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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. Glad you made the trip. Welcome to the USA. Best regards, -a-
  2. Oscar, Very Nice!!! Best regards, -a-
  3. Thanks Astel, I have updated my statement for improved accuracy. -a-
  4. Try a different spelling? Grey. Gray? -a-
  5. WR, Where are you located? Do you want someone to meet you at your location? Welcome to the Mooney world. Best regards, -a-
  6. Electric or vacuum driven? Electric has clutches that wear. Clutch replacement is based on deployment, Not so much flight hours, so it is hard to expect when this would be needed. Fortunately, uneven deployment in an ovation is only slightly distracting... Best regards, -a-
  7. Curt, Welcome back... Find/push the view new posts button and start reading. I think you will like what you see. Best regards, -a-
  8. Ovations are solid IFR platforms and durable compared to the plastic alternative. Good luck with your decision... Best regards, -a-
  9. What ever happened to Bendix King? vaporware...? Garmin was the heros to BK's villain. Now Garmin has taken the spot of being the villain. Best regards, -a-
  10. Bennett, My 94 Ovation POH uses 5.82 #/gal for 100LL... This is from the factory in the "airplane weighing procedure". The phrase "top-off" is used to explain how much fuel to put in. Hope this helps... -a-
  11. My 65C had one. Only used it a few times in ten years though. To copy this design would include cutting the sheet metal and installing a door over it... Sounds expensive. I would like to keep my battery on a conditioner/charger. That would need the external plug for convenience.
  12. Expect the nose to be heavy, and the elevator to be less than perfectly matched... Follow what Byron said.... Gonna love that big engine.... -a-
  13. I thought I recognized that tail number.... I was going to look it up just to make sure. Now I know I have an addiction... -a-
  14. I know I know you all think i'm nuts! "thin'k" isn't the word I had in mind..... Bryan, that is spectacular flying. You must do plenty of preflight preparation. Your spot landing skill is right on. Thanks for sharing. Continue to Fly safely... Best regards, -a-
  15. Thanks guys, I feel better about my Ovation now... In line with the topic... The Ovation has a special clip holding the seat from exiting the rails. Byron's design seems to be the off-the-shelf winner. -a-
  16. David, welcome to the high life... Congrats on your accomplishment. -a-
  17. Garmin used that instrument panel on the back of AOPA's magazine this month. They called it an Ovation though..... -a-
  18. The fuel senders, I believe, are mounted on the sides of the tanks, their seals are often the source of leaks. It is a good idea to visually inspect these seals for the source of leaks. I hope this gives you something to consider, and some hope that your challenge isn't too big... Best regards, -a-
  19. If your money man/person sits in the back, the long body is an easy choice. A long body with turbo, tks, and XM, is a professional pilot's dream. I'm a big fan of the ovation after a decade with a growing family in an M20C... Best regards, -a-
  20. Datapoint... I've seen a broken mount on the lower copilot side of a 65C before. Right where the mount attaches to the block on the firewall.
  21. Propr, Great data sharing. Looking at the datapoints would expect the the CHT and EGT data to overlay. Looking as hard as I can at the data, I see one set of temperatures that falls away from the other three, right from start up to shut down. In comparison, the red line that falls below the others, to the broken cylinder #, you should find a match. Check previous flight records for similar graphs to see how long that cylinder has been misbehaving. What is the difference between the CHTs and egts from highest to lowest? It looks to me, a casual observer, one cylinder is receiving a different mixture than the others? That's by best effort. I am not a mechanic, just an engineer. I hope I helped point you in the right direction. Good luck, -a- The EGT 1 seems out of sync with the others The cylinder picture seems to indicate # 2 Have shared this data with your mechanic?
  22. Sounds like oxygen shortage, or stroke type behavior... -a-
  23. That defines the value of a pre-purchase inspection. Pay a professional for advice in the areas you cannot interpret yourself. Your risk in this case is installing a new cylinder.... Leaky valves and scratched cylinders, worn rings can cause leaks. Only a mechanic can identify the details. Search this site for PPIs and people experiences and costs to have a ppi done or not done.... Good luck, welcome to the world of Mooneys. How did you manage twenty years without flying? Best regards, -a-
  24. Observation: my 65C did not have that fancy E-exit... -a-
  25. The advantage of mooney specific training is the competent demonstration of proper system uses and limits. It's not a requirement, just money well spent. My instructor was trained at the factory and included IFR flight as part of the training, VOR, GPS, AP, and speed breaks, things my M20C didn't have. Not required, just good training. You will pay more than minimum, and get more too. Right up there with using an MSC for maintenance..... -a-
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