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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Make it lets fly somewhere - lunch on me - you'll have more takers - plus you get a ride in a Mooney! -Seth
  2. That's what I'm talking about!
  3. I've started a new thread to help SH find a better rental/flight school in the Bay Area. Post what you know so we can get him flying. -Seth
  4. I've started a new thread to help SH find a better rental/flight school in the Bay Area. Post what you know so we can get him flying. -Seth
  5. You are technically correct. I have updated my list to state "cruiser" as well. They are still cruisers and not primary trainers. Well thought out response. Thanks!
  6. We all want to see Samurai Husky fly. Let's help him out. Some of this info is in the other threads but let's put it in one place: List flight schools with aircraft, pricing, and a website if possible in the Bay Area so SH may find more leads to follow up on. A big school, mom and pop shop - doesn't matter. List it. Let's get SH trained right! SH: We do support you. -Seth
  7. SH- Didn't realize the situation. That's difficult. Almost everywhere else in the country that I know has a small flight school at one of the local airports where a 172, 152, or PA-28 can be rented. If they are booked solid, there's a spot 3 days later max. Sorry you are feeling trapped. I would change airports/flying clubs/schools and learn to fly. Didn't realize it was that difficult to find a good school in the Bay Area with such a large population. Hope you find the right fit. All of us do want to see you fly. -Seth
  8. SH- I posted the following in the other thread. Seriously. Change your aircraft to a 172 or PA-28. Relearn everything, internalize it, get muscle menory, then transition to a Cirrcus, Moonry, or 182. I don't usually post where I sounds this way. However reading all these, making these recommendations now multiple times, and being ignored is bothering me. You came came here for advice! Here it is again. You want to be a pilot of a high performance aircraft. We love the enthusiasm. Get in a 172 or PA-28. A TRAINER. Learn the basics. Internalize the basics. Solo. Get your PPL. Then buy your airplane and attain your IFR OR transition back to the Cirrus at that time and start your IFR training until you buy your first aircraft and complete. $30,000 for a PPL is (expliclative) redicoluous. I'm a financial advisor and my first piece of advice to my pilot clients is to sell their airplanes. But really I say I understand the passion, but it's a lifestyle choice and if I ever say you need to sell, then sell!! I am a level headed guy and good friend as many on MoonySpace can attest, and I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but I don't want to hear another post period until you have booked an hour in a 172, PA-28, or other actual trainer. Just book it and let us know; doesn't have to be flown. Just booked. We will help and assist with what you need to know about the trainer aircraft you book. You are doing yourself a HUGE disservice flying the Cirrus at this point. Transition back to it later after you have internalized maneuvers, take offs, and landings on an actual trainer. Stay ahead of the aircraft. Slower speeds help that!!!!!! I do not wish to see another post from you until your booking of the training aircraft is complete. Exeption: if you have a variety is training aircraft and want recommendations or suggestions, that is permissible. That's the only exception. Book the darn trainer. I am young at 34, have over 1100 hours and am on my second Mooney that cruises at 180+ knots. First cruised at 148 knots. Bought it at 120 hours. Get into a trainer. Let us know once it's booked. I love your enthusiasm - we all do. Get into a gosh darn trainer and learn how to fly then transition to a high performance aircraft. Crawl before you walk, walk before you run. Then win the 100 yard dash. Post back once you've booked a training aircraft. PM me if you want to chat by phone or by email. I do not want to see another post, not even an "ok" unless it say "booking a trainer," "trainer booked," or "which trainer to book." We want you to succeed and are happy to share advice. Take care, -Seth
  9. I'm guessing he meant PA-38 which would be much better to train on than a Cirrus through ugh primary and solo. And I've never flown one. -Seth
  10. I disagree. It's an advanced trainer. That's saying an M20J or 182 is a trainer. 2 seat trike trainers: C-152/150 DA-20 Pipee Tomahawk Beechcraft Skipper Libertty XL-2 2 Seat Tailwheel Trainers Champ Cub C-120/140 4 Seat Trainers C-172 PA-28 High performwnce/Complex/cruiser Cirrus SR-20 C-182 Any Mooney PA-28R Aarow Dakota DA-40
