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Everything posted by warren.huisman

  1. I am also planning to fly there on Wednesday (LJF actually, but it's close). Generally, airplanes like the cold but I have to admit I am a little worried that the oil temps will be too low. Flying yesterday only yielded 170 deg - is that a problem?
  2. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture . I put some gasket material over it to help it stay in place. Been trying to figure out where to find a replacement as this solution is probably temporary. I guess I'll be putting in a phone call to JPI. At least I'll get to experience there customer service first hand. A EDM-900 should fit right in. Why are they so expensive compared to the 830s? Doesn't seem to do much more. The I-phone RPM app looks interesting. Any experience in an airplane in flight?
  3. Root cause seems to be the rpm sensor. It came out of its housing when I was checking the terminations. Pushed it back it and it works. Not sure how long before it comes out again [emoji848] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I have kind of a weird scenario which does not make sense to me. Flew the airplane today and was not getting RPM readings in flight. I have noticed that if I lower the RPM to around 2200 RPM, it will bounce between 3-600 and 2200(ish). Any higher RPM, it was displaying the tach time (engine hours) of the airplane. (I have a VM1000 which displays the tach time (engine hours) when the engine is off. ) Once on the ground, the tach was working perfectly. I even did a run up to ~2400 RPM on the ground and it was fine. The tach time (engine hours) is not increasing correctly either. The manual says the engine time will accumulate when the engine is running above 1500 RPM. Seems like a loose connection or bad RPM pick-up but why would it work on the ground? Looking for ideas
  5. Also interested in a MVP-50 upgrade. Currently have a VM1000.
  6. Sounds like a decent price. Someone with some fabrication skills could make this work for a Mooney quite easily I think. I have the same one (basically) that fits a Mooney. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 99% of the time this is my experience too. ATC is generally a very helpful bunch.
  8. is the EA100 still available? If so, would you accept lower?
  9. Leather wrapping yokes really isn’t that hard. I did the yokes in a Cherokee a couple of years ago. [/img]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Me too... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. No worries. My tail strobe is not working. Not sure how to tell if it is the bulb or the power supply. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Are these still for sale? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Is this really a dehumidifier of simply a heater? Looks interesting.
  14. I went out to the hangar today and what I found made me wonder if the question is not to leave the heat on all the time or not but other circumstances that we may or may not have control over. Last week and this weekend has been cold and wet. Rain, snow, rain,..... Today, it started to warm up. When I opened the cabin door, it was very humid in the cabin. Moisture on the inside of the windows. Of course the cabin is "sealed" up with the door closed so what moisture that was in there was basically trapped. It is my habit, in the winter, to install the engine cover and propeller cover just before I leave. The engine is usually still warm. This is potentially bad for the engine I think. The amount of moisture contained in the warm air is probably "trapped" under the thermal blanket and therefore will simply condense. What are your guys thoughts on this? I think I will leave the thermal blanket off now until I start the pre-heat so the engine can acclimate to the environment. I may even leave the window open in the cabin to get some ventilation. Thoughts?
  15. I am wondering if anyone was able to get 406 antenna mounted under the dorsal fin?
  16. The engine would stumble on the right mag. This is what I found while troubleshooting this. It appears that the globe of metal is shorting the plug. Looks almost like solder. What causes this to happen? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Not seeing any significant differences on the engine monitor. It has the single drive, dual mag on this one. I think I’ll try swapping the plugs left mag and right mag and see if it follows them or stays with the mag. Not many other components I don’t think[emoji848]. Less than 200 hours on the mag since overhaul. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Well, the static issue is still ongoing . I have changed the ignition harness because it was recommended by the repair shop and i was getting some "stumbling" with the right Mag with a Mag check in flight. The rough engine on the right Mag is still there with the new harness. I don't have the issue on the ground at 2000 RPM - only in the air. Any ideas? Mag issue? Spark plug(s)? I have fine wire plugs but not sure of the age.
  19. Where are you hangared and would you consider an owner assisted annual?
  20. It seems this has been discussed many times with different opinions. I'm gonna watch this one because it seems logical to me to use a heater all of the time as long as a cowl blanket is used.
  21. We purchased an engine cover from macsairplanecovers on ebay for the Cherokee a couple of year ago. Its a guy in Northern Michigan who makes them. Not sure he has patterns for a Mooney but I would check. If I didn't have two Tannis covers for the Mooney already, i would be checking with him. I think I like his cover better than the Tannis.
  22. Thanks for the information. He does a nice job explaining the ground loop phenomena. I'll keep you posted if this solves the issue. fingers crossed.
  23. If i understand correctly, they are only able to make the static go away by powering off the Aspen. I believe the other avionics except 530 and audio panel are also powered down. They swapped the Aspen with one from the mechanics plane with the same results. So, i doubt it is the Aspen but something associated with it (wiring, etc)
  24. Well, the issue is not yet resolved. It appears that the noise goes away when the aspen is shut down. They found some improperly grounded and shielded wires but so far has not yielded any better results . It still does it with the engine off.
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