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Everything posted by hammdo

  1. I like PITAs — with my Mediterranean ;o) -Don
  2. Maxwells has the STC… -Don
  3. 88 gallons I would assume - leaves about ~190 lbs left
  4. Very GA friendly. They do see the benefit of GA - I like the idea of longer runway and expansion for more hangers. The plane wash areas would be nice to have… -Don
  5. American had that when I flew to New York all the time. Every seat first class. Loved it. Now, I hate flying commercial as everything has shrunk - now these things are cattle haulers… I sure hope I can continue to fly myself for a long time… -Don
  6. This is a study Mesquite has done for ~20 year plan the FAA requires… Pretty neat to see what they have as options… Thought I’d share… -Don https://mesquite.airportstudy.net/master-plan-documents/
  7. They work quite well too! -Don
  8. I add a correction factor of 30% as my plane is not new ;o) on really hot days, 50%. -Don
  9. Couple of flights the last 2 weekends - Hot Springs AR and Lawton OK. Plane doing fine. 1 quart in 12 hours, wife is going so I have a reason to fly places now ;o) Hot here so temps go up a bit but have been able to manage them. Hope the oil and temps continue to do well, for ~100° here, can’t complain. Looking for how to get an AP now, seems things are still behind - saving my Pennies as it were… -Don
  10. First day said M20F piper Tomahawk
  11. My repair was estimated at $1350 after he inspected things. Can vary depending on what he finds - mine looked like new afterwards… -Don
  12. Ditto for Ed, he did the same for mine… knows his stuff… -Don
  13. I’m cantankerous today…
  14. That tank sealer looked like taffy… -Don
  15. Got mine! Thanks Jimmy for doing this for us… -Don
  16. Just a bit over 1/32" — wow..
  17. https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/MayJun2024.pdf -Don
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  18. https://utpzbydab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001SbdpYPybeYMTg5NYjvA-0ra6WxIs5XnJ82OM2jhIYgUtXT2ZgZ0rHh-fMAhTkYrWQk1a3_P5NLVd9fkbHJeqG2mgTtH0YuOJrag3-0i0stuNb5a76dbNmYxJYE204p1JeHOOTwLYJYXDnYA3KN6z_o4vi-9_PhR-TcpmvrEugj3wGsOLOZu7Xt0EXC91iRVWpDCZp4zfT9hkW0kUKRD4g8mPWn46GCfIHb0xC02PWXl13hc7bZXF6vrHLRinLMWgAlKbMBxWrtg=&c=Bmrs1rJPQs0g0mLOCddnaPItTSaOSQWFHxzdolFHXCAWCvtrI1Hr-w==&ch=6bcZHyuGANQuyWKkwJpYnWkHGq5UedSXwOomQDPnYe8p6mqx85iajw== ok fine, be that way ;o) https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/06/18/2024-13342/ifr-altitudes-miscellaneous-amendments -Don
  19. Wow.. that looks nasty… -Don
  20. My CFI has flown with me and helped me get mine - King Air trainer and flys for SouthWest. He is in Lewisville TX. He may be busy but could have availability… Not sure if he’ll go that far but could ask… DM me and I’ll see if he has time for a new student. -Don
  21. Labor free though ;o) That will be like a ‘new’ M20 though when done! -Don
  22. https://m.youtube.com/@piperpainter/videos -Don
  23. Takeoff from same field: -Don
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