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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Pretty plane & you are definitely not the only Flying Octogenarian. There is @DonMuncy at RBD. I just flew with him to TPF and back.
  2. Are you registering this supposed 200'/min climb rate through the VSI? There is a lag in that instrument. How high above the ground are you at the end of that 3000' runway?
  3. Some of what you propose is required by insurers already. Above 75/80, we see requirements for annual medical exams and annual flight reviews. I'd propose some additional things, including, but not limited to the below: Minimum 60 hours logged in the previous 12 months (80 would be better) or you must fly dual only until you reach 60 in the previous 12 calendar months... Flight Review endorsement every 6 months (3 months would be better). A particular CFI cannot sign off two flight reviews in a row. Airlines require recurrent training every 6 months. There's nothing wrong with this for *any* pilot. BasicMed signoff every 6 months. In some ways I've found an honest BasicMed assessment to have more benefit than a 3rd class medical.
  4. In many cases, you are correct.
  5. I have ideas. But the realistic assessment and underwriting I'd put on it would sideline a lot of 80+ year old pilots. But it'd keep the ones flying who should be flying. I want people 80+ to keep flying if they are safe. But a lot of them are in denial. And the worst of it is that the ramifications of an age-related loss pollute the waters for those who are 80+ and can continue flying. I know what it's like to not be able to find an ~80+ person a quote...and for good underwriting reasons (make/model combination with a pilot who had been out of aviation for a significant period of time - he should not have been flying that type of plane)...and then he ended up in a gruesome pilot error fatal accident shortly thereafter. If I had one wish for the broader aviation community, it would be for them to remember this about insurance: - Rates are up. And yes, it might cost an extra tank or two or even three of fuel per year (depending if you're @201er or someone flying around with 50 gallon bladder capacity . But there's a lot of really good aviation enthusiast underwriters out there who have finally gotten some meaningful pay increases. You'd like to see them make the kind of income to afford GA aircraft ownership, too. - Regarding underwriting for certain planes. Underwriters are real people, too...with real consciences. I have phone conversations with them. Underwriting profitability aside, one might say something similar to "I don't want to be [enabling] someone to get into this life-risking situation." This isn't the military where you solo in a turbine aircraft while your life is full-immersion into aviation. This is different. And most of us in the insurance world want to be a backstop against bad decisions.
  6. The MT in and of itself probably won't fix your speed issue. I am a fan of 3-blade metal props for the M20K. I would look into control and gear rigging first for your speed issue. Also, you didn't say what MP/RPM settings give you that speed.
  7. Have a pro pilot keep it exercised while you finish your private. You're a passenger only. Then amend or re-write the policy to allow for owner-flown operations. It's often the only viable option.
  8. It's a marketable revenue stream and not that difficult to accomplish.
  9. Happened to me in an M20R. Cycled prop on runup and it wouldn't go back to low pitch when advancing the prop lever. The governor had just been overhauled. I think it was a snap ring to blame.
  10. It happens but no idea truly how often.
  11. Yep. I returned after about 5 years off of it because it's very good for business. The pilot groups are decent, but not much else...
  12. If the engine was a factory overhaul exchange, that could explain it.
  13. Find out how long they spend on the phone and you'll see why. I sit in Maxwell's office once or twice a year and trying to work in a conversation between phone calls is quite a challenge. They're often giving free advice by those means. Don is very active on the Mooney Pilots Facebook group though.
  14. Please drop by and visit us in the Aircraft Spruce Hangar (Hangar A, number 1076). We'll keep some t-shirts behind the table - just ask and we'll pass one off to you - no purchase necessary, while supplies last...we'll take as many walking advertisements as we can. Thanks! PS - I'll be stopping & staying in Iowa on Saturday for the Indycar race if anyone wants to meet up there or for dinner later on.
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  15. Not all is lost. Lynn is headed to Longview.
  16. very cool project! Which sim software will it use?
  17. Hi Perri, I'm not seeing a contact form from the site, but we just did an update. I'll message you here for your contact info. For what it's worth, my spam email box has been full of every single scammer trying to sell me stolen marketing lists from Oshkosh, so I apologize if your email ended up there and I hastily deleted it! Parker
  18. I've owned both an M20J and M20K. The M20K offers some extra flexibility with the turbo and some extra speed at altitudes over 8000' or so. Winter flying in Angel Fire carries its own perils no matter what Mooney you're flying as the winds in that region can be substantial. Be cautious with an M20J or M20K at max weight. An M20J on a cold and calm day might be ok. In the summer fully loaded, the weather needs to be perfect early in the morning or mid-evening for a fully loaded M20J. I probably wouldn't do it. An M20K at AXX is better...if the winds and temps allow. The concern isn't getting off the ground...its the performance once airborne. Proper planning is a required... Outbound to NM...be willing to drive or stop short of your destination Returning to TX...be willing to delay your return or catch an airliner/rental car home if your schedule requires.
  19. Stick with the 3-blade Hartzell
  20. plenty of them lying around - and free for anyone here whether you're a client or not!
  21. For new business on a personal aircraft policy, this is basically correct. The carriers quote new business at the same pricing. Every now and then we'll win out on new business because a competing quote just gave the instantly-available quotes over the phone rather than waiting to make sure all the responses came back. We have a pretty good idea which companies will be most competitive for certain aircraft & pilot combinations so we know if there might be a straggler quote that can win. Regarding renewals, some carriers will work with us on premium if their renewal quote is too high compared to the rest of the market. Commercial & corporate accounts, on the other hand, take a lot more negotiating and sometimes even aviation expertise. Our flight school, charter, and repair station accounts really rely on good brokering. Especially in this market...
  22. Let us know if we can help www.airspeedinsurance.com 214-295-5055 parker@airspeedinsurance.com
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