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Everything posted by hammdo

  1. If Lance doesn’t take them, I will… -Don
  2. Lots of fun there! -Don
  3. Started clearing up by around 9:30. If I got to Mesquite 30 minutes earlier, I could have shot 2 or 3 more. Clouds were about 5-600 ft thick.. Fun to cloud surf! -Don
  4. Approach practice this morning! Had to get up early before the ceilings lifted. Got 3 at least. Plane is doing great - almost 10 tach hours since cylinder done. Just barely under 6 qts now. Temps great, engine is running great. Need to plan another trip soon! -Don
  5. Not tried it, just assumed I had to expand since TEC routes didn’t show up. Worth a go next opportunity! -Don
  6. hammdo


    In DFW, an F was going for $200 per hour - Zulu Aviation FYI that was wet though…
  7. I have a little in my C when I preflight it. Left right test shows a bit of wiggle - no up/down though. I’ve not noticed any issues in flight and I’ve not discovered any maintenance specs for it… -Don
  8. I just load the TEC route in ForeFlight and then click the TEC route in the Flight Plan window and select expand. It will put all the waypoints in the flight plan. Then I push the plan to my Garmin (GNC 355 in my case) but if you get flight stream for the 430, you’ll be able to do the same. -Don
  9. Can’t wait to see it all together again! -Don
  10. No issues so far! -Don
  11. I use a racer mat - about an 3/4" thick 6’x2’ - at the time it was $30 but now is $66:
  12. My GDL82 is above the co-pilot pedals:
  13. I see that often. I don’t have high oil usage so it’s just the life of a lycoming. I did notice your gear door heim linkage looks like it has a bent rod… -Don
  14. Didn’t when I had mine overhauled by AeroMotors. Could look for the option at CJ Aviation https://www.mcfarlaneaviation.com/articles/cj-aviation-fuel-pumps/ -Don
  15. A few 105s from an A10 would do the trick… -Don
  16. https://www.mountainhome.af.mil/News-Photos-Videos/Article-Display/Article/3681900/innovation-cell-hosts-eloran-demonstration/ “The eLoran system is a modern take on the long-range navigation system that was used in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and it is going to be used in conjunction with GPS to help mitigate spoofing operations in contested environments”. DOD new it was an issue in January 1015: https://insidegnss.com/dod-seeks-sources-for-50000-eloran-receivers/ -Don
  17. This may help on the torque info: https://mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SBM20-200.pdf pics of disassemble valve: -Don
  18. My GNC 355 has that feature - no VOR so I’m guessing it takes ground speed and timing with known lat/long from the internal db and maybe wind speed/direction from the sensor into account… -Don
  19. https://www.collinsaerospace.com/what-we-do/industries/military-and-defense/navigation/airborne-products/attitude-and-heading-reference-system/micro-ins-mins interesting… -Don
  20. If enough room, double up the screw? on mine is the pin and set screw… -Don
  21. https://hellensystems.com/ better get this going ;o) -Don
  22. I have 1 and kept it on purpose but, no DME - that would be needed for many ‘routes’ too… I wonder how many MON VOR/ILS require DME/GPS… -Don
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