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Everything posted by Unit74

  1. Fear mongering has been a very effective tactic of certain leans for decades. The stchic? Make bold claims with no basis in fact to influence uneducated populations to adopt the person or groups goals. The more noise you make, the more valid the claims must be. Thus, it must be true! When faced with real data, deny, redirect and make counter accusations, again, with no basis in fact. It’s worked great for them, especially in areas where the population is easily influenced and manipulated.
  2. 150 is worth way more than 20k these days. Extremely tempting to enter.
  3. There are several overhaul shops in the United States fully capable of taking care of this problem. In addition, they OH sell units as well if the shipping yours across the world is not desirable on your time frame needs. Some that come to mind are: https://rudyaircraftinstruments.com https://flyaqi.com Or you could always just purchase a new DG. or like others mentioned, step up to a digital HSI like a Garmin display.
  4. I assume you guys are following this thread as well.
  5. I use Radar Scope Pro at home. It gives raw data, unsmoothed which I believe gives a more accurate picture. I’m not a huge fan of how FF manipulates the radar product at all.
  6. Are you a veteran or have one in the family who will buy for you? Apple will give you a discount if so. https://www.apple.com/shop/browse/home/veterans_military
  7. Wish it was a slide in replacement. Seems that if you are going after the form factor, it makes sense ala GNS - IDF or GMA - PMA 450. I suspect they would sell well if it was so. I have an SL30 and if it goes out, I’ll go GNC 255B. But if the Trig was a slide in, I’d take it for the savings in labor and downtime no question.
  8. So the problem was because of your equipment, not theirs correct?
  9. You won’t regret it. Expensive, yes. But worth it.
  10. Because scammers cruise the WTBs knowing you are more likely to bite. It’s a very well known approach, and fraught with copious amounts of stories just like yours. Buyer must be extremely aware as it’s easy to get duped.
  11. Posting a WTB is nothing more than an invitation to get scammed. Like Crack, just don’t do it.
  12. It’s more like when you hit a big hand on the craps table and toss the dealer a $10 chip tip. If you think CA is gonna let 97b slip through their hands, I’ve got beachfront property in Arizona I’d like to sell you.
  13. I run an O2D2 for the front seats and the 3 in the back back get cannulas. I generally run around mid teens if I’m going somewhere. I’ve kicked around getting another D2 but so far, it has been a nonissue. I bought a welding tank, the big one, off Craigslist and then did an exchange at Airgas. I have the trans fill, single tank set up from Mtn High and fill sloooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy with the tanks resting in a bucket of water. This has worked very well for me over the course of the last 5 years. The Transfill was the most expensive part on the supply side with the D2 being the most expensive. I say if you are getting into the O2 scene, buy once, cry once. But get the O2D2 set up/combo from Mtn High and stop worrying about it.
  14. Cheap, garage sale scanner aught to do juuuust fine. They are cheap. You can also fab up a home brew antenna on a mag mount to get good reception whilst the bonnet is closed. That’s what I’d do if economy was a primary factor.
  15. Whoever created the Ven diagram just commented. I quoted below: ”What the holly hell is the FAA trying to do. This is unsolvable!”
  16. Do you want to be a BK customer is the first question I’d be asking. The TT under their own tent was a winner. Under the BK umbrella after what they did to their dealers? Hard pass.
  17. It’s not ad valorum guys. That’s on vehicles and a one time fee. Aircraft are assessed in Ga. as personal property and paid to the county where the plane is stored, hangared, mostly parked, visits most the time, etc. I just spent 30 min in my county tax office trying to explain to them my situation with an AOG in a different state. They said that sucks, but the plane is still registered here and you are a county resident, so pay up. If you owned a boat, and it was in another state on Jan 1st, it’s not assessed. I guess “Break Out Another Thousand” is somehow different than an airplane as far as where it is and what it can do. So most boat owners move the boat, make sure to buy gas for it, or have a service receipt out of state and voilà, no property tax. But if your plane is out of state, even in another country on Jan 1st, pay up as location is irrelevant on planes.
  18. Pivot has Mini 6 cases. I’m holding it my hand right now. GLWS.
  19. there are two models of pulse demand O2D2. The first gen is more “ analog” if you will and the Gen 2 is more user friendly.
  20. I am very happy with my Mtn High set up. Carbon fiber tank, O2D2-G2 for the front half of the house and cannulas running off the other three ports for the back half of the house. Im up high, on O2 fairly often as I like to cruise mid teens. I looked at all the company’s before I bought and I much prefer the Mtn High regulator; the demand air system is perfect.
  21. Don’t forget the Rockefeller center.
  22. That’s where I got caught in it as well. 15 minutes worth.
  23. Gaston’s without question. I’ve had my hunky clunky PA32 in there a few times. If I can do it, a Mooney certainly can. Just be aware of density altitude and you are GTG. if convenience is the goal, KLIT is very close to downtown and the river district. Hotels, food, night life all in a walking distance. Hot Springs is also an excellent choice but I’m not as keen on the hotel situation. FWIW, I used to live and work all over AR.
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