  11. Seriously. Change your aircraft to a 172 or PA-28. Relearn everything, internalize it, get muscle menory, then transition to a Cirrcus, Moonry, or 182. I don't usually post where I sounds this way. However reading all these, making these recommendations now multiple times, and being ignored is bothering me. You came came here for advice! Here it is again. You want to be a pilot of a high performance aircraft. We love the enthusiasm. Get in a 172 or PA-28. A TRAINER. Learn the basics. Internalize the basics. Solo. Get your PPL. Then buy your airplane and attain your IFR OR transition back to the Cirrus at that time and start your IFR training until you buy your first aircraft and complete. $30,000 for a PPL is (expliclative) redicoluous. I'm a financial advisor and my first piece of advice to my pilot clients is to sell their airplanes. But really I say I understand the passion, but it's a lifestyle choice and if I ever say you need to sell, then sell!! I am a level headed guy and good friend as many on MoonySpace can attest, and I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but I don't want to hear another post period until you have booked an hour in a 172, PA-28, or other actual trainer. Just book it and let us know; doesn't have to be flown. Just booked. We will help and assist with what you need to know about the trainer aircraft you book. You are doing yourself a HUGE disservice flying the Cirrus at this point. Transition back to it later after you have internalized maneuvers, take offs, and landings on an actual trainer. Stay ahead of the aircraft. Slower speeds help that!!!!!! I do not wish to see another post from you until your booking of the training aircraft is complete. Exeption: if you have a variety is training aircraft and want recommendations or suggestions, that is permissible. That's the only exception. Book the darn trainer. I am young at 34, have over 1100 hours and am on my second Mooney that cruises at 180+ knots. First cruised at 148 knots. Bought it at 120 hours. Get into a trainer. Let us know once it's booked. I love your enthusiasm - we all do. Get into a gosh darn trainer and learn how to fly then transition to a high performance aircraft. Crawl before you walk, walk before you run. Then win the 100 yard dash. Post back once you've booked a training aircraft. PM me if you want to chat by phone or by email. I do not want to see another post, not even an "ok" unless it say "booking a trainer," "trainer booked," or "which trainer to book." We want you to succeed and are happy to share advice. Take care, -Seth
  12. You have to keep us updated with this build
  13. Have you booked time in a 172 or PA-28 yet? -Seth
  14. Let me know if you need Jared's email and I'll PM you. He is very responsive. -Seth
  15. Actually it was a 4 seater! It had a second row of passenger seats tucked back there pretty far. I'm not sure if they had ever been used, but that's pure speculation and I doubt they'd be legal to use during any aerobatic encounters. So in the end we had 6 Mooney's, 5 individuals at our table and another table of 4 who initially said hello, but stayed to themselves. Evidently they fly in every Sunday morning for brunch. I'll post May once I figure out where and when. Any suggestions? I was thinking Flying W. -Seth
  16. Update - The Missile that is the topic of this post has a Purchase Agreement in place (unsure of the amount) and will undergo a pre-buy. I'll know soon if the deal will move forward or if it will be available again. -Seth
  17. Someone here on MooneySpace or a future MooneySpace member?
  18. I agree - talk with Craig and let's do a mass order and then ship them out and have MooneySpace get some extra funds in the process. -Seth
  19. Weber or Freeway Aviation are also MSC's local that I'd trust for a good prebuy. I'll talk to Harry and find out the scoop on this airplane. I met Harry in 2007. He's always been upfront and honest with me. He tries to sell the airplanes he has as any broker would. I looked at a Piper Lance he was brokering when I bought my first Mooney in 2008 and also at a Bravo at one point he had listed. I have never purchased through him buy we know each other. He's also now Chief Instruxtor at the flight school at GAI since the last one moved on for an airline gig. I'll post when I have more info. -Seth
  20. I agree with Hank - fuel up elsewhere! Or call ahead to SAV and figure out minimum fuel va ramp fee etc . . . And still fuel be majority elsewhere. Either before or after visiting the awesome museum!
  21. Really good exercise Mike! Will post my reasoning later -Seth
  22. Fly in breakfast is set for Sunday. Weather looks good. Sunny with a high of 50. We have 5 aircraft and 7 individuals attending as of now. We'll have a lot to talk about regarding all the great aviation announcements from Sun 'N Fun! -Seth
  23. In South Carolina go to KSAV instead and if you are into it. Spend a few hours at "The Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum." They have a B-17G in almost restored condition there. Though it's obviously the main attraction, the exhibits themselves are really good. -Seth
  24. Also understand the resale will suffer when you go to sell, so ensure you buy it at the right place so you are not destroyed when you go to sell it. The more years from damage as long as repaired correctly, the better it is. Was the ovation that had the outer section of the wing replaced at Freeway (W00) MSC a few years ago? -Seth
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