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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Congrats! Must be a great feeling for the entire family! -Seth
  2. I think the changes to the roll cage contributed. New door, coposite (fiberglass) cockpit skin section, that's what contributed to the new model number as well. Interior panel redesign is also quite nice - much more thought into it than before. But I do hear you. -Seth
  3. Love the four blade look!
  4. All depends on the insurance company. When I moved into M20F ownership years ago it was 10 dual, 10 solo, with about 120 hours in my logbook and only a handful of that retract. No instrument rating at the time. When I transitioned into my Missile 500 hours later with an instrument rating, it was simply a sign off by an instructor after transition training. -Seth
  5. Chris is a good guy - all the guys over there (and ladies) are pretty good. I think your plane is maintained there and by the other owners. Correct? -Seth
  6. I like this idea, and the Nickel looks good too - Erik - want to repost your awesome 4 blade prop for the masses? -Seth
  7. Hi Ben- Welcome to to Mooney Ownership and to GAI. N201RF, right? I'm based at GAI and put together a monthly breakfast flight mainly for the Mooney Pilots on the field and in the region. I'll get you on the list. PM me your email and phone number. I also have some instructor recommendations for you. There is an MSC - Mooney Service Center nearby at W00 and they have a few very experienced Mooney Instructors - it's a 2400 foot field and where I learned to fly Mooney's so I leaned about airspeed control in the pattern on day one. I look forward to meeting you soon. Take care, -Seth
  8. I can't believe no one has stepped up for Mike! Glad you are interested in Mooney's. The C/E/F are all great airplanes. Who in Florida in April wants to show off their Mooney to Mike while he's got his family at Disney? Bumping this back to the top. Also, Mike, where are you located when not in Florida? -Seth
  9. We'll have to add it to the breakfast flight list! 8AM - 3PM 7 days a week
  10. And . . . it has an airplane shaped swimming pool! -Seth
  11. It's the IO-550A
  12. That's pretty neat
  13. Erik- I'm sorry that your old bird is no longer flying. It's amazing if you look in your logbook and start searching, you find just how many of the aircraft you used to fly are no longer registered due to an incident or maintenance. Very disheartening. Take care, -Seth
  14. Peter- It was great to finally meet you as well - very good looking aircraft. We had a very successful breakfast fly-in at MQS. The lineman at the FBO noted, "The Mooney's were out in full force today." We had 14 attendees and 9 aircraft. Watching the P-51 takeoff and the T-6 pattern work was an obvious bonus. Next month will most likely be GED for breakfast on a Sunday. I'll post once the date is finalized. I know there's a Yak and a B-25 based at that field, maybe we'll get to see one. As always, I enjoyed the company of fellow pilots and aircraft owners. Thanks for coming out. -Seth
  15. $115 into a $130+ plane. O smoh Missiles with new paint & interior and panel go for $125-$135. Take out the panel or P&I and you are in for less. If you are an A&P or can do some of the labor work yourself, even less. Mid time Missiles are trading for $110-115. This wouldn't be a to sell for profit project unless you do a lot of the labor yourself. But if you are about to drop $40-60k in upgrades to your M20C, E, G, or F, it may be worth a sideways move and then having major upgrades included like a newer airframe, airframe tweaks, much more speed, and a higher selling point in the future. -Seth
  16. When all is said and done this will be an even better deal than my Missile as I did the FF forward but but less panel and no P&I. The purchase price is what makes this deal. No fooling around, it's airworthy but a long term project. I would purchase. Fly it. Arrange for the firewall forward overhaul at the 1 year mark or less. Then I'd put in the WASS GPS and ADSB info the next year. It has a KLN 90 now so it's at least a GPS in panel. Year 3 I'd do the interior. Year 4 I'd paint it. Or cash permitting, do it all at once. -Seth
  17. Owner was thinking about asking $55k knowing it's a runout with no WAAS GPS. $45k-$50k may take it. Maybe even low $40s. FF overhauls of everything will run $40k - $45k. Then a WAAS GPS and ADSB decision The P & I if you wish, and they are fine now, but if you want to customize them you can. -Seth
  18. VFR forecast for tomorrow! I'll update the RSVP list however it looks like a good showing! MQS @ 9AM -Seth
  19. Hope she heals quickly and completely understand. See you next month! -Seth
  20. Another reason: Alan just let me know he's attending in his still new to him 182 with Garmin Radios for sale in the back and any spare parts anyone needs. PM me for Alan's phone number and email, or PM him yourself. As we all know he has a ton of Mooney spare parts. -Seth
  21. Great! I'll let Adam know that you are the backup should Bob not come. PM me your email and phone number. -Seth
  22. Thanks Bob- I'll let Adam know! I'll PM you for contact info. -Seth
  23. Still need someone to pick up Adam as noted above. Now that we are going to MQS, does that work for anyone?
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