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Everything posted by Unit74

  1. You leave the doors unlocked as well?
  2. Trek and a couple other Garmin techs browse there. One handle called Garmin Support is used by at least two of them that I know. Trek answers under his own name. He is a supervisor.
  3. The above statement about one time use is patently false.
  4. https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/equipadsb/adapt/
  5. You can use it a many times as you need. It’s up to the controlling ATC to approve or disapproval. You gonna tell a Cub pilot under a Class C shelf he can only fly out once and never come back? I suspect that if you abuse it as a means not to equip they may get wise and put the squeeze on you though.
  6. Sure there is. It’s easy-peasie. https://sapt.faa.gov/adapt-start.php
  7. Look on Craigslist for an O2 cylinder, buy a trans fill or build one yourself. That’s what I did after finding it impossible to get a fill on a small tank. FBOs do it sometimes and an obscene price. I’ve been on the same welding tank for 3 years. $50/exchange and not a single question asked. ABO? Give me a F-fin break. Script? You must be kidding me? That’s like needing a script for a freaking a glass of water. Only the ignorant are buying “ABO”.
  8. Hope that shipping price is in pesos.
  9. I don’t think it’s the storm that’s gonna get killt.
  10. I agree with this. I run a 5 station with the two adults on the 02D2 and the riff-raff on the canulas if they will keep them on. Otherwise, its sleepy time. AL647 lasts a long time.
  11. I was between Freeport and Eleuthera At 15.5ft, pitched 10 deg nose down and doing 150kts climbing at 900fps. First time I really had that feeling I was in trouble. About 4 min later I came out the other side. I don’t know what alt I ended up as I was too focused on flying at the time, but I did tell ATC I was in an uncontrolled climb. also got into mtn wave eastbound between TN and NC. That was smooth as butter and less startling. Got very turbulent on the backside of it though.
  12. An often misunderstood quote, used for an alternate meaning from the original.
  13. Neither do I, nor should anyone for that matter.
  14. I bought a backup WX10A about a year ago. Living in the south, real weather info to supplement ADSB is a winner. For instance, last week I had TShR in the area and ADSB was painting it over my destination. The 10A was painting it east of my location. Upon arrival, it was clear. Happens more often than I think it should. point being, I think the onboard strike finders are solid equipment worth fixing if onboard radar is not possible.
  15. What some of you guys saying Does not makes sense. Those who are saying not to get GPS fail to understand that if he loses the onboard GPS stream, it’s all dead. If he bought the cell version the airplane icon still flies so to speak. You lose ADHRS of course, but speed track, direction altitude all remain. I really think buying the cell enabled version is prudent, even if you do not activate it. Heck, I’ve taken it on commercial flights and had it flying just like the big boys, sans an AI. Just get a window seat so you get a line of sight to the constellation.
  16. Fair enough Lance. I was unaware of the Mooney-specific requirements. I fly a TIO-540 S1AD. Is there something specific about that engine triggering the reduced filter changes?
  17. Lycoming recommends 50 hours Lance. Doing a oil filter swap mid cycle has zero value in my opinion. A dump and pour does have value. That’s my opinion, and I am satisfied with it. I was doing filters at 25 for a while and saw no value in it upon inspections. APs concurred that a 25 hour filter is excessive unless you just want to feel good about it on a healthy engine. My current mechanic runs a very successful and busy shop, and builds engines as well. I trust their opinions, not necessarily internet conjecture.
  18. I’ve had this convo with three APs who work on my plane. They all concur that a filter change at 25 is a waste of time and money. A dump and pour at 25 is a fine approach. But if someone just does not feel like that works for them, I have no problem with them spending their money.
  19. 25 hours on oil, 50 hours on a filter. I fly a TC Lycoming.
  20. You can say that again!
  21. Also forgot to mention, Halos are on sale right now $40 off through the 3oth of April. https://www.quiettechnologies.com/
  22. Sorta same-same. Mine didn't want the hassle of putting on Halos but complained about her ears hurting after wearing DCs. One flight begrudgingly on Halos and I now don't say a word and she grabs them. She will be the first one to tell you, the black ones are hers, not mine. I get the yellow ones because they are ugly.
  23. I’ve been married 20 years. You?
  24. You said you are a purist then go on to tell us your coffee is out of a can. If you mentioned you had a Gene Cafe and buy from Sweet Maria’s, I would have believed you.
  25. Might be an OK deal if it was free.
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