Thanks for the idea! -------------------------------------- Download Your Flight Data JPI now offers a USB Memory stick completely eliminating the need for a laptop or Palm. This new feature is available on all EDM's including the EDM 700, EDM 800, EDM 769 Twins, etc and even older EDM's. --------------------------------------- I have an old JPI unit that requires too much effort to haul an extra PC to the plane. Unless I need to... Have you seen JPI's unit, just a USB drive... It's advertised on their front web page. You probably know this already... http://www.jpinstruments.com/ Best regards, -a-
  22. The old six pack was great for it's day, I'd like the 930, with fuel flow, rpm, MP replacing my current '94 gauges. What's the price lately for the magic box? Bennet, What's required to flush mount the device? Best regards, -a-
  23. Scott's new avatar has appeared without any effort of mine, today, but not yesterday.... Too fast also!!! -a-
  24. I would expect that the OH shop would be interested in documenting the proper replacement of the data plate. Otherwise... Thank the top notch shop that just saved you a ton of AMUs, heartache and pain. This challenge still belongs to the other guy. What does it take to properly replace that data plate? Since they didn't do it already, is this possible? I feel that you have been lied to. Which is it, the plate just accidentally fell off? or the plate was missing since OH and the owner can't replace it? Either way, The value of the plane has been misrepresented, at least how you recount the details of the seller's follow-up with you. Don't walk away, run..... The seller was trying to get full price for something he knew was missing, then tried a lame cover story that this critical detail happened to just fall off. Did I miss something? Best regards, -a-
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