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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. With this radar, what are you exactly looking for? What does it see best?
  2. If I remember correctly, you can adjust the angle of the radar, up and down, to paint the sky ahead of you? Is that correct?
  3. Did you get it updated?
  4. Did you notice the UL? It is in the 800's. Is this adequate for your mission? As Turbo just said, this STC is unsupported. The husband passed and the widow and family has nothing to do with aviation. Maxwell installed a couple of these, and if I remember correctly, it was around 40 hours. They could be a source for you. As for the plane itself, what's not to like? It's a Mooney isn't it
  5. This is consistent of what is reported by others on this forum. Seems to be the rule, and not the exception.
  6. Welcome to the Forum.
  7. Nice Rocket. Nicer 310 Ovation http://mooneyspace.com/topic/17294-2000-mooney-ovation-310-hpaspenavidyne-air-condtioning/ Anything is doable. Can you train your dogs to jump up on the wing and miss the flaps? Can you train your passengers not to step on the flap Will you put a blanket on the walkway every time you fly? Do you care for the paint and leather to keep its value? Just saying..... Buying a Rocket and flying with animals. Well, you are going to lose the value of any turbo aircraft that is non pressurized, when you fly with pets. It is that simple. The question really should not be if it is doable in a Rocket. It should be "how many times am I actually going to load up two big dogs?" Answer that question and you will then know if you go N/A or turbo. Performance wise between the two? The 310 O's "are the fastest" production GA plane out there if you believe the advertisement. The Rocket is, a rocket. Get up high and go fast. Block time difference in a 1200 mile trip will be what? Maybe 25-30 minutes?
  8. Lancecasper is another one to ask.
  9. I was thinking the same thing, but only in relation with the Huskies. That being said, Samurai, get whatever you want to get. The only thing I can think of is maybe get a Mooney (any plane) with factory air conditioning if you are truly going to be flying with your dogs. That being said also, go to the For Sale link on this site and buy Lancecaspers beautiful Ovation with factory air. It's paint scheme probably matches your dogs. David
  10. Please excuse the barbarians, welcome to the forum.
  11. I was contemplating the correct spelling. Didn't put to much effort into being exact. Leave that to the engineer types
  12. "Neato". Did you just say neato? Is whoopsedaisys next, he he he.
  13. With the storm scope and all the King equipment, I will guess 905???
  14. squid. I like my squid..... my Texas sense of humor I'm sorry to say. Yes. Some of us know and eat squid!!!
  15. Welcome to the forum Fischer. Careful what you wish for. Get on Marauder's bad side he may show you his bird and a whole lot of something else. That being said, I am sure you will be able to catch a ride or at least a tour in your neck of the woods. I am much like you, puut puutting around in the rented 172 and can't wait till I can stretch my wings and fly. Good luck. david
  16. Nice looking bird. Good luck on your sale. David
  17. I like my quid dipped in a light tempura batter and fried till golden.
  18. Certainly agree. The oil patches in the US, not just TX, are all effected with a down turn, but that is a small sample of America compared to the big picture of GDP and the economy. Df
  19. Low gasoline prices is/are actually a double edged sword. When the barrel price of oil falls below $50 per, then the majority of the oil field workers (USA) are layed off from their oil jobs. All of the oil workers go from making a high wage to a low wage after they are through with their unemployment benefits. The oilfield areas lose a huge portion of consumers and the domino effect takes place. The down turn happens, the low gas prices help keep people (consumers) moving and buying up to a point. Soon enough the glut of oil will be consumed or the prices will be raised by OPEC, and gas prices will go back up to previous levels. All that being said the current generation does not "cook" as we all did in the past. That is a good thing for restaurants. As long as I keep my store clean, with a good product, I will stay busy and make a little profit. I said little. Not going to be able to take the 'O3 from Lance anytime soon. Ps, sorry for the late reply and TMI reply.
  20. Interesting comparison on Bravo's for sale on this website. I am not searching other Bravo's, just thought that the price comparison for the three on the site was interesting.
  21. Ahh! Very well spoken, with nary an error.
  22. Amarillo by Mooney, up from San Antone' Every knot that I got, costs less than Bonanzos, I can go fast, if I want to go fast, but don't float your la-anding, Amarillo by Mooney, Amarillo loves Mooney's Amarillo by Mooney, Amarillo loves Mooney's.
  23. Do you have continuity between ground and the transistor? can the transistor be the short itself?
  24. Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to reading about your plane search. david
  25. Hum. Well. Ahhh.... Let's see? Nope. Drawing a blank.
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