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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. I need to get an oxygen rig it sounds like; with you other J’s rippin on up there. All other factors aside, the bumpy air in the hot southeast would be nice to regularly avoid. If not for my own sake, the passengers going for the puke bag.
  2. Just go with a glassy water landing
  3. I use Novus, brillianize, prist, wash/wax all. They are all good for different coatings. Bugs vs pollen vs dust vs whatever. There is no one size fits all, just don’t rub dirt in without ample rinsing or dabbing when not available.
  4. Where the handheld mic used to hang, exists the racking hook. The D ring fits perfectly. Also, for those concerned about battery, you can leave it on all the time and it’ll still last over a year.
  5. +1 for weather spork. I fly pretty conservative with weather to this point, but it’s got great visuals and the data is drawn from the legit sources. I try to embrace new weather opportunities when it’s clear there is safe escape within a reasonable distance. Not a turbo driver but endorsing the spork plug.
  6. Paging @Blue on Top for his missing contribution here.
  7. What kind of lazy ass bum quits so quickly that he can’t even finish a one day job before closing his doors? Corralling the parts is the long part. I feel like there’s more to the story.
  8. Curious if anyone will select instruction. Seems like one of those things you wouldn’t know until after you start. Arguably just an offshoot of “commercial” as well.
  9. It is a recreational sport in Texas to mow down the hogs from a helo with an AR15
  10. Paging @gsxrpilot
  11. Maybe it has to deal with horselubber grasshoppers or palo verde beetles or similar critters Texas hog control
  13. I’ve seen that guy chime in on the Mooney Pilots Facebook group. I figured it was just a nickname or alias but turns out he had creative parents.
  14. Ever notice a twitchy oil pressure reading below 6 quarts? I made a cautionary landing under these conditions about a year ago. It was turning from daylight to dark, the factory cylinder head temp gauge has always been twitchy, and I had a lit runway directly beneath me. To this day, I don’t know if it was oil level, if my eyes were playing tricks, or if what my eyes saw was the known cylinder head twitchy gauge. Never seen it since on the oil pressure. Will never know.
  15. Seems like they wouldn’t broadcast what could be useful information for a would-be bad actor, such as route and altitude, over a public broadcast. I guess I’ve never thought about it but I would have thought they’d simply clear the space, give a classified block altitude along each segment, and move everybody else. Hm.
  16. It’s a great place to store skittles and M&M’s if you get hungry on a long weather layover.
  17. A) you don’t need anything but an iPad and internets before you take off for electronic charts. B- flightstream won’t do anything for you except allows you to transfer your flight plan in ForeFlight to your your gps box without spinning knobs. The integration between ForeFlight and a 430 however, seems problematic in my assumption. C) a stratus portable box will give you Bluetooth connectivity to your iPad for traffic, weather, and Ahrs signals. You’re already good to go on the “out” via your 335
  18. Yeah, I don’t think you have to look very far. No turn signal, no tag, no auto insurance, illegal dimensions, failure to maintain lane, no mud flaps, and on and on and on. But, I’m sure there’s plenty of friendlies out there. Best to ask forgiveness and don’t wreck anything while your there.
  19. I have been pondering this chicken vs egg scenario, and your experience may help, but how did the lifter faces look? Does lifter destroy cam every time or does cam ever destroy lifter?
  20. My sentiments exactly. I am making the same decision but not go around the world with it, just over to the Bahamas Not even close to similar, you’re only out of gliding range for about 10-15 minutes between Florida and the Bahamas. I only point this out bc I want to emphasize how easy this flight is for those on the fence for this reason. It’s a great adventure with IMO only a moderate risk. Less risky in many ways than flying around highly populated cities.
  21. I think you’re safe to assume 95% of stimmy checks will be used to purchase goods. America, the land of debt, isn’t savvy enough to actually use it to pay down debt. Instead, they will use the funds to purchase foreign goods adding to the record high trade deficit.
  22. I know a couple will honor the show discounts before and after the show if you tell them your intent. Just call them and ask
  23. To me, your getting full value restoration for $6k. At half life now, that is +$15,000 in value for an additional $6k spent. Nobody will care that you opened it up if it wasn’t overhauled. From a valuation standpoint. I just went through this, and even though I don’t plan on getting rid of it, It felt silly to not capitalize on the single existing scenario for an airplane that I could spend money and it actually reflect and exceed what it did to the valuation of my asset.
  24. Walt if you’re going to do an oil change, I’ve got some Blackstone oil jars in the hangar. I would like to know if there are any funky spikes from the sample in the event it’s not a reproduceable one off phenomena.
  25. Good, now I know for certain there is at least one engine out of my way for a hopefully soon completion.
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