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Everything posted by Unit74

  1. Sounds like a bit of mountain wave. I’ve had that happen to where I eat uncommanded climbs and descents. I asked center for a block altitude. Actually, I told them I was going to use it it as I was unable to compensate for the changes. If they were gonna violate me, I’d have to drag Mother Nature in as a character witness.
  2. I stoped by Sat. and your A gunner told me you were out to lunch. Guess I missed the boat!
  3. Depends on what dinner looks like….
  4. Only going for one day, probably Saturday. Also hitting the Tampa Bay Rays season opener game against the Orioles on Friday. Maybe we will do Clearwater Beach on Sunday. I dunno yet.
  5. I’ve done several large-ish purchases from Chase at Avionics Source and it’s been nothing but first class service.
  6. Slide out, send in, open returned box, slide in. I suspect you might have to pay a shop to handle the transaction though, per Garmin rules.
  7. The previous version worked very well for me. This is a newer version as the last ones were a paddle-style. I put on Orions all the way around and I’m not sure what I gained.
  8. Wait till they buy another fuel load for the bulk tanks! They are still using last trucks gas.
  9. TL:DR whats the bottom line?
  10. Looks like to me Alabama refused to authorize any measurable precip and deferred to Ga. My untrained observation is that a division on this boundary is arbitrary and lacks any scientific foundation. My answer is none of the above for this reason.
  11. OP et al. If you are opposed to this guy’s flying, I suppose you are equally offended by the Red Bull circuit as well as every airshow on earth. It’s gets old listening to the holier than thou crowd. You sound more like grandma tapping on the Bible on Sunday to me.
  12. What is the purpose ? I’ve never had an option to orient an HSI like that.
  13. Exactly. I believe you would want to use BT2 if not not mistaken for audio alerts on the 450B. It might clip audio on BT1.
  14. The work around is using the EFB connected with Bluetooth with ForeFlight. You will get the full alert with bearing. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s what you have to do to get enough info to make a quick decision. Why Garmin chose not to push full capability is utterly unacceptable.
  15. I’ve bought from James. Outstanding service and couldn’t be happier.
  16. What would trigger it to switch automatically? Inquiring minds want to know!
  17. Being an owner of a JPI EDM 830, and a G3X, I’ll have to say it s a sold NO to any integration. I even offered up the 900 series and it was a solid no. Garmin EIS is it if ya want it all on the G3X. Personally, I’m more of a fan of keeping them separate. I did a lot of button pushing at OSH this year and preferred the JPI for engine data.
  18. Hangar ferries…. I blame the hangar ferries. They also tend to fix things on the plane as well.
  19. Right. But if I’m gonna go down that road, I’ll bite the bullet and go EIS on my G3X. Trying to do it on the cheap is a tough nut to crack.
  20. I agree. I was researching this recently because I want to put in Cies senders. No dice. My JPI EDM-830 won’t display fuel levels. Of course, it will show fuel used and fuel remaining. But no way to tell which tank said fuel resides in.
  21. I use a genUwine Marine Corps BAG, HELMET, AVIATOR, 1 Each. Have done so for 20 years. I’ve got a couple of them.
  22. Let’s hope Garmin can take care of the backlog of orders by then. If you don’t already have the boxes, I have serious doubts about your install date.
  23. Looks like the one Jim Jung Un was flying in DPRK a few years ago.
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