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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Have fun at the fly in! Wish I could make it. -Seth
  2. You can always DIY a dehumidifier. Examples are online somewhere. I read about them a while ago and should have made one. I'll have to look at that again. -Seth
  3. Yes - as long as you don't become a pilot for 2 years after in most cases, the policy holds. Rarely do they come back and say you lied, but after two years, usually it's a non issue. Some companies charge a flat extra fee, some treat you as if you are not as healthy and thus a higher risk, and some depending on your experience, consider you not a pilot when conducting their ratings. If anyone wants me to go over specific information, PM me! This is what I do! -Seth
  4. Exactly - the beneficiary would be the lender. Just like a car loan and auto insurance policy.
  5. This is actually a common practice for business loans, especially in this day an age where the lender needs to ensure they'll recover the asset in case there is no collateral or if the borrower does not want to sign a personal guarantee on top of a business loan. If the business is an LLC/corporation/entity and goes belly up, the bank does not get its capital back. Should the borrower sign a personal guarantee, then personal assets are at stake. However, if the borrower passes away, and it's a small company with that individual as the "key man" then it is difficult to come after the estate, even though it can be done. To forgo that, life insurance can be and is used often. The good news is that separately I am a Full Wealth Manager and Financial Advisor, I created my firm, Ascent Finaicial Management specifically to assist pilots. "File Your FINANCIAL Flight Plan!" Only about 8% of my clients are pilots and aircraft owners at this time, and my first piece of advice usually is to sell your airplane which I won't do either, as it's a passion, but I understand our love for aviation. Only one client has really needed to sell their airplane - and he did. I'll PM you contact information and we'll chat. Pricing all depends on what you need, medical history, and flight experience. I'm independent so I shop dozens of carriers to get you the best quality bang for your buck. Take care, -Seth
  6. As an actual example, on my long solo XC as a student, my alternator failed, and I realized it when I couldn't raise anyone on radio (flight following) other electric based units started flicking off and resetting. I powered off everything to save the battery if needed for an in flight restart or emergency radio. I used dead reckoning and knowing my basic position to head toward the closest non-towered airport and land. I had planned to pass near a few during the flight and had already written their frequencies and runway info on my kneeboard paper prior to the flight (a time before iPads). I powered my radio back on, made some calls, got an answer from the Unicom for a radio check, looked the sky over carefully, just in case I was not getting radio traffic and landed safely. I called the flight school and talked the situation over with my instructor. This is where is was dumb. We decided to call the tower and let them know I may be a no radio flight and they said okay!?!?! So I got the plane started on battery only, took off, shut down eveeything, and then turned on the transponder and 1 radio when I got close. I had enough juice that the radio was still working by the time I got back an didn't even have to use light signals. In retrospect and hindsight, with 25-30 hours I should have not made that trip back. I should have not allows my instructor to talk me into it. I should have had them come get me in another plane or have a mechanic at the other field take a look at the airplane and troubleshoot. Be ready for the unexpected when you fly your plane for the first time alone. Good luck with your pre solo checkride. -Seth
  7. Congratulations Conrad. Once you have soloed an airplane no matter what your future in aviation holds you, sir, are a pilot! Now continue your training and get your PPL! -Seth
  8. The beast has been ticking up in value recently. Grab another one now! Best bang for the buck for "Supercar." However, you do have to maintain it! -Seth
  9. I was amazed about five or six years ago when I found out how many of us own or owned 2001-2003 BMW E39 M5's. There were at least 8 back then. I still have mine and still drive it daily - 152,000 miles and going strong. Mine is the Black one. My uncle's is the Silver one with only 14,000 miles on it and used to belong to Roberto! -Seth
  10. Oy - this is a real life story with an unhappy and tragic ending. I feel for the families. Yes, you can fly and all of us with IR have flown partial panel. However, get even a non certified electric AI backup for these emergency conditions. If you have an AHRS type GPS receiver like a Stratus II, a bad elf, or any number of devices for less than $1000 you can have a backup somewhere in your cockpit. A real dedicates backup may be closer to $2000 but worh it - especially if you spend a lot of time in IMC or quasi IMC. I've been talking about getting an old iPhone setup as a backup AHRS - it's time to get it done! I have a standby VAC, but these real life tragedies make you think twice. The portable Dynon D1 unit is a great standalone piece to mount somewhere. I may do this at some point if I'm not thrilled with the iPhone AHRS app and mount. The D1 is $1095 right now for an stand alone GPS AHRS backup AI type panel. -Seth
  11. Paint and Avionics sell airplanes fast. If you want to sell your airplane fast, instead of lowering the price, paint it. Same differential and you'll get to fly a newly painted airplane for a while first! Only problem is it takes some time to line up a paint shop! Avionics wise, that takes less time. -Seth
  12. Congratulations! Enjoy flying and just hit the numbers in the pattern - every landing is a go around. I'd love to create some sort of environment similar to your living situation up here in Maryland or Virginia. -Seth
  13. My 1983 is 1165N
  14. Happens to all of us from time to time however . . . The fact that you mentioned directional control on the ground makes me think that Maurader may be right about engaging the brakes OR your steering horn may be slightly damaged or misaligned. Great article by DMAX. Can happen when towed improperly, or for all I know the side loads may have messed something up (though I doubt it). I always love it when your landings are so smooth that you realize you are on the ground but didn't know when the mains touched. When a passenger or fellow pilot especially is on board - man it's a great feeling. You'll get back there soon. Funny, I have made my smoothest landings consistently in crosswinds as I am working harder - it should teach me not to be as passive in light or no wind conditions and not accept an acceptable landing during an "easy" approach. You made it down safe each time, the plane is not damaged, but it's not up to your standards. You'll skills will return. -Seth
