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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. Also not tracking, but to keep with the spirit, can you cite an example of an A&P who’s license was yanked for their Lycoming 4 cylinder theory, and what that theory was?
  2. Get there itis. HALT - hungry, angry, lonely, tired. Ready for that worm.
  3. Consider face punched.
  4. I would punch the face of anyone who inquired about the legal status of my sun visor. Be it an IA during annual or the FAA president himself. ok maybe not but would be thinking about it
  5. @201er please explain the commercial aspect of a glider. Is it just instruction? Or “glider rides” for hire?
  6. If you Want to haul 5k lbs (I know, you’re exaggerating), don’t look at Mooney. There are no “six seat” models. If you want to get there fast and efficient, look at Mooney. I know a lot of the Bahamas crowd is transporting folks friends and family to and froe, and gear a lot down there and they decide for slower, less fuel efficient, but high end of the useful load spectrum. (Cessna 210, Cherokee six, etc).
  7. I’ve never fully grasped why some things require safety wire and others do not. Case in point, mag clamps. Why would this not be something that is saftied? Any feedback here?
  8. I think the sharp criticism is warranted. These MFG’s are in the government fighting business. “Don’t yell at them, it’s tough working with the FAA, you don’t understand”. This is the line of work they chose. Unfortunately, you don’t beat the giant with soft spoken words of encouragement. Up and comers have to operate with violent tenacity and undeterred will. My favorite example of this, Elon Musk coming into the car business and the rocket business at the same time. A real David vs Goliath entrance. (This is my attempt at words of inspirational encoureagement for those fighting the good fight) Alas, the path of lesser resistance is likely the one which prevails in this endeavor. Hopefully everyone will have waisted their time in legacy certification, and MOSAIC will come along and make it all in vain with experimental-like rules. Or at least one can dream.
  9. I am not a big three-blade prop fan boy. I think they look kinda dumb. But THAT... the quad... looks bad ass.
  10. I queried the group about the difference between D2000 and D3000 and didn’t yield much. Best I can tell it’s a different casing?
  11. What is a glare shield instrument removal?
  12. A friend of mine is going for every rating possible. No idea if it’s economically possible. Air Ship? And there are some other strange ones.
  13. Not sure I’m following your logic. I’ve left the ground with a 100% leak free engine and landed 4 hours later with oil everywhere. Having more oil than less was better in this case. I didn’t know I was losing it and I did not make a precautionary landing. I just flew, landed, and then appreciated having a greater quantity of oil from the beginning. Ya dig?
  14. Another point to consider, if you spring an oil leak from any of the common leak points, you’re better protected from critical level. Not arguing for or against, just something I consider when deciding on quantity.
  15. JFK jr did it.
  16. I went last year, cameras rolling, fun approach, came in too high, went around, good experience captured on film for review and discussion..... to find on review “memory card full”. Go pro stopped recording just prior to descent. Ugh. Take some pics for me so I can claim them as my own.
  17. While I appreciate the attempt at bringing traffic to the website, and promise of Mooney culture.... nothing is worse than advertising an intent and then completely failing to execute (sound familiar). Case in point, the full time Mooney of the month, the coffee mugs, and zero responses from Mooney on the form designed to interact. I understand it’s strange times and still working out the kinks of staffing etc but I’d have preferred a “website under construction” page for several months rather than a fall on face launch which seems so far, it’s just that.
  18. A friend of mine took their C177 Cardinal to annual inspection last month. They went to pick it up yesterday at the shop. After a thorough pre-flight inspection, the pilot noticed a noise when manipulating the elevator (stabilator). Upon closer inspection, this is what was found. Right out of "inspection". Y'all stay vigilant out there!!! IMG_9948.mov
  19. My original book got left in a back pack in the back of my truck when it rained, so I got a "new logbook" pretty early after it was water logged. LOL
  20. Welcome aboard JB. Lurker turned contributor. There are several similar posts of recent, people looking. All the usual responses. Good thing you’re retired, it will be a part time job of savage hunting. Quick on the hop, learn what you’re looking for as quickly as possible, go look at some to know what you’re NOT looking for. I spent 8 months hunting every day before mine popped up in 2018. Every day, 2-3 times per day, calling, writing, looking, emailing etc. knowing precisely (within reason) what your looking for helps. Or, hire a broker to do that work for you. That was my experience anyway.
  21. The internet is not for finding answers, it’s for finding clues. You take those clues, test them against your own knowledge or findings, and verify against people/places/things that you trust.
  22. I have a G2 as well. Great product.
  23. I will have a life long resentment against AOPA finance. The banker they put me with said point blank “you can’t afford an airplane.” After lecturing him with a sharp tongue, I hung up on him, went thru EAA’s preferred vendors, had the money right away, and never missed a beat. I’ve also barred any banks that denied me capital loans in starting my business the opportunity of ever getting any of my future business. One of my petty grudges I choose to keep up. =) end rant
  24. The fact that FAA hasn’t made certification for modern engine gauges a simple process is one of the most frustrating things. Lose attitude indication- might die. Lose airspeed indication, might die. Auto pilot malfunction/trim, might die. Lose RPM reading, shrug shoulders and fix as soon as practical. Lose fuel level, same. Lose MP, same. Lose oil pressure, cautiously land. WTF? EDM 830- not certified. Insight products, etc etc. Tell me those aren’t as good as the trash still existing in the retro fleet. I’ll wait.
  25. No no, not the question of whether the sag is right or wrong. I have no clue. He asked about a good AP in Southeast FL.
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