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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Diamond is a walking talking massive wasted opportunity.
  2. Your employer would have to buy a non-owned aircraft insurance policy, but you could offer to add your employer as an Additional Insured. Especially if you didn't carry passengers when on company travel, you wouldn't have to worry about increasing or removing your passenger sublimits.
  3. Gary's paint scheme on N49GH was much of the inspiration for my design on N252BH. And I'd say Gary started the Hawk Aircraft Painting excitement among Mooney owners...myself included. We shared a few meals over the years, some local flights, and also a couple flights between Florida and Texas. Giving up N49GH was really hard on him. I was there for the conversation with him and Silvia about it and, if I remember correctly, we shared his final flight in it to Texas back right before he sold it.
  4. I'm sad to report that Gary's wife, Silvia, called me this morning to let me know that Gary ( @fantom ) passed away. Obituary removed for identity theft concerns*
  5. I have never seen a case where someone gets the agreed value less the engine value...that's probably because the insurance co takes the engine with the total loss...so since you're not getting the engine back, they can't bill you for it. Also, the occurrence (impact) quite often causes additional damage to the engine which is covered.
  6. We are so glad you both got out! While I don't know if the door mechanism inside was completely fine before impact, this should be a great reminder to owners - if the door latch isn't behaving right - get it fixed before flight! Thanks for the write-up!
  7. It would be dependent on pilot experience, how many pilots, does your employer carry work comp, etc. I'll send you a message.
  8. Your company should look into a corporate non-owned aircraft insurance policy which would protect them from liability imposed by their employees flying personal aircraft on company travel.
  9. Climb should be max MP and RPM at or near max or you will have temp issues. For a 210hp M20K, you'll want 24-25 GPH and for an Encore (220hp), you'll want about 26 gph. With the K, get the induction (leaks) & spark (Tempest Fine Wires) handled first. Then fine tune with GAMIjectors.
  10. On which engine? The boost pump shouldn't be used on an M20K unless there's been a failure of the engine driven pump.
  11. Ron would stop by our SnF booth and always have outside-the-box fresh ideas when examining various safety of flight issues. He was a good thinker in all things aviation and he’ll be missed.
  12. You should be able to get a ground rate both for now and renewal if it won’t be ready to fly. If you have a loan on the plane you’ll need written approval from the lender.
  13. The M20K (including the 231) is probably the most underrated airplane of them all. If people would get with a CFI that understands engine management, they'd accomplish a lot more with their planes on a lot less gas and spend less money on maintenance than they think they'll have to.
  14. Were you the owner when the insurance company sold it for salvage? If you technically owned the aircraft while they had possession until they sold it and they were leaving the bill of sale open until a buyer came along, you may be able to contact the adjuster for a copy of the final bill of sale for your file. In any case, you could ask the FAA for the records...I'm not sure if the FAA would provide you more up-to-date records than what's on their website, but it's worth asking them.
  15. I don't know what the coverage limits are like for that account or whom could be considered a claimant. I doubt it will have a major macro effect.
  16. I'm especially looking forward to it for our general liability (such as MSCs) and commercial use aircraft clients. It has been a beating of a couple years. It'll be nice to have good news for once.
  17. We'll see. There's a new carrier coming on in full force in Q1 that should keep some downward pressure on rates.
  18. Basically it almost never matters for rates for personal aircraft, but it can matter for insurability for certain insurance companies past a certain age. Many insureds over age 75 must get a 3rd class or higher level of medical certificate. Not sure exactly what Avemco's requirements are these days.
  19. I have heard that happening but I don't know if that's their policy nationwide or state-by-state. Someone above might be onto something as to whether the aircraft is for business use or just a holding company.
  20. Based on your pilot experience, we'd probably do pretty well on an M20K. 300/400/500 hours and instrument rated can be good thresholds for us. Sometimes even 200 hours and IR (as long as there's good RG hours). Newer planes are doing better than older planes in this market. We should have a new insurance carrier formally entering the light personal aircraft market around the first quarter of next year.
  21. Agreed - as opposed to what I think is a real concern which is looking inside the plane at an AOA indicator.
  22. Any chance you've been able to overlay the audio on some updated landing videos?
  23. Correct, but I'll add it's also not a fault to pad the landing with a tiny shot of power after a slightly-too-aggressive/eager flare puts you a foot or two too high above the runway. You can still salvage an ok landing here without making yourself feel the arrival.
  24. Please don't home-cook anything with this, MS friends. Control balance is nothing to mess with. There are planes popping up with this issue all over the place. It amazes me that these things haven't been caught in shops up until the factory saying something.
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