  15. Looks great!
  16. Bridgewater Airport is VA, VBW, is owned by Dynamic Aviation, a large defensive contractor with a huge fleet of King Air's, Dash 8's, Citations, and Sikorsky's (and probably more). I have some family near there, and was going to fly in to visit, but after looking at the aerial shots, the field's short runway has displaced threshold on runway 33, however it also has a taxiway extending an additional 1300 feet in line with the runway when approaching 33 (meaning increasing the non official runway by over 50%). It's not part of the runway but seems to be extended so that should a longer runway be necessary for some of Dynamic's larger aircraft, it's possible to use it as per pilot's and airport manager's discretion. Also, there are the remains of a ton of aircraft on the field (mainly king airs - probably part of the original government purchase/bid for parts to keep their 60ish king airs flying). Almost every aircraft parked and visible is a turbine twin. Gas is $5.99 per gallon. Is this a field that does not want normal GA traffic? I'll call the manger before attempting the flight, but it is a public use field so I can still use it, but it seems like it has a big "go away" sign on it. Does anyone have any familiarity with the Bridgewater Airport? Am I way off base? I figured I'd ask here, then call the airport manager. Obviously I can use the field as it's public, but if it's best not to I won't. My gut is I'm worrying about nothing, but I've never seen a public use airport set up this way. -Seth
  17. My grandfather flew I think 43 missions in WWII in B-17G's. Part of the 401st Bomb Group in the 8th Air Force. Love that airplane. Love the story. Thank you for sharing. In the early 2000s, I was fortunate enough to get a ride in Fuddy Duddy in New York before that B-17 was sold (it's now on the west coast). In 2009, I once, at Chicago executive, followed a P-51 on Final, which was very cool. I was given vectors (IFR) and saw an aircraft pass under me when I was about 5 miles out (which I swore may have been a P-51 Mustang but I was sure was incorrect as it was highly unlikely) and when I was brought into the pattern - a downwind - the tower had me visually pickup traffic on final. He said something like, traffic on a 1 mile final, and once I had it (realizing it was indeed potentially a P-51), he said "cleared to land #2 behind the Mustang" or something similar - very cool. The B-17 Nine-O-Nine, B-24 All American, and this P-51 were part of the Collings Foundation and were visiting the airport that day just after Oshkosh. -Seth
  18. Sorry I couldn't attend! I'll make one of these lunches again soon! -Seth
  19. Bruce provided the transition training for me from my F model to my Missile. I learned a ton about engine management through him and he was in the 7th inning of finalizing the Spatial interior at that time. I'd be interested in attending. He's an honest and good man. -Seth
  20. I would love to but it looks like the timing is not going to work out for me. It's the closest to my location - was hoping to make it. Still might! If we can also arrange a 30 (even a 9, 12, or 15) plane fly in for Thursday, I may be able to partake in that, stay the night, and head home on Friday - just throwing it out there. -Seth
  21. Trump's staff forgot to pay the $5 to re-register his Citation X From AVWEB: A 1997 Citation X owned by Donald Trump has been flying with an expired FAA registration since Jan. 31, according to a story in today's New York Times. Flying with a lapsed registration — which costs $5 for three years — could be a problem in the case of an accident, and also can subject the owner or operator to FAA fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to three years. If the jet is grounded, however, to sort out the paperwork issue, Trump has backup — three Sikorsky helicopters and a Boeing 757. Read More
  22. I use AGC usually for Pittsburg unless I have meetings right near PIT (Moon Township or Imperial) then I go there. It is a GA friendly class B. Around Pittsburgh try to not cross a bridge or go through a tunnel unless you have to! Fly to the correct side of town for your business or visit! -Seth
  23. Nemicolin in PA - great resort with a private runway! Ocean City, MD too - boardwalk and more.
  24. I admit I do get amazing and easy reservations anytime anywhere when I visit New York. -Seth
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