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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Pretty much they market the airplanes to weed out non-serious buyers from talking to the sellers. They charge a fee instead of getting a commission on the plane sale. Generally that fee runs about $1000-$2000 depending on the plane. They have prompt response times. Each time I've sent them an email about a plane I have gotten a response with the seller's contact info.
  2. This is by far the most discounted airplane I've seen in this market. 1991 Mooney TLS Bravo It wouldn't work in my training operation, but would be so tempting to finance when I was thinking about getting the Mooney for personal use. First one with TKS that I've seen away from $200,000 in quite a while!
  3. Yeah it was an Embry Riddell trainer from 1991 to about 1999 or so. It's only had about 500 hours from the second owner till I bought it last month. It's now in the training fleet at my startup...we'll see how it goes.
  4. Not interested here, but I am convinced Scott will have the nicest 1977 201 in existence here in a short while. If Weeping Wings would only get it certified for FIKI (currently only accidental) you could do anything you wanted with a TN Mooney 201.
  5. Thanks, Scott. I'll check out everything I can, though I'm guessing (and hoping) it's just this rotting Airtex mixed with 7000 hours.
  6. Yeah, I've got that gas/airplane smell in mine. It doesn't smell like Avgas, but it doesn't smell like just airplane smell either. There are no fuel stains on the wing, but we'll see if Don Maxwell finds anything at 100 hour.